As part of his weekly segment entitled “Ya Burnt” where he rifts on various topics, NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers found it pertinent in the early hours of Good Friday to mock Jesus Christ and Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Last Supper that was so dull in the eyes of Meyers that “[n]o wonder Judas dropped a dime” on Jesus.
While the liberal audience repeatedly laughed at his anti-Christian rant, there were a number of moments where it seemed as though the audience was incredibly uncomfortable and, frankly, it’s not difficult to see why.
Meyers started the tirade by exclaiming “[w]hat’s your deal” regarding the Last Supper and complained that there wasn’t anything at the dinner to eat other than rolls.
“This is Jesus' last meal. Couldn't it be something better than just rolls? Have you been to a restaurant? Rolls are the free part. Did nobody order an on entre,” Meyers complained.
In the second portion, Meyers took issue with the timing of the dinner and how da Vinci still had it be light outside. Suggesting that Christ should “[l]ive a little,” Meyers dropped the so-called punchline by recalling that he was crucified not long afterward: “And look out the window, it's still light out. It's like 1:30 pm. Come on Jesus, this is a dinner party, not the early bird special. Live a little. Of course, after this, you didn't. [AUDIENCE GASPS] He came back!”
The liberal and Jewish comedian’s third and final portion bashing Christianity, Meyers whined that while Jesus was “the important guy here,” he was “taking up like three spaces at the table.”
For the finale, Meyers ruled that for this reason, he didn’t blame Judas for betraying Christ in the end:
Quit God-spreading, dude. [LAUGHTER] No wonder Judas dropped a dime on you. [AUDIENCE GASPS] The Last Supper painting, it's too bad you’re made out of oil because ya burnt. [APPLAUSE] Although, let's be honest. I think I'm the one that's burnt the most on that last one.
The relevant portion of the transcript from NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers in the early hours of March 25 can be found below.
NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers
March 25, 2016
12:47 a.m. Eastern
SETH MEYERS: Hey, the Last Supper. What's your deal? Take a look at this painting. This is Jesus' last meal. Couldn't it be something better than just rolls? [LAUGHTER] Have you been to a restaurant? Rolls are the free part. Did nobody order an on entre? And look out the window, it's still light out. It's like 1:30 pm. Come on Jesus, this is a dinner party, not the early bird special. Live a little. Of course, after this, you didn't. [AUDIENCE GASPS] He came back! [LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE] And look, Jesus, I know you're the important guy here, but you are taking up like three spaces at the table. Quit God-spreading, dude. [LAUGHTER] No wonder Judas dropped a dime on you. [AUDIENCE GASPS] The Last Supper painting, it's too bad you’re made out of oil because ya burnt. [APPLAUSE] Although, let's be honest. I think I'm the one that's burnt the most on that last one.