The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: October 27 to November 2

November 3rd, 2007 10:28 AM

George Bush: A Reverse Grinch?

"The Early Show" may be last in the ratings for the network morning shows, but the program is no slouch on the bias front. This week, co-host Julie Chen hyperventilated about the recent lead scare over toys from China. She lectured the head of the Consumer Product Safety Board, "American parents are upset, they're frightened, they feel like their Halloween and their Christmas is now ruined....Are you going to resign?" So, the Bush administration is some sort of reverse grinch, bringing lead flavored toys to kids for Christmas?

Young Kids With a Dream

By contrast, "Early Show" host Harry Smith found the Clintons to be a "still-young couple" and "political rock stars." (He asserted this while interviewing the author of a new book on Bill and Hillary.) Smith continued this theme while talking to 2008 candidate John Edwards about his opponent. The CBS journalist claimed that the "harsh" Edwards couldn't "chip away" at the New York Senator. He gushed, "This woman's got numbers, she's got money, she's got name recognition. I mean, how do you begin to even chip away at that?"

That Crazy Guy is Making Sense

After Thursday's Democratic debate, a wild-eyed left-wing protestor stormed the MSNBC stage where Chris Matthews was talking with campaign strategist Joe Trippi. The young man screamed, "No more blood for oil!" After security hauled the protestor out, Matthews quipped, "Well, I agreed with the sentiment at least."

Obama's Speech Writer

Perhaps viewers shouldn't be surprised that Matthews is agreeing with far-left protestors. The cable host isn't even pretending to be fair anymore. On Monday, he read a campaign "speech" that he wrote for Barack Obama!