O'Reilly Factor
Did Media's Bush Derangement Syndrome Drive Times Square Bomber To Vio
May 5th, 2010 4:43 PM
There's a cynical theme growing in the media that Faisal Shahzad, the man accused of attempting to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square Saturday, was driven to violence by the loss of his job, the loss of his house, and his anger towards former President George W. Bush.In all of this theorizing -- or what some might call psychobabble -- those making the assertion have yet to ponder if…
FNC Highlights 'Another Outrage' from U.N., Iran on Women's Rights Com
May 3rd, 2010 5:55 AM
On Friday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, substitute anchor Juan Williams devoted a segment to the recent inclusion of Iran on the United Nations Commission on the Status for Women, despite the draconian treatment of women by government authorities in the nation. The FNC host was reminded of Libya's leadership of the U.N. Human Rights Commission in 2003. Williams:Another outrage courtesy of our…
Coulter: I've Never Seen Any Issue Lied About As Much As Ariz. Immigra
May 1st, 2010 7:31 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter Friday said she's never seen the press lie about any issue as much as they have about the new anti-illegal immigration law in Arizona."Everyone is blatantly lying about what this law does," she told Juan Williams who was filling in for the regular host of Fox News's "O'Reilly Factor.""I've never seen anything, a law lied about, any public issue lied about so much…
Donahue Wishes He'd Invented Olbermann's 'Worst Person,' FNC Primetime
April 27th, 2010 4:04 PM
On Monday's Joy Behar Show on HLN, as host Behar discussed controversial political commentators with guests Phil Donahue and Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, Donahue praised the success of far-left MSNBC hosts Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann, and lamented not having included a "Worst Person" segment in his short-lived MSNBC show. Donahue: "Worse, worser, worsest, I wish I thought of that.…
FNC Highlights Media Disinterest in Violence by Pro-Illegal Immigratio
April 27th, 2010 10:56 AM
On Monday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, substitute host Laura Ingraham and FNC analyst Bernard Goldberg discussed the mainstream media's double standard in handwringing over whether peaceful Tea Party protesters will inspire violence while actual violence perpetrated at left-leaning rallies is ignored. After playing a clip of police officers in Phoenix being hit by bottles thrown by protesters…
Bernie Goldberg: Jon Stewart 'Throwing Spitballs at a Battleship' with
April 21st, 2010 7:16 PM
Fox News contributor Bernie Goldberg hit back at Jon Stewart today, saying the "Daily Show" host was "throwing spitballs at a battleship" by attacking the Fox News Channel.The back-and-forth between Stewart and Goldberg began when the former leveled accusations of hypocrisy, claiming Goldberg criticized others for generalizing while doing so himself. Stewart responded to Goldberg's retort with a…
Jon Stewart Responds to Goldberg and Fox With 'Go F--k Yourselves' Son
April 21st, 2010 12:07 PM
Comedian Jon Stewart Tuesday responded to Bernie Goldberg's criticism of "The Daily Show" host by performing a Gospel tune with the lyrics "Go f--k yourselves."As a little background, Stewart last week went after Fox News and Goldberg ending the segment, "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Go f--k yourselves."This prompted a response from Goldberg on Monday's "O'Reilly Factor" wherein he…
Bernie Goldberg Rips Jon Stewart: Your Frank Rich Interview Was a Lap
April 20th, 2010 12:59 AM
Bernie Goldberg on Monday accused Jon Stewart of being a gutless comedian that is much harder on Tea Partiers and Fox News personalities than liberal media members.Appearing on "The O'Reilly Factor," Goldberg admitted that "The Daily Show" host was right when he said last week that FNC anchors and hosts often make generalizations about liberals. But "when you had [New York Times columnist] Frank…
Bill O'Reilly Challenges Sen. Coburn for Bashing Fox News
April 14th, 2010 11:36 AM
Bill O'Reilly challenged Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) Tuesday for bashing Fox News at a town hall meeting in early April."The intention is not to put anybody in jail," the Senator told an attendee who asked a question about penalties for folks who don't purchase health insurance once ObamaCare kicks in. "That makes for good TV news on FOX, but that isn't the intention."O'Reilly challenged Coburn for…
O'Reilly and Juan Williams Agree: O'Donnell's Race Baiting Was Totally
April 13th, 2010 3:45 PM
NBC host Norah O'Donnell is taking it from all angles for pulling the race card on Newt Gingrich last Friday.Speaking at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, Gingrich said "shooting three-point shots may be clever, but it doesn’t put anybody to work,” referring to President Obama's basketball skills. Norah O'Donnell embarrassed herself Friday by claiming the comment had racial…
FNC's Goldberg Hits Media Double Standard on Tea Party Protesters
April 8th, 2010 2:28 PM
On Wednesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, substitute host Laura Ingraham and FNC analyst Bernard Goldberg discussed the mainstream media's double standard in highlighting bad behavior by extreme and atypical members of the Tea Party movement while ignoring bad behavior by left-wing protesters. After showing a clip of anti-war protesters burning an American flag and shouting incendiary…
O'Reilly Blasts Media for Demeaning and Neutralizing All Who Oppose Ob
April 6th, 2010 10:56 AM
"If you oppose the Obama administration, you must be demeaned and neutralized."So said Fox News's Bill O'Reilly Monday about the state of today's media. "Ever since the Tea Party protest began last summer, the left-wing media in America has been attacking the movement," he began his Talking Points Memo. "From the jump, the Tea Party protesters never had a chance," O'Reilly continued. "As soon as…
O'Reilly Tackles Charge of Racism at Tea Parties
April 2nd, 2010 7:04 AM
On Wednesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly took the time to speak with an African-American Tea Party activist named Kevin Jackson about his experiences at Tea Party events and what he thinks of liberal commentators – presumably referring to a number of MSNBC hosts – who have charged that racism is common among Tea Party activists. O’Reilly asked of Jackson: "Okay, now obviously…
O'Reilly Notes Blatant Media Hypocrisy on Protestor Anger
March 31st, 2010 12:56 PM
Last night, Bill O'Reilly used recent instances of inflamed, occasionally violent liberal protests to give his viewers a lesson in Media Bias 101. Lefties dominate the mainstream press, and are reluctant to cover events that don't suit their agendas, he stated."The Mainstream media largely ignores crazy stuff generated by the far left because many media types sympathize with liberal politics." It…