History Dept. Chair: Palin Somehow Connected to Pacific Northwest Hat

September 16th, 2008 9:59 AM

Philly Inquirer's New Palin Slam: She Sold her State's Plane? So What

September 10th, 2008 5:31 AM
Mario Cattabiani of the Philadelphia Inquirer wants you to know that Governor Sarah Palin's selling of her state's plane is no big deal. Why? Well, because Democrat Governor Ed "Fast Eddie" Rendell sold his state's plane, too, and he got a better deal. So, Palin's plane purveying pales next to Rendell's according to Cattabiani. Only, there are quite a few facts that Cattabiani seems to have…

Philly Inquirer: No 4th For You, America is Evil, WOT is a 'Scam

July 1st, 2008 7:41 PM
You know, I was wondering when this was going to happen, when someone in the MSM would say Bush has ruined July Fourth? The Philadelphia Inquirer didn't disappoint by wallowing in the worst example of blame-America-above-all as well as the most extreme case of BDS that I've seen outside the kind of nutroot sites like Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. A mainstream paper has now gone that…

Newspaper Circulations in 3-Year Plunge, with Four Exceptions

May 1st, 2008 10:27 AM
Old Media business reporters have a definitionally-incorrect habit of labeling single industries or economic sectors as being "in recession," when the term, as defined here, can only describe national economies or the world economy. Two examples of this are New York Times reporter David Leonhardt's description of manufacturing as being in recession in February 2007 (laughably incorrect, in any…

Dick Polman's Skewed, Left-Partisan History Lesson

April 29th, 2008 12:41 AM
Dick Polman is a long time Philly columnist and extreme left-winger that rarely makes any attempt to seem "fair and balanced," so it isn't surprising that his latest attempt at prescient punditry is a plaintive plea for the Democrats to chill out and just get along so that they can beat the "septuagenarian" McCain. But, his piece is so filled with horribly misconstrued historical analysis that it…

Chris's 'Concern': Hillary Will Over-Perform in PA

April 11th, 2008 9:01 PM
Not that it comes as a surprise, but should Chris Matthews reveal his pro-Obama rooting interest as blatantly as he did today?On this evening's Hardball, the man who gets a thrill from Barack expressed "concern" that Hillary might have a stronger-than-expected finish in the Pennsylvania Dem primary. Matthews was reading the tea leaves with two Keystone State pros: Dick Polman of the Philadelphia…

Spitzer and the Media: What Might Have Been

March 12th, 2008 11:12 PM
Remember all those stories during Monicagate about how being a serial philandering president might not necessarily be a bad thing? NBC's Bob Faw captured that zeitgeist, saying in 1998 that actually, Bill Clinton was in very good company."It might put Mr. Clinton’s conduct with a certain intern in a different light," he said, referring to allegations by liberal historians that Jefferson had…

AP Buries Dem Label Plus Omits Claims of Corruption, Money Trouble

December 26th, 2007 7:08 AM
How thoughtful of the AP to give NewsBusters a Christmas contestant for “Name That Party.” Consider this post our thank you note for the timely gift! In this December 25 article, the AP buried the party affiliation of Democratic Philadelphia mayor John F. Street in the very last sentence of a ten-paragraph article about the mayor taking an extra $111,000 in pay raises that he rejected while in…

Philly Inquirer: Pistol Packing GOP Candidates at Debates are Racist B

December 9th, 2007 9:03 AM

USA Today and WSJ Mask Serious Circulation Problems at Most Other Majo

November 8th, 2007 5:34 PM
It is understandable, but not forgivable, that business reporters at Old Media newspapers might think that the economy is in bad shape. They first have to get past how poorly most of their employers are doing. The industry as a whole has not been doing well, and it's been that way for quite some time. This table illustrates that point (September 30, 2007 figures are at this post, which originally…

Knight Column: New Study Exposes Anti-gun Bias in Media

August 29th, 2007 4:36 PM
On Tuesday, Jesse Jackson, the Brady bunch -- not the TV folk but the anti-gun lobby -- and other liberal activists rallied against “the national scourge of illegal guns” in cities around the nation. The networks ignored the event, probably because turnout was so embarrassingly low. The Chicago Tribune reported that “about 200” piled out of three buses in Lake Barrington, Illinois, the Chicago-…

More Games with Party Labeling in Yet Another Democratic Corruption Sc

July 13th, 2007 7:21 PM
See below for an update in coverage:The indicted former Newark Mayor and current NJ state Senator Sharpe James sure is mysterious. According to the New York Times, WNBC and via the AP, the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo, Philadelphia Inquirer and the UK's Guardian, among others, James seemingly does not belong to a political party. Maybe he belongs to the same non-party as Rep. William Jefferson who…

Media Ignore Fort Dix Six’s Ties to Mosques in New Jersey and Philad

May 21st, 2007 5:46 PM
If the six men charged with planning to attack Fort Dix a few weeks ago all had ties to mosques in southern New Jersey and Philadelphia, would this be newsworthy?Well, America’s press outlets didn’t seem to think so, for with little exception, this bit of information went largely unreported.In fact, according to Google news and LexisNexis searches, the only major outlet to report both mosques…

Media Push Gore's "Live Earth" Concerts, Ignore Pollution They'd Cause

February 16th, 2007 3:40 PM