Sunday Morning

SOFTBALL: CBS’s Dickerson Helps Liz Cheney Sell Books And Trump Fear
On CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent John Dickerson sat down with former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who has a book to promote. But they also have a shared interest in pushing the idea of Republicans as authoritarians. Predictably, the interview was pillow-soft.

CBS Ponders Painting Joe Biden as 'Steady' Like Truman and Eisenhower
If you think part-time Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham sounds humorous when he says everyone needs to vote for Biden as a “test of citizenship,” there’s also former Jimmy Carter speechwriter James Fallows, who insisted on CBS’s Sunday Morning that Biden should position himself in the mold of Truman and Eisenhower as moderate “steady hands at the controls.”

CBS Lets Rachel Maddow Warn of 'Ultra-Right' Fascism Coming to America
During a segment on CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver sat down with rabid leftist MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and dutifully helped her promote her new book "Prequel: An American Fight against Fascism." While it's common for Sunday Morning to interview authors about their new books, they have yet to interview talk radio star and Fox News host Mark Levin about his new…

LOL at CBS: Ex-WashPost Editor Claims We Hold Everyone Accountable
Nobody gets easier treatment from the liberal media than....the liberal media. CBS, which sees itself as a Watergate legend, is automatically going to honor The Washington Post as a fellow Watergate legend...and they'll show movie clips to glamorize it.

CBS Puts on Leftist Columnist to Tout MLK's 'Evolution' Away from 1963
To mark the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King's March on Washington, the CBS program Sunday Morning aired a commentary by left-wing New York Times columnist Charles Blow, who started out celebrating the speech as "iconic," but then turned on its idealism, touting that King later hardened to the left, focusing on systemic racism. All the leftists prefer the more radical…

Biden Special Counsel Fetches 72 Mins as Trump/J6 Case Hits 373 Mins
What a difference a few days can make. Between Friday night and Monday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC chose to rediscover Hunter Biden’s life of corruption with 72 minutes and 23 seconds on their flagship morning and evening news shows and Sunday morning political programs. Add in the miniscule tally of four minutes and 50 seconds between the evening of August 1 and the…

'Leave Us Alone' CBS Crows Over Objections to Trans Surgeries for Kids
On CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Susan Spencer was once again wearing her leftist bias on her sleeve when she began arguing with American Principles Project president Terry Schilling over sex change procedures for children. The interview came during a segment on the growing fight between conservatives and leftists on whether children should be allowed to receive puberty blocking…

Column: A Stunning Sunday with CBS News
CBS News offered a perfectly awful contrast on its Palm Sunday news shows. On Sunday Morning, Jane Pauley puffed and polished Democrat Sen. John Fetterman. In the evening on 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl assaulted Trump-adoring Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

CBS Suggests Fetterman Could Run for President in Softball Interview
After being released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center this week once his treatment for depression was completed, Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman sat down for a softball interview with liberal CBS Sunday Morning anchor Jane Pauley. Despite there being plenty of substantive topics to discuss, Pauley opted for the most syrupy topics and open-ended questions possible…

Networks Yawn as Biden Releases ANOTHER Terrorist from Gitmo
On Thursday, the Biden administration released a ‘high-value’ Al Qaeda terrorist and former courier from Guantánamo Bay after being held for two decades for his role in numerous terrorist plots including a bombing in Indonesia. All three networks ignored this latest instance of the Biden administration putting the world in danger by releasing dangerous terrorists during each of their morning…

CBS Fawns over Pelosi: Understatement She's Most Powerful Woman
On Sunday, CBS Sunday Morning anchor Jane Pauley opened her show by fawning over her pal and fellow Democrat, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Pauley gushed that it “might be an understatement” when Forbes Magazine named Pelosi in their top 100 most powerful women in the world.

CBS Wails: It's The End of Democracy if Democrats Don't Win Midterms!
CBS’s Sunday Morning started off with their anchor Jane Pauley fearmongering that if Republicans win in the 2022 midterm elections, “democracy” could end in the United States. Plugging an upcoming segment by correspondent Robert Costa, Pauley fretted that “the very future of our democracy” is on the ballot in 2022.

Column: CBS Hates Talk Radio -- And Its Fans
Liberals like to think that conservatives are very closed-minded and can’t handle listening to an opposing opinion. But whenever "mainstream" journalists start discussing talk radio and how it’s “bad for America,” you can surmise that they often can’t handle the other side.

Vile CBS Smears Rush Limbaugh & Talk Radio as 'Bad for America'
Conservatives should be gratified to know that nearly two years since the late-great Rush Limbaugh’s tragic passing, he is still getting under the leftist media’s skin. On CBS Sunday Morning, senior national correspondent Jim Axelrod brought on pseudo-historian and talk radio hater Brian Rosenwald to smear the greatest radio host of all time, Rush Limbaugh, as well as the conservative…