The Cycle

'Conservative' Abby Huntsman Eagerly Opposes Ebola Travel Ban
October 17th, 2014 6:12 PM
The web page for MSNBC's The Cycle has the chutzpah to describe co-host Abby Huntsman as a "conservative." Whatever happened to truth in advertising?
On today's episode, Huntsman again demonstrated why the conservative tag doesn't fit. As a guest offered up a laughably lame analogy in arguing against a travel ban on people from Ebola-affected countries, Huntsman was quick to weigh in with an…

On MSNBC: Republicans Don't Care About Protecting the President's Life
October 10th, 2014 5:04 PM
On Friday, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank implied something truly dastardly and unpatriotic about Republicans - that they wouldn’t mind if the President of the United States was violently removed from office due to inadequate Secret Service protection.
Touré Condemns Censorship of War Photo . . . Then Censors It Himself!
September 15th, 2014 6:12 PM
Can Touré Neblett not see the incandescent irony of his statement? His show-ending rant on The Cycle today condemned the censorship of the shocking images of war. Railed Touré: "we're blocked from seeing so much of the cost of war, of the evil of war as if we are too sensitive or squeamish or unable to handle the graphic truth."
Touré focused on one particular photo, taken by photo-journalist…

Rush Limbaugh: New Media Kept Press From Turning 'Gentle Giant' Into R
August 25th, 2014 10:32 PM
Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh declared during his radio show on Friday that the “mainstream media” was unable to transform “gentle giant” black teenager Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, into Rodney King -- the black man who became famous for a high-speed pursuit by the police and later asking “Can't we all get along?” 22 years ago --…

MSNBC Fawns Over Liberal Author Who Pines for the '70s With 'Real Nost
August 7th, 2014 4:53 PM
MSNBC's Cycle hosts on Thursday brought on liberal author Rick Perlstein to pine for the greatness that was the 1970s. Perlstein appeared to promote his new book on the '70s and the transition from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan. Allowing that the decade was a "dark time," the writer enthused, "But to me, there's some nostalgia to that period. Because Americans proved they could look our…

Shock: Author of Harsh Expose on 'Nasty' Hillary Clinton Appears on MS
August 6th, 2014 5:20 PM
The author of a harsh expose on "nasty" Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC, Wednesday, and made his charges against the Democrat. The Cycle hosts grilled Ronald Kessler about his claim that Secret Service agents think Mrs. Clinton is "the worst." They also ignored his allegation that Bill Clinton is having an affair with a mistress known as "the energizer."
Promoting his book The First Family…

Sens. Rand Paul, Cory Booker Hit Back at Race Card-Playing MSNBC Host
July 30th, 2014 6:08 PM
This afternoon on MSNBC's The Cycle co-host Ari Melber conducted a live interview with liberal Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) and libertarian-conservative Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) about their bipartisan Redeem Act proposal -- Redeem standing for Record Expungement Designed to ENhance EMployment.
Unfortunately for viewers, Melber insisted on playing the Lean Forward's favorite hand…
Howard Stern Fan Fools MSNBC's Krystal Ball On Air: 'You're A Dumb A
July 17th, 2014 4:10 PM
Even after all these years, some people still fall for Howard Stern’s tricks. Reacting to the plane crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, MSNBC’s The Cycle supposedly brought on U.S. Staff Sergeant Michael Boyd. He claimed to have seen the missile in the air hit the plane. Suffice it to say, Krystal Ball’s interview did not go as planned.
Ball led off by asking “Boyd” what he saw on the…

MSNBC’s Toure: Conservatives Have Been Successful at ‘Demonizing I
July 9th, 2014 6:45 PM
The folks on MSNBC's The Cycle have gone on the offensive regarding immigration, moving from defending President Obama to bashing the supposed bigotry that exists on the right, naturally. On the July 9 edition of program, the panel and guest Eric Schneiderman of Salon were virtually unanimous in their criticism of the Republican Party on immigration.
Toure pointed to what he believed is a…

MSNBC’s Toure Claims Mississippi GOP Senate Runoff Takes Us ‘Back
June 24th, 2014 5:35 PM
In a discussion on the June 24 edition of The Cycle regarding the heated Mississippi GOP Senate runoff between U.S. Senator Thad Cochran and state senator Chris McDaniel, MSNBC’s Toure immediately expressed skepticism of the tactics being deployed by the two candidates to appeal to voters.
Toure criticized Thad Cochran for reaching out to Democratic black voters at a time of political…
Krystal Ball Asks Abortion Movie Director If She Ever Feared For Her
June 20th, 2014 9:03 AM
Thursday afternoon’s The Cycle plugged the recently released “abortion rom-com” Obvious Child by interviewing the film's screenwriter and director Gillian Robespierre and lead actress Jenny Slate.
After the hosts spent a couple minutes praising the way in which the film portrayed a "positive, safe, shame-free abortion," co-host Krystal Ball took the liberty of asking the director if there was…

MSNBC's Russert: Is the West ‘Better Off’ With Dictators in Middle
June 19th, 2014 5:35 PM
Reacting to the announcement from President Obama that the United States will be sending approximately 300 special forces to Iraq in non-combat “advisor” roles, the panel on MSNBC’s The Cycle was skeptical that the move would accomplish anything significant. It’s fair to say that the panel was not exactly erring on the side of more intervention, however.
After reading a quote from Time…

Krystal Ball Won’t Stop Harping On Republicans
June 17th, 2014 5:45 PM
MSNBC The Cycle co-host Krystal Ball enjoyed an extra hour with which to bash Republicans and puff the Obama administration today as she filled in on the 1 p.m. Eastern Ronan Farrow Daily program. Ball questioned whether breaking news of the capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala, a terrorist wanted for organizing the Benghazi attacks, would “take away a sort of key talking point for Republicans.”…

‘Cosmo’ Political Editor: ‘We've Become...A Country Of Have And
June 16th, 2014 8:44 PM
MSNBC is known for its promotion of abortion and “abortion rights” and on Monday, June 16 its afternoon program The Cycle showed just how over-the-top its activism is.
“The Cyclists” played host to Jill Filipovic, Senior Political Writer at, to promote an article she wrote about new abortion laws being pushed in Ohio. During the interview, the Cosmopolitan editor proclaimed…