TV Guide

Eyeroll: Freeform Creating ‘Daily Show’ for Kids to Influence Election
It’s starting to get hard to keep track of all the TV specials Hollywood’s got planned for the next two months to influence the 2020 election. Last week, we reported on ABC’s Blackish planning to air a scripted two-part special for the election as well as a voting-themed comedy special made by Michelle Obama and hosted by Kevin Hart to be broadcast on ABC.

Hallmark Holiday Films to Bow to LGBTQ 'Standards of Christmas’
It’s Christmas in July for LGBTQ advocates with the news that the Hallmark Channel will feature queer themes in its holiday specials for the first time.

HBO Max Disarms Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam in ‘Looney Tunes’ Reboot
“Hey, there's something awfwy scwewy going on awound here!” HBO Max’s reboot Looney Tunes Cartoons debuted May 27 but some notable characters were missing their iconic props. HBO Max’s reboot Looney Tunes Cartoons debuted May 27 but some notable characters were missing their iconic props.

Hollywood Rags Dub 'Mrs. America' Schlafly ‘Slippery,’ ‘Polarizing'

Lefty Writer Offer Bribe For Someone to Ask Trump About Fake Country