WashPost Relays Democrat Groups Aiming to Trash Biden Buckraking Probe

December 11th, 2022 7:52 PM

The Page One story at top left of the Sunday Washington Post was headlined "Hunter Biden allies set to battle accusers." They report on a mostly anonymous pile of Democrats debating how to take down the Republican probes into Hunter's global buckraking off his father's name.


CNN, WashPost Omit 'Democrat' from Georgia Segregationist History

December 10th, 2022 10:43 PM

On Wednesday's CNN This Morning, as the show had on Washington Post reporter Matt Brown to discuss the Georgia Senate runoff, co-host Kaitlan Collins asked Brown about his article tying the runoff system to White segregationists who designed it in the 1960s. Neither mentioned that these segregationists were Democrats as Collins vaguely called them "conservative White…

Cute: Pro-Censor Journos Use Clinton Playbook to Dismiss Twitter Files

December 9th, 2022 6:10 PM

On Thursday night and Friday morning while the major newspapers and flagship broadcast network newscasts ignored the latest batch of the Twitter Files via Bari Weiss, liberal journalists and censorship janitors rushed to defend the Twitter’s old guard with the Clinton playbook of denial, dismissals, and downplaying the revelations of rampant censorship as old news.

Study: ‘Shark Week’ Features Too Many White Guys Named ‘Mike’

December 7th, 2022 4:32 PM

Just when you think this nation has turned a corner on its long history of excluding, marginalizing and discriminating against, well, everybody, a new crime comes to light. And this one should cover us in shame and bury once and for all the illusion of “American exceptionalism.” I speak of course of the shocking dearth of women on Discovery’s annual “Shark Week.” I don’t mean women shark-…

Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC Morning Joe 12-6-22

'Could He Perform Job?' Mika Speaking of Herschel, Or Fetterman?

December 6th, 2022 5:20 PM

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski asks, "can he speak to the issues? Does he have a grasp on the issues? Would he be able to perform the job as senator?" Mika was speaking of Republican Herschel Walker, candidate for Senate from Georgia. But the same questions could just as easily have applied to John Fetterman, the stroke-impaired Democrat from Pennsylvania. Except the liberal media never asked…

Don’t Like the Drag Queen Christmas Parade Float? That’s Violence!

December 5th, 2022 11:55 AM

For centuries, nothing has said “traditional Christmas” like twerking drag queens and Pride parades. Think of all those Currier and Ives lithographs of horse-drawn sleighs driven by guys in leather speedos, the Rockwell paintings of Santa dancing suggestively in a low-cut cocktail dress. Not to mention “Don we now our gay apparel.” But, according to The Washington Post, in one small…

WashPost Arrives on Twitter Files: Not Even Close to a 'Bombshell'!

December 3rd, 2022 11:04 PM

It took The Washington Post about 24 hours to acknowledge Elon Musk releasing the "Twitter files" on how the social-media company suppressed the story of Hunter Biden's laptop in the last weeks of the 2020 campaign. Their headline on a story by Cat Zakrzewski and Faiz Siddiqui was "Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ ignite divisions, but haven’t changed minds."


Flashback: The Media’s Clown Show Coverage of 2015 Terrorist Attack

December 3rd, 2022 12:35 PM

Seven years ago, the national media made a spectacle of themselves for both the speed and stupidity with which they seized upon a horrible mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, racing to promote their anti-gun agenda, bashing conservatives and prayer in the process.

WRONG: WashPost Claims ‘No Proof’ of Conservative Twitter Censorship

November 30th, 2022 11:40 AM

That The Washington Post can claim with a straight face that there was “no proof” of Twitter censoring conservatives when the Media Research Center has been documenting individual cases of censorship for over two years is simply ridiculous. 

WashPost Theater Review: Pedophile Punishment is Too Harsh

November 28th, 2022 2:49 PM

Wasn’t it just a few days ago that somebody shot up a gay bar because conservatives are too uptight about kids at drag shows? Yes. That’s what our betters told us. So it’s kinda funny to come across this November 23 theater review by Peter Marks in The Washington Post. The headline reads “‘Downstate’ is a play about pedophiles. It’s also brilliant.”

WashPost Throws a Fit Over Musk’s Pro-Free Speech Changes to Twitter

November 25th, 2022 9:00 PM

Writers at the Washington Post are outraged that Elon Musk is making pro-free speech changes to Twitter.


WashPost Buried Non-Binary Killer Angle Beneath 'Hate City' Schtick

November 25th, 2022 2:46 PM

The aggressive downplaying of Colorado Springs mass-shooting suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich declaring himself "non-binary" isn’t just contained to TV news. Thursday’s Washington Post managed to Post-pone that information until paragraph 31

WashPost Columnist: ‘Racist’ Team Names Bad But Useful

November 23rd, 2022 11:32 AM

"Offensive" sports mascots have become a handy club to beat America with. Washington Post columnist Kate Cohen approves of this (she is, after all, a Washington Post columnist). It’s of little import to Cohen or the experts and grievance grifters she quotes that the vast majority of Native Americans don’t have a problem with Indian-related mascots.

WashPost Props Up Fake Meat Company That ‘Vows’ to 'Save the Planet'

November 22nd, 2022 2:30 PM

First, they wanted us to eat the bugs. That didn’t catch on, so now they want to make our meat in a lab. The Washington Post’s latest climate nonsense fawned over lab-grown meat to save the climate.