WashPost Columnist Eats Crow Over Past Elon Musk Criticism

February 20th, 2023 12:28 PM

It appears the liberal media doomsaying over how Twitter owner Elon Musk was supposedly going to make the company implode by cutting the old regime’s censorship-obsessed workforce in half was nothing but noise. And even a Washington Post columnist had to eat crow.

Flip-Flop! WashPost Distances Itself from TikTok After Defending It

February 16th, 2023 5:52 PM

The Washington Post appears to be distancing itself from communist Chinese government-tied TikTok just weeks after it appeared to run defense for the Big Tech giant.


Left Deflects on Import of House Twitter Files Hearing (CT w/ Paiten)

February 10th, 2023 5:33 PM

As the House Oversight Committee investigates the federal government’s involvement in Big Tech’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, leftists and legacy media worked overtime to discredit the hearing.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 2-9-23

Morning Joe Trashes GOP Over Feloniously 'Dumb' Twitter Bias Hearing

February 9th, 2023 10:45 AM

Morning Joe trashes Republicans over their handling of the House Oversight committee's hearing on Twitter's pro-Democrat, anti-Republican bias. The panel claims no one cares about Hunter Biden's laptop, and Joe Scarborough says that if being "dumb" is a felony, many Republicans need "a good lawyer."

WashPost: Banning Chemical Abortions Would Be 'Catastrophic'! To Whom?

February 6th, 2023 4:13 PM

The Washington Post is presenting any limitation on chemical abortions as "catastrophic." Every abortion is a catastrophe to an unborn child. But this was the online headline on a story by reporters Caroline Kitchener and Perry Stein on Sunday: "Fears mount around ‘catastrophic’ abortion pills case as decision nears."

Column: This Just In, Journalistic Objectivity Is Obliterated

February 1st, 2023 5:56 AM

The establishment media have shuffled forth to announce that their Objectivity is dead. They don’t realize that it’s like announcing that Jack Benny is dead. It’s not “news.” Former Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie proclaimed that he and former CBS News president Andrew Heyward surveyed 75 sources in the media and found a “generational shift.” Voila, no one is objective…

Kessler Admittedly Uses Faulty Data to Dismiss Good Guys With Guns

January 31st, 2023 1:17 PM

In a supposed “fact-check” on Tuesday, Washington Post editor and “fact checker” Glenn Kessler published an analysis to tackle the understood notion that a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. But the piece, titled “What’s more common: A ‘good guy’ without a gun — or with one?”, muddied the waters and argued that the data is incomplete and inconclusive.


Journos Demand Minority Chief of Staff, Cops Having ‘Violence’ in DNA

January 27th, 2023 6:44 PM

Friday’s White House press briefing saw more hardballs about President Biden’s documents scandal, but also plenty of eye-rolling questions lobbying for a female person of color to become White House chief of staff, how Biden processes racial tensions, whether “the culture of policing” has “a comfort with violence and” implants inside the minds of police officers “an entitlement to use violence…

WashPost, USA Today Sports Columnists RIP Tony Dungy as Bad Christian

January 27th, 2023 1:08 PM

Sports-section columnists can be the most aggressive liberal jerks in the opinion business. In Tuesday’s Washington Post, columnist (and University of Maryland journalism professor) Kevin Blackistone aggressively played guilt by association when Hall of Fame NFL coach and NBC football analyst Tony Dungy attended the March for Life last week.

Column: Tracking Hunter Biden's Aid to Other Dissolute Bidens

January 27th, 2023 5:49 AM

"Independent fact-checkers" jumped on conservative outlets for getting excited about Hunter Biden's bizarre and erroneous renter application, where it was suggested he was paying monthly rent of almost $50,000. Straightening this out was important, but it had a big twist: Hunter was attempting to aid another dissolute Biden: his cousin Caroline, who was on probation and wanted to serve it in…


To Jog the Media’s Memory, Here’s a Supercut of Adam Schiff Lying

January 26th, 2023 10:44 AM

It’s remarkable to see a group of people who call themselves “journalists” so aggressively defending a Congressman who strung them along for more than three years with false promises and empty assertions.

WashPost Rushes to 'Fact Check' on Schiff -- Their Anonymous Source?

January 23rd, 2023 8:22 AM

Washington Post chief "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler is on a partisan run again with two hostile "checks" on new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. On Sunday, Kessler appeared in the paper aggressively defending Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell against "McCarthy's specious revenge attacks" with a "Four Pinocchios" hot take. Could this be because these Democrats are major leakers to


FLASHBACK: 50 Years of the Liberal Media’s Pro-Abortion Zealotry

January 21st, 2023 9:10 AM

Fifty years ago this weekend, the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision split Americans on the issue of abortion, but the media elite have never been divided on the issue. Most journalists support abortion, and their news coverage has reflected their own opinions on the subject — including that the repeal of Roe was “a dark day in America.”


Propaganda Acolytes: 54 Soros-Tied Figures Linked to Major Media

January 17th, 2023 4:41 PM

The over $32 billion that leftist billionaire George Soros poured into his organizations to spread his radical “open society” agenda on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism around the globe has paid dividends.