Cable Television

‘States’ Rights’: CNN Smears Federalism as Purely a Tool of Racists

CNN: 'Sharp' Kamala 'Commanded' Stage in Her 'Masterful Performance'

Late Night CNN: Cuomo Admits 'People Pick Favorites in This Business'

CNN Was Kind of Glad Democratic Candidates Didn’t Mention Trump Much

CNN: 'Professor' Warren Lorded Over 'Grad Students,' the 'Pacesetter'

CNN Claims Trump Gets All His Military Advice from Fox News

The Right Thing: Chuck Todd Blasts AOC for Concentration Camp Remarks

Freeform Show: SCOTUS 'Uses Racism' to Justify Killing Black People

Thin Skin: CNN Cuts from Trump Rally After Crowd Chants ‘CNN Sucks!’

Sullivan: Media Not Pushing Impeachment, ‘Anathema’ to the Business

CNN, MSNBC Spend 72 Percent of Prime Time FREAKING OUT Over Trump/ABC
President Trump made more headlines Wednesday night after he told ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos that he would be fine with taking “oppo research” on his 2020 opponent from foreign countries. This comment drew criticism. But during their almost two hours and 30 minutes of prime time coverage, or hair-on-fire panic, neither CNN nor MSNBC cared to mention that that’s exactly what the…

CNN’s Acosta Regrets the Media Are Not More Hostile to Trump

CNN Brags: Obama Got a Better Welcome at NBA Game Than Trump in London