
Whoopi Wrongly Insists Fox Pushed Birtherism; Network Debunked It

March 29th, 2017 8:54 AM
On Monday's The View on ABC, as the group discussed Ted Koppel's recent interview with Sean Hannity in which he accused the conservative FNC host of being bad for the country, liberal co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, and Joy Behar all wrongly accused Fox News of promoting birtherism conspiracy theories against President Barack Obama. Ironically, a Nexis search reveals many examples of FNC…

CNN, FNC at Odds Over Report Hannity Pulled Gun on Williams

March 17th, 2017 6:51 PM
In the last 36 hours, CNN and the Fox News Channel (FNC) came to blows following a report by CNN media reporter Dylan Byers that FNC host Sean Hannity whipped out a gun and pointed it at Juan Williams following a heated debate last year on the set of his eponymous show.   

Levin: 'Schizophrenic' Media 'Can't Even Get Their Stories Straight!'

March 7th, 2017 10:48 AM
Monday evening conservative radio host Mark Levin shot back at the media, after several networks and pundits mocked him as a “conspiracy theorist” who propagated stories from anonymous sources. This came after Levin talked about reports that the Obama Administration had eavesdropped on Trump's associates before the election, reports Levin asserted, he got from the mainstream media itself. “…

Slate Brands Colmes 'Buffoon,' 'Liberal Weakling' Hours After He Died

February 27th, 2017 10:53 AM
This post goes straight into the "Just When You Didn't Think They Could Sink Any Lower (But They Always Manage)" file. At on Thursday, staff writer Isaac Chotiner took the occasion of Alan Colmes's death only hours earlier to criticize him as a "buffoon and patsy," and as "Fox News’ Original Liberal Weakling."

The Media Versus America

February 18th, 2017 3:11 PM
You might call it The Media versus America. The President of the United States held a press conference on Thursday. On that, everyone agreed. But after that? Words like “unhinged” a particular favorite to describe the event. Here’s a sample of the headline reaction.The New York Times: An Aggrieved President Moves His Surrogates Aside, The Washington Post: Debrief: In an erratic performance, Trump…

Jorge Ramos se contradice en entrevista con Sean Hannity

February 17th, 2017 2:00 PM
El presentador del Noticiero Univision Jorge Ramos compareció para otra entrevista con Sean Hannity a ser transmitida en la cadena Fox. El resultado fue una madeja de inconsistencias y contradicciones al compararse las palabras de Ramos ante Hannity con expresiones previas:

Jorge Ramos Goes on Hannity and Contradicts Himself

February 16th, 2017 5:15 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos made yet another appearance on Fox News' Hannity, and reeled off an interview that was an exercise in contradictions and inconsistencies. 

Vox Writer: Anti-Trump Conservatives Partly Responsible For Trump

August 16th, 2016 11:33 PM
As you probably know, Sean Hannity and The Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens recently sniped at each other regarding Donald Trump. Those hostilities, suggested Zack Beauchamp in a Monday piece, were more on the level of an NFL intrasquad game than, say, Steelers vs. Ravens in the playoffs. Beauchamp argues that Hannity and Stephens, whatever their differences over the GOP nominee, have…

Nets Yawn at Secret Service Agent’s Expose of ‘Volcanic’ Hillary

June 28th, 2016 4:17 PM
The network newscasts have shown no interest in an ex-Secret Service agent’s unflattering portrayal of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s time at the White House. Gary Byrne, author of Crisis of Character, appeared on Fox’s Hannity, Monday, but has been all but invisible on ABC, CBS and NBC. 

Fox Touts ‘Stunning’ MRC Study on Media Yawning at Hillary’s Scandals

June 22nd, 2016 11:34 AM
Fox News anchors Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on Tuesday night heralded a “stunning” new study by the Media Research Center that exposes just how little airtime Hillary Clinton’s scandals are getting. In contrast, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts are feasting on any perceived controversy with Donald Trump. 

Hannity destruye paso a paso la credibilidad de Jorge Ramos

March 28th, 2016 1:27 PM
Si se le oye contar el cuento a Jorge Ramos, parecería que desde que inició su campaña por la presidencia en junio del 2015 Donald Trump no ha hecho otra cosa que condenar constantemente en general a los inmigrantes mexicanos que entran ilegalmente a Estados Unidos como “criminales, violadores y traficantes de drogas”.

Hannity Chips Away at Credibility of Jorge Ramos

March 24th, 2016 9:29 PM
To hear Jorge Ramos tell it, since launching his candidacy for President back in June 2015, Donald Trump has done nothing but issue a blanket condemnation of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the U.S. as “criminals, rapists and drug traffickers.Ramos’ chronic misrepresentations and mischaracterizations of what the Republican presidential frontrunner has said on the subject was disected during a…

Barely News: Iowa Sanders Supporters Shouted 'She's a Liar' at Hillary

February 5th, 2016 4:31 PM
Five items found at the Politico filed late Monday or early Tuesday reported that supporters of Bernie Sanders at the Iowa caucuses, while watching a live feed of Hillary Clinton's speech late Monday evening, began chanting "She's a liar!" The chants grew until they "took over the room," and didn't stop until Sanders campaign officials cut off the live feed being shown. This is barely news in…

Geraldo Denounces 'Squishy' Obama's 'Malignant Wishful Thinking'

November 17th, 2015 12:18 PM
Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera unleashed on President Obama on Monday's Hannity, after the American leader doubled down on his strategy against ISIS at a press conference earlier in the day. Rivera bluntly stated that "the President's feelings are way too squishy for me," and that "this is malignant wishful thinking on the President's part." He later contended that "to compare them to any…