You say it like it's a bad thing, Chris.
On his Monday, April 4 edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews quipped that Wisconsin conservative talk radio was populated by a "billion little Mark Levins."
The comment made in the middle of a roundtable segment handicapping the Badger State primary to be held tomorrow. Here are the relevant video and transcript:
April 4, 2016; 7:46 p.m. EasternCHRIS MATTHEWS, host: Is Hillary tightening it up? Is Trump tightening it up?
MARY SPICUZZA, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: I think Trump, um, he does have support in Janesville. He does in places up north. Certainly not southeastern Wisconsin, which is kind of conservative talk radio land. Scott Walker land.
MATTHEWS: Cruz people.
SPICUZZA: Cruz people, all the way.
MATTHEWS: Why do you think talk the radio people on the right, own – are totally in bed with Cruz? They don't like Trump at all, for some reason.
CRAIG GILBERT, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Yeah. Well, it starts with being anti-Cruz. They weren't in bed with Cruz, uh, a month ago, or two months ago. They were moving toward, what, they had Walker and then they were moving toward Rubio and their guys kept dropping out.
MATTHEWS: It's like all Mark, there's like a million little Mark Levins out there.
GILBERT: Well, Cruz is just a vehicle, right? I mean, for, it's a strategic, tactical move that came together in Wisconsin. The anti-Trump stuff was always there.