
Hannity Enjoys Playing Secret Tapes of CNN, Talks to CNN Whistleblower
October 15th, 2019 3:51 PM
Sean Hannity had great fun with the first batch of Project Veritas tapes exposing CNN on Monday night. He mocked "Humpty Dumpty" Brian Stelter and said he should be working on a book on his own network, instead of Fox. The first package of clips had some unsurprising takes that haven't been secret -- like CNN boss Jeff Zucker railing against "Fox News conspiracy nonsense" ruining America.

Hannity, Concha Tee Off on ‘Egregious’ CNN, MSNBC Russia Reports
September 11th, 2019 6:50 PM
Partnering Tuesday night on the Fox News Channel with The Hill’s Joe Concha, host Sean Hannity ripped into CNN and MSNBC for their various reports that not only appear to have some serious factual concerns regarding the reasons for extracting a CIA asset from Russia in 2017, but also put the life of that asset and his family in danger.

Hannity’s Judicial Watch Scoop: Where’s the Rest of the Media?
August 10th, 2019 4:00 PM
So as I sat in a television studio in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ready to beam in on Thursday night’s Sean Hannity show, I checked my notes. The topic was to be the media and President Trump’s visit to El Paso. The format was, first, a Hannity monologue, then the segue to the opening El Paso segment, where I would be paired with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the former Trump White House aide and now host of…

Fox News Panel Discusses Media Blaming Trump for Shootings
August 6th, 2019 8:38 PM
To many in the leftist press, facts don’t matter as much as perception. So long as they perceive President Trump to be the cause of all the world’s problems, any lie can be spouted as truth. Sean Hannity alongside The Hill’s Joe Concha and America First Action Senior Advisor Sean Spicer slammed the utter absurdity of the media’s attempt to connect President Trump to the mass shootings in El Paso…

Fox Examines How the Media Enabled Bogus Russian Collusion Story
July 29th, 2019 3:02 PM
For two years, the liberal media have convinced themselves and their Democrat buddies that Russian collusion took place in the 2016 election. On Friday night’s Hannity, fill-in host Jason Chaffetz spoke with The Hill’s Joe Concha and Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt on the mass Russia hysteria fueled by the press.

Hannity Slams Liberal Media Attempts to Tie Epstein to Trump
July 9th, 2019 10:51 PM
Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity devoted part of his opening monologue Monday night to scorching the media’s attempt to make President Trump such an outsized force in coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein case. On a separate topic, Hannity trashed the media’s coverage of the President’s “salute to America” before commenting: “The press in the country is so corrupt, they will use any and everything to…

Hannity Uncorks on CNN and MSNBC for Missing One Big Point
June 21st, 2019 6:25 AM
In the TV age, there's never been a more dramatic defeat for the media than on Election Day 2016. Despite the press and their pollsters guaranteeing a win for Hillary Clinton, the unthinkable occurred when Donald Trump was elected President, which sent shock waves through the liberal media. Rather than learn from their errors and aproach the public with more humility, the media continue to say…

MSNBC's Heilemann Attacks Hannity: FNC Built on 'Lies and Bulls**t'
June 7th, 2019 6:53 PM
On Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show, Deadline: White House, John Heilemann attacks Fox News in general, and Sean Hannity in particular, for creating a political and business model built on lies, fantasy, hypocrisy, and "bullshit."

Heilemann Slams 'Big Fat Steaming Plate of Hannity,' 'Pig in ****'
May 3rd, 2019 12:24 AM
On Wednesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on MSNBC, during a discussion of Fox News reaction to Attorney General Bill Barr's testimony on the Mueller report, John Heilemann derided FNC host Sean Hannity as a "steaming, hot pile of Hannity" who is as "happy as a pig in ****" as the MSNBC national affairs analyst seemed annoyed at having to react to the conservative Fox News host's…

Morgan Slams Former Home CNN as 'Completely in the Tank Anti-Trump'
April 23rd, 2019 6:30 PM
In the past, former CNN host Piers Morgan has sympathized with the liberal point of view and especially when it comes to theSecond Amendment and traditional values. However, he has recently emerged as a defender of President Trump. During an appearance on Hannity Monday night, Morgan ripped the liberal media for its coverage of the Mueller report.

MSNBC Claims 'Out of Context' Omar 9/11 Quote Similar to Bush
April 16th, 2019 8:43 AM
Over the weekend, as several MSNBC shows covered the backlash to Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar dismissively referring to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as "some people did something," it was repeatedly claimed that President Donald Trump and other conservatives took her words "out of context." Host David Gura even went so far as to make the ridiculous claim that her comments were similar to…

Russia-Crazed Maddow’s Ratings Tank in Wake of Mueller Dud
March 27th, 2019 2:54 PM
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC’s premiere Russia conspiracy theorist, has begun to hemorrhage viewers following Attorney General William Barr’s anticlimactic summary of the Mueller report. Meanwhile Fox News’s Hannity, which occupies the same 9:00 p.m. Eastern timeslot as The Rachel Maddow Show, has skyrocketed in the ratings.

‘This Isn’t Politics’; Ramos Speaks to Cooper, Hannity About Venezuela
February 26th, 2019 11:00 PM
Univision News anchor and hardcore liberal Jorge Ramos appeared Tuesday night on CNN’s AC360 and FNC’s Hannity to discuss his brief detainment in Venezuela by the murderous Nicolas Maduro regime after Ramos confronted Maduro in an interview with video of young men eating out of a garbage truck in Caracas. In the case of Sean Hannity and Ramos, the pair have had their fair share of on-air duels…

Lara Logan to Liberal Media Haters Targeting Her: ‘Nobody Owns Me’
February 20th, 2019 11:40 PM
In something of a follow up to her comments last Friday blasting the liberal media, former CBS News journalist Lara Logan appeared on Fox News’s Hannity Wednesday night with a message for the liberal media folks now targeting her and her career: “[T]hey don’t get to write my story anymore. They do not get to speak for me, I want to say loudly and clearly to anybody who’s listening, I am not owned…