New Black Panther Party Leader Calls Michelle Malkin a ‘Political Prostitute’

April 15th, 2007 1:48 PM

In the midst of the Don Imus/Rutgers women’s basketball team controversy, one would think that calling a woman a prostitute, or any similar epithet on the air, would be so inexcusable that it would meet with extraordinary media outrage.

After all, if you did a Google news search of the name Don Imus, it would generate almost 15,000 stories about the controversial radio host. The phrase "Nappy-headed hos" garnered almost 10,000 results.

Yet, when the New Black Panther Party leader Malik Shabazz called Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin a “political prostitute” on Thursday’s “O’Reilly Factor,” the media largely ignored the event. In fact, a Google news search of his name identified that only one major media outlet reported this outrageous comment, albeit at the USA Today Online Politics blog.

Regardless of the double standard, here is the disgraceful segment of this interview which coincidentally occurred within hours of Imus being fired by CBS Radio for his comments (video available here, h/t Hot Air):

MALKIN: And, last May, one of your members said to Reade Seligmann, one of the Duke lacrosse players -- quote -- that he was a "dead man walking."

You're not going to apologize for that?

SHABAZZ: First of all, I can't confirm that's true.

Will you apologize for being a political prostitute for Bill O'Reilly, a white male chauvinist racist, as a woman of color?

MALKIN: You're calling -- you want to call me a whore on national TV?

SHABAZZ: A political -- yes, a political...

MALKIN: There's only one whore on this split-screen, and it's you, Mr. Shabazz.

SHABAZZ: As a woman of color, you should be ashamed for being a mouthpiece...

MALKIN: You should be ashamed of yourself...

SHABAZZ: ... for a male chauvinist racist Bill O'Reilly.

MALKIN: ... for profiting off of your racial poison.

SHABAZZ: You should be ashamed of yourself for defending and being a spokesman for Bill O'Reilly...

Amazing. Now, remember that this happened at virtually the same time CBS Radio was firing Imus. And this wasn’t newsworthy given the extraordinary media attention given to the Rutgers controversy? Why?

For the record, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann did report this on Friday's "Countdown" giving Shabazz the silver medal in his "Worst Person in the World" segment (video available here). Unfortunately, and quite deliciously, as reported by Hot Air, the screen capture Olbermann presented as Shabazz was actually talk show host Opio Sokoni. How spectacular.

What follows is a full transcript of this segment.

MICHELLE MALKIN FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR, “O’REILLY FACTOR” GUEST HOST: In the "Factor Follow-Up" segment tonight: As you may know, the attorney general of North Carolina has dropped all charges against three Duke lacrosse players who were accused of rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping last spring.

When that happened, the New Black Panther Party descended on the Duke campus, demanding justice.


MALIK SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY LEADER: We will be here from gavel to gavel, to when the final jury verdict is read. And we demand and are pursuing that this jury verdict come back guilty against the accused.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's right. That's right.

SHABAZZ: It should come back what?


SHABAZZ: It should come back what?


SHABAZZ: How do you find the two defendants -- the three defendants in this case?



MALKIN: When the case started to fall apart, Malik Shabazz, the general counsel of the Panthers, entered the no-spin zone.


SHABAZZ: I never said they were guilty of rape. I said they were guilty. And I still stand -- say that this case is a strong case for sexual assault, kidnapping, charges that can and probably will lead these young men -- leave these young men behind prison walls.


BILL O'REILLY, HOST: And, if the case is dropped, will that indicate to you that society is racist?

SHABAZZ: It will prove to me that Mike Nifong doesn't know what he is doing.


MALKIN: Mr. Shabazz joins us from Washington.

Good evening.

What do you have to say for yourself now, Mr. Shabazz?

SHABAZZ: I have to say that I am disappointed in the terrible performance of Mike Nifong, that the victim, who -- Kim, the accuser in this case, is a real victim here.

And I still believe that something criminally went wrong in that house, and this case was botched by prosecutors in this case. So, I will not apologize. And I will not apologize in my defense of black women, who have been raped and abused by white men. Over 1,600,000 black women have been sexually assaulted and raped by white men since we came here on slave ships. None of them have been prosecuted.

I will not apologize for defending black women.

MALKIN: You are not going to apologize to the Duke lacrosse team that you smeared, that you convicted? Didn't you hear the North Carolina attorney general's statement? Didn't you hear that they had said...

SHABAZZ: Didn't I hear...

MALKIN: ... that they're -- the evidence is that there was no attack? What exactly...


SHABAZZ: I didn't hear that. I didn't hear that.

I am a criminal defense attorney. Many clients that I have had, the cases have been dropped against them. But I can't say that nothing went wrong. What I hear is political pressure, that a powerful white university, with powerful rich white defendants against a poor black woman, the case has been thrown out.

But Nifong didn't interview the witness and charge the case properly. Nifong...

MALKIN: Nifong.

SHABAZZ: ... didn't give exculpatory evidence to the defense. It is Nifong who botched this case.

MALKIN: Nifong.

SHABAZZ: And all women who will bring sexual assault charges in the future are adversely affected by this. So, the accuser is a victim here as well.

No, I do not apologize. Duke University has said that this lacrosse team has been engaging in rowdy, drunken and lewd behavior. And several of these defendants who were let off yesterday have already been convicted of criminal charges of other natures. So, no, I do not apologize.

MALKIN: Mr. Shabazz, you -- Mr. Shabazz, you and your so-called party -- How many members do you have, 15? -- have made a career out of stoking racial demagoguery.

SHABAZZ: Let me say this. Let me say this. I would much rather be a member...

MALKIN: Can I ask a question first, sir?

SHABAZZ: Go right ahead.

MALKIN: And, last May, one of your members said to Reade Seligmann, one of the Duke lacrosse players -- quote -- that he was a "dead man walking."

You're not going to apologize for that?

SHABAZZ: First of all, I can't confirm that's true.

Will you apologize for being a political prostitute for Bill O'Reilly, a white male chauvinist racist, as a woman of color?

MALKIN: You're calling -- you want to call me a whore on national TV?

SHABAZZ: A political -- yes, a political...

MALKIN: There's only one whore on this split-screen, and it's you, Mr. Shabazz.

SHABAZZ: As a woman of color, you should be ashamed for being a mouthpiece...

MALKIN: You should be ashamed of yourself...

SHABAZZ: ... for a male chauvinist racist Bill O'Reilly.

MALKIN: ... for profiting off of your racial poison.

SHABAZZ: You should be ashamed of yourself for defending and being a spokesman for Bill O'Reilly...

MALKIN: You still supporting O.J.?

SHABAZZ: ... who has no respect for women.

MALKIN: You still supporting O.J. Simpson, Mr. Shabazz?

SHABAZZ: Do you support -- do you support the acquittal?

MALKIN: Are you?

SHABAZZ: Do you -- do you stand by, or does Bill O'Reilly apologize when a jury verdict...

MALKIN: Do you want to say of your anti-Semitic propaganda that you have made your whole career off?

SHABAZZ: What is your point? What is your point, ma'am?

MALKIN: What is your point? Is that you're calling me a political prostitute, when that's your whole entire life.

SHABAZZ: For Bill O'Reilly.

MALKIN: And you will not apologize to these young men who have been exonerated?

When was the last time you talked to the accuser in this case?

SHABAZZ: I have -- that's between me and that family.

MALKIN: Uh-huh.

SHABAZZ: But there are sources in the district attorney's...

MALKIN: Are you still providing security and protection for this woman...

SHABAZZ: Well...

MALKIN: ... for this woman who has been completely debunked and exposed?

SHABAZZ: No, this -- this woman is a victim. And, like many other women who will now be in fear -- and you should sympathize with them who are afraid to go forth with serious charges because of prosecutors like Nifong -- Nifong, whatever it is -- who do not know what they're doing.

MALKIN: You have done treacherous harm, not only to your own community, Mr. Shabazz...

SHABAZZ: She is a victim.

MALKIN: ... but to every true and bona fide rape victim in this country.

SHABAZZ: I am a defender of women, of black women. And I will not apologize, until white America does justice for the many black women who have been raped by slave traders.

MALKIN: No. It's clear you will not apologize.

SHABAZZ: And you should apologize for being a mouthpiece for a white male chauvinist racist like Bill O'Reilly.

MALKIN: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


SHABAZZ: Thank you.