MSNBC's Johnson: Trump Is 'Half a Rally Away from Using the N-Word'

March 13th, 2018 1:42 AM

On Monday's Hardball show, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Pennsylvania, race-obsessed MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson declared that President Trump is "half a rally away from just using the N-word," and likened him to slave master Calvin Candie from the movie Django Unchained.



After MSNBC host Chris Matthews wondered why Trump had derided California Democratic Rep. and frequent Trump critic Maxine Waters as "low-IQ," Johnson responded:

He's half a rally away from just using the N-word. It's that basic. He's half a rally away from just calling somebody the N-word, and then everyone's going to pretend that they're shocked, and everybody on The Apprentice is going to say, "He used it all the time -- that's what he does." He has a hostility and an anger towards women of color.

The Root politics editor soon added:

His relationship with black women is similar to his relationship with women in general, okay, If black women aren't working for him, and they aren't there to serve him in some personal way, he's basically Calvin Candie. He is angry and hostile towards women.

After Matthews asked who Calvin Candie is, Johnson clarified: "He's the guy from Django [played by Leonardo diCaprio]. He was the slave holder in Django."