O'Reilly Chides CBS Commentary Praising 'Certified Intellectual' Obama

January 6th, 2010 3:39 AM
On Monday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly seemed to pick up on a NewsBusters posting by the MRC’s Brent Baker which highlighted New Yorker magazine writer Rebecca Mead’s commentary from the January 3 CBS Sunday Morning in which Mead touted President Obama as a "certified intellectual," while accusing President Bush of giving terrorists a "partial victory" by creating "infringements…

Times Watch's Top Ten Lowlights of the New York Times in

December 30th, 2009 2:07 PM
2009 began as a year of smiles at the Times, with rapture over the "historic" Obama administration. Reporters showered partisan praise on Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and first lady Michelle Obama. Meanwhile, the Times resolutely buried emerging left-wing scandals over ACORN and Obama adviser Van Jones. But the smile curdled into a defensive snarl during the long hot summer of "…

Tim Graham on FNC's O'Reilly Factor: Desperation Leading Left to Trash

December 24th, 2009 4:25 PM
Media Research Center Director of Media Analysis and NewsBusters Senior Editor Tim Graham was on FNC's The O'Reilly Factor on Wednesday to talk about Katie Couric's concern that Americans were reacting to President Obama's left-wing agenda with "disrespect" and "anger.""It reminds me a lot of 1994. I mean, when Democrats start to lose, then we have to worry about the angry American," Graham noted…

O'Reilly Calls Ingraham 'A Blind Ideologue' 'Kool-Aid Drinker', She As

December 18th, 2009 1:39 AM
Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham got into a bit of a tiff on Thursday night's "O'Reilly Factor" that resulted in him calling her a "blind ideologue" as well as a "Kool-aid drinker" after she asked him if he had eaten an "ACORN cookie" at the White House Christmas party earlier in the week.The spat began when O'Reilly jokingly asked Ingraham if she's going on a dinner date with Howard Dean now…

Christmas 2009: Oh Come All Ye Faithless

December 16th, 2009 11:41 AM
Got an idealized notion of Christmas? A cherished memory, or a favorite carol or story? The simple smell of pine needles in your living room? Do you insist on celebrating the birth of the savior?If so, you’re at war, like it or not.The main war on Christmas – we’ll call it the conventional war – has been well-documented, and it goes on, with victories and defeats for both sides. In Loudoun County…

Olbermann’s Conniption: 'There is No Liberal Media'; Insists Corpora

December 15th, 2009 2:24 AM
Perhaps there is something obstructing the view overlooking Rockefeller Plaza, where MSNBC broadcasts "Countdown" nightly because the show's host, Keith Olbermann fails to see the existence of a news media with a liberal bias. On MSNBC's Dec. 14 broadcast of "Countdown," Olbermann came to the defense of NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" executive producer and noted left-winger Dick…

O’Reilly Slams Law & Order Dialogue Comparing Him, Limbaugh, to ‘C

December 10th, 2009 11:02 PM
On Thursday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly slammed Dick Wolf, the left-wing executive producer of NBC's Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, because Wednesday's episode – featuring a killer who targeted the children of illegal immigrants – contained dialogue of a character blaming conservatives like O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck for inciting violence against immigrants.O’…

FNC’s Gutfeld & O’Reilly Slam Joy Behar for ‘Right-Wing Hypocrit

December 5th, 2009 9:10 AM
On Friday’s The O’Reilly Factor on FNC, during the regular "Dumbest Things of the Week" segment, host Bill O’Reilly and guest Greg Gutfeld of FNC’s Red Eye, possibly picking up on an item posted the day before on Newsbusters, highlighted ABC’s The View co-host Joy Behar’s recent defense of Tiger Woods as she opined that at least the golf star is not being a "hypocrite" like "one of these pro-…

Olbermann: Kristol 'Spitting on Ft. Hood Dead,' O'Reilly Slammed for C

November 17th, 2009 12:54 PM
On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, presumably picking up on a posting by the far left ThinkProgress.org -- one of his regular sources of information to attack conservatives -- made the arguably inaccurate claim that FNC political analyst Bill Kristol had on the Thursday, November 12, Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC, called for Fort Hood gunman Nidal Hasan to be…

Dobbs Tells O’Reilly He 'Discerned' a Different Tone from Critics Un

November 17th, 2009 12:45 AM
Former CNN host Lou Dobbs stuck to his guns when questions were raised if he was forced out at CNN in an interview with Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. However, Dobbs did make one distinction - how his detractors decided to pile on when he was critical of President Barack Obama instead of former President George W. Bush. He elaborated on this on Fox News Channel's Nov. 16 "The O'Reilly Factor…

Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera Debate Terrorist Trials In NYC

November 14th, 2009 2:06 PM
On Friday's "O'Reilly Factor," the host and his guest Geraldo Rivera had quite a lively debate on Attorney General Eric Holder's announcement concerning Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other terrorists being tried in New York City.As you might imagine, Rivera was all for it, and Bill O'Reilly, well -- not so much.Although this wasn't on par with their classic battle over illegal immigration in…

O’Reilly Cites CMI Report on Media Coverage of Ft. Hood Killer

November 13th, 2009 11:14 AM

FNC Notes Evan Thomas's Fear Hasan 'Will Get the Right Wing Going

November 11th, 2009 5:15 AM
On Monday's The O'Reilly Factor, during the "Weekdays with Bernie" segment, host Bill O'Reilly and Fox News Analyst Bernard Goldberg discussed media coverage of the Fort Hood massacre and the political correctness of some who were hesitant about discussing the role Nidal Hasan's extreme Muslim beliefs played in his decision to attack fellow troops. Whilte ABC News was given credit for covering…

Compare and Contrast: Bill O'Reilly Asks Palin Book Authors the Questi

November 9th, 2009 3:23 PM
Wonder why the White House attack on the Fox News Channel (you know: "not a news network") failed? Well, besides the fact that not even the other networks thought it was right, it might be because Fox often commits actual journalism.Witness Bill O'Reilly's Nov. 6 interview with Scott Conroy and Shushannah Walshe, co-authors of the soon-to-be-released "Sarah from Alaska." During the interview, the…