
Not Good: Snarky Psaki Mocks Space Force Question, Snaps at Reporters

February 2nd, 2021 8:26 PM

Tuesday’s White House press briefing was perhaps Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s most combative one yet, facing tough questions on China, coronavirus relief, illegal immigration, Israel, and schools but also softballs on topics like COVID and impeachment. And on an equally important note, not a single reporter stepped up and asked Psaki about the embarrassing Daily Beast report that her team had…


Embarrassing: WH Reporters Make the Leap to Lapdogs for Jen Psaki

January 21st, 2021 12:27 AM

On Wednesday night, the White House press corps made their embarrassing debut before White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, going from raging hyenas under Kayleigh McEnany to snoozing lapdogs for Psaki with a combination of boring, straightforward, and unserious questions with only a select few probing queries.

CNN Boss Hosted ‘Power Breakfast’ for Kamala Harris Before Senate Win

July 29th, 2019 10:18 PM
In a jarring report put out by McClatchy’s DC Bureau on Monday, and “confirmed” by a “CNN spokeswoman”, CNN boss Jeff Zucker was so impressed with then-District Attorney Kamala Harris that he hosted a 2009 “power breakfast” in order to “introduce her to ‘some of the leading movers and shakers in New York,’” ahead of her successful run for senator of California.

Even Joy Reid Skeptical of Report on Cohen's Cell Phone Near Prague

December 28th, 2018 5:13 PM
A McClatchy report supposedly revealing that signals from Michael Cohen's cell phone had been detected near Prague during the summer of 2016 fell apart when a skeptical Joy Reid questioned one of the story's reporters.

WSJ's Strassel on Russia NRA 'Infiltration': Consider the Fake Sources

March 25th, 2018 2:22 PM
Someone is finally crying foul over an evidence-free fake-news effort pushed by the same people who have promoted the Steele dossier for over a year. This time, the targets are the NRA and President Trump's 2016 victorious presidential campaign. In a Thursday Wall Street Journal column and a Friday Fox News appearance, Kimberley Strassel decried how the press has turned "the most outlandish…

NYT's Egan Perpetuates Obama-As-Uniter Mythology to Attack Trump

October 28th, 2017 9:12 PM
Timothy Egan at the New York Times is so enamored of the mythology surrounding Barack Obama that he claimed in a Friday column that the 44th President's rhetoric "was the best American music" which "celebrated" a United States where, in Egan's words, "people from all races, ideologies and religious sects would check their hatreds at the door after becoming citizens." He pretended that the nation'…

LOL: McClatchy Upset GOP Wants Liberal Media Bias as Midterm Focus

June 5th, 2017 2:00 PM
In a late Friday post, the McClatchy news service freaked out over the revelation that Republicans and right-of-center strategists are gunning to make the 2018 midterm elections a referendum on liberal media bias, contrasted with the strategy of liberals and their media allies to focus on President Trump.

Lemon Walks When Panelist Tags First Family Cost Concerns 'Fake News'

February 20th, 2017 11:28 AM

On Friday at CNN, a clearly upset Don Lemon, covering a topic that almost no one in the press cared about for eight years during the Obama administration, abruptly ended a segment about the costs of protecting President Donald Trump and the First Family, and began to walk away from the set before the next commercial break began. Why? One of his panelists called the obsession with these costs "…


CNN's Keilar Resurrects 2010 Tea Party Spitting, Racial Epithets Smear

November 15th, 2016 6:46 AM
On CNN Newsroom Monday, host Brianna Keilar claimed that she covered an incident or incidents involving Tea Party "people" (plural) who spit on members of Congress and hurled racial slang terms at African-American members of Congress. In the Tea Party's seven-plus years of national presence, there is only one known event involving two separate incidents when what Keilar referred to could…

Media Mostly Ignores Trump 'Sexism' Critic Machado's Sordid Past

September 28th, 2016 3:43 PM
At Monday night's presidential debate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton made a big deal of how Republican nominee Donald Trump supposedly treated Alicia Machado after the 1996 Miss Universe winner gained a significant amount of weight during the year she held the title. Mrs. Clinton alleged that Trump called her "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping." Trump denies it, and I could find no news…

Nets Deflect Reports of Clinton Birtherism as Only CNN Presses Kaine

September 18th, 2016 10:25 PM
As Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine appeared on five Sunday talk shows, only CNN's Jake Tapper brought up Friday's reports that longtime Hillary Clinton friend and advisor Sidney Blumenthal tried to push anti-Obama birtherism into the media during the 2008 presidential campaign by pitching it to McClatchy's then-Washington bureau chief. The other Sunday talk shows failed to bring up…

CNNers Deflect Reports Clinton Advisor Pushed Anti-Obama Birtherism

September 17th, 2016 9:34 PM

For much of Friday evening, CNN viewers could witness various on-air personalities of the news network put in the awkward position of trying to repeatedly argue that the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008 had nothing to do with promoting anti-Obama birther conspiracy theories, even while news was breaking that accused close Clinton confidant and advisor Sidney Blumenthal of personally trying to…

8 Years Late, McClatchy Reports Investigating Obama 'Birther' Rumors

September 17th, 2016 10:42 AM
Friday night, yours truly detailed the latest evidence demonstrating that the Hillary Clinton campaign and a close confidant of Mrs. Clinton herself were involved in early 2008 in spreading the “birther” rumors, i.e., that then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. Despite this news and other longstanding items, the Associated Press and others still insist that there is "no…

Charlotte Paper Applauds Hollywood Boycotts Over Bathroom Law

May 10th, 2016 2:53 PM
In a column that showcases the leftist belief that the ends justify the means, the Charlotte Observer and its parent company McClatchy have expressed nothing short of support for the economic boycotts of North Carolina in light of Republicans remaining defiant after Governor Pat McCrory signed a bathroom bill to ensure that people use the bathroom according to the gender they were born with.