Since the Rev. Jeremiah Wright revelations first shook the Obama campaign, one of America's so-called foremost civil rights leaders has been conspicuously silent about the subject.
With this in mind, Fox News producer Griff Jenkins went to the Take Back America convention in Washington, D.C., Wednesday to get Jesse Jackson's opinions about the controversy that virtually everyone in America is talking about.
Sadly, the Reverend wasn't interested in answering any of Jenkins' questions on this matter (video available here courtesy our friend Ms Underestimated):
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: So far, Reverend Jackson has been silent about the Reverend Wright controversy, so FOX News producer Griff Jenkins asked him about it at the far left Take Back America convention in D.C.
GRIFF JENKINS, FOX NEWS PRODUCER: So reverend, do you condemn Reverend Wright's words? I mean, six days after 9/11, he talked about our chickens are coming home to roost.
JACKSON: I'm really not going to address any of that now, frankly, because I think to cede into it is to expand it. And I'm struggling as others are to put the focus on the war, the focus on the economic alliance, the focus on poverty, which is crippling and growing, the focus on the impact of the health insurance crisis for working people.
JENKINS: But we can't deny the controversy it's caused.
JACKSON: Well, indeed it is.
JENKINS: Do you condemn Reverend Wright's comments?
JACKSON: But you do have a choice as to which you're going to speak, what your priorities are. And you'll hear my priorities today. Thank you.
JENKINS: So you won't condemn Reverend Wright's comments?
Apparently not. Moments later, Jenkins was accosted by someone clearly not pleased with his presence at the convention:
How pleasant.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're talking about...
JENKINS: Who are you with? Who are you? Who are you?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm just asking a question. I'm just asking a question. No, no, asking a question. What's a fair question? I'm a citizen. So tell me why aren't you talking to people -- why aren't you talking about the Bob Jones people that want to have racial separation?
JENKINS: Why don't you let me do my job?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no, I'm doing my job. Go ahead, answer the question, FOX News.
JENKINS: I'm going to ask you again.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Answer the question, FOX News.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't touch me. Answer the question, FOX News.
JENKINS: This is unnecessary.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Answer the question, FOX News.
JENKINS: That's unnecessary.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, what's the matter, FOX News, answer the question?
JENKINS: This guy is harassing me.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Answer the question, FOX News.
JENKINS: I'm not going to -- I don't have to put up with this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Answer the question, FOX News.
JENKINS: Ask a fair question.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm asking you a fair question.
JENKINS: He answered my questions. I don't need to be harassed.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Answer the question, FOX News.
JACKSON: Please don't. Please don't.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm just asking the question. I want to ask a question.
JACKSON: Please don't. Please don't. Please don't.
JENKINS: Thank you very much.