Steven Petrow, the Washington Post’s LGBT political correctness czar (and occasional advice columnist) wrote one of those annoying liberal columns about “surviving” Thanksgiving with the haters titled “How LGBT people can survive Thanksgiving in a President-elect Trump world.”
Earth to liberals: If you have to "survive" it like it's a virtual waterboarding session, skip it. Petrow preached:
It deeply saddens me that so many LGBT people need help getting through a holiday that symbolizes gratitude and community, but I’m not going to sugarcoat this election’s impact on people of color, immigrants, women, the LGBT community and others. Sure, it helps (a little) knowing Trump’s win doesn’t represent the majority of American voters. (Hillary Clinton is currently ahead by 1.4 million votes in the popular count.) But it’s dispiriting to think that more than 61 million Americans did choose him — and next week, they’re coming for dinner.
While I know not everyone who voted for Trump is biased, one post-election tweet spoke a commonly held truth among many in my community:
“Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn’t a dealbreaker. End of story.”
You can substitute “homophobic,” “transphobic,” “xenophobic,” or “Islamphobic” for “racist” and come to the same conclusion. Thus the raw, bloody feelings of so many in the LGBT community — and now we’re expected to serve up an attitude of gratitude along with sweet potatoes and green bean casserole?
This is the kind of arrogance that ruins dinner: vote for Trump, and it must be because you're stuffed full of "phobias." Isn't it fascinating that gay liberals are so concerned about people being "Islamophobic" while ISIS throws gays off the top of buildings? Not to mention that horror in Orlando.
Petrow gives his "community" permission to skip any family interaction:
For some of us, that’s really challenging advice to follow because of how disrespected we feel by Trump and the GOP and how fearful we are of what’s to come in a Trump administration.
If that sounds familiar, you have my permission to take a pass on this year’s family Thanksgiving. “The best thing I’ve ever done was to skip the blood relations stress fest . . . and have a Thanksgiving with my queer friends and family,” a friend suggested.
He also suggested that if your family aren't truly toxic conservative haters, you could instead be a model czar of political correctness and be a "lifeline" and a role model for the next LGBT generation:
But if you decide to attend, go and be out and proud — especially if you’ll have an opportunity to be a role model for kids who might be present. “You might be a lifeline to one of these kids,” explained Lynn York, a fellow writer. “Your ability to be present and to express your views in a civil manner — that might be life-changing or maybe even lifesaving. That’s worth a few hours of pumpkin pie and social torture.”
It's funny how they can't imagine their viewpoint is never "social torture" for anyone else.