
Lemon FLIPS OUT: ‘God’s Honest Truth’ Trump to Blame for Racism

May 28th, 2020 11:24 PM

During a guest appearance on CNN’s The Situation Room Thursday evening, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon flipped out and doubled down on comments he made the previous night, blaming President Trump for the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. Insisting it was the “God’s honest truth,” Lemon decried how the U.S. attorney on the case had said the White House and the…


CNN’s Lemon Blames Trump for Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis

May 28th, 2020 12:16 AM

It started out as reasonable venting during Wednesday’s handoff between Cuomo PrimeTime and CNN Tonight about how the police treat African Americans and how white people should be more receptive. But it all went too far when the latter’s host, Don Lemon blamed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on President Trump. On top of that, he and Chris Cuomo asserted that people on the right would…


CBS/NBC Scoff at Trump v. Twitter, Skip Fact-Checker's Hatred of Trump

May 27th, 2020 9:23 PM
While Twitter targeted President Trump with fact-checks, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News scoffed at his understandably angry reaction on Wednesday. While they were amused by him fuming at his favorite social media platform, neither of them cared to report how Twitter’s in-house fact-checker was an anti-Trump activist who had leveled many false accusations against the President,…

Prop-Twirling, Quarantine-Flouting Cuomo Lashes Out at ‘Fools’

May 27th, 2020 12:09 AM
Hypocrisy must have been the main course at CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo’s Memorial Day barbeque, because he was serving up leftovers during Tuesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime. Cuomo, the guy who beclowned himself by twirling around giant cotton swabs and flouted his coronavirus quarantine when he knew he was infected, bashed President Trump with accusations of playing games and those who didn’…

Starz Drama: Sisters Bond Over Taking Abortion Pill, Not Telling Men

May 24th, 2020 11:09 PM
The May 25 episode of Vida titled “Episode 21” drives home the point of how cavalier and apathetic some pro-abortion women can be when it comes to terminating their unborn children. This episode on Starz even shows the two leading characters, sisters, bonding over the pills used to perform the abortion.

Wallace, Goldberg Bash 'Twitter Troll' Press Secretary McEnany

May 24th, 2020 12:44 PM
Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace invited a panel to bash White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany because she had the courage to stand up to the opposition press. Between Wallace taking it personally and the Never-Trump editor-in-chief of The Dispatch, Jonah Goldberg attacking her, it was like watching CNN.

Nets Skip Church Burned for Opening, Whine Trump Didn’t Wear Mask

May 21st, 2020 9:09 PM
Showing their discontent for religious liberty and penchant for just being petty, the Thursday evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to cover a Mississippi church burned to the ground Wednesday in an act of arson because they had sued to stay open. Instead, all three of them threw a hissy fit because President Trump wasn’t wearing a mask for part of his visit to a Ford factory, which was…

Cuomo Thumbs Nose at Accountability for Gov. Brother, Plays With Swabs

May 20th, 2020 11:43 PM
CNN has been flouting journalistic ethics for weeks now as they allowed Chris “Fredo” Cuomo to interview his Democratic brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo almost weekly. Things came to a disgusting head during Wednesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime when Chris thumbed his nose at bipartisan calls to investigate his brother’s disastrous mishandling of the outbreak in his state. Instead, he…

Nets Skip Bipartisan Calls to Probe Why NY Put COVID in Nursing Homes

May 20th, 2020 9:05 PM
NBC Nightly News may have been the lone network to dare report on how Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had forced nursing homes to take in COVID patients (and then deny them access to the state’s supply of personal protective equipment) last week, but come Wednesday, they were just as silent as ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News on reporting on calls to appoint outside counsel…

Cuomo Blames Trump for Terrorist Attack, Whines About Reopening

May 19th, 2020 12:21 AM
Despite calling it a distraction and saying it was taking too much time away from attacking President Trump on other topics, CNN’s Chris Cuomo spent a lot of Monday’s PrimeTime ranting and raging at the President for announcing he was taking the anti-malaria drug, Hydroxychloroquine. One of the stories Cuomo wished was getting more play was how Trump was supposedly responsible for the 2019…

Gutfeld Scorches 'Broken' Media in EPIC Monologue

May 15th, 2020 4:05 PM

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld delivered a scathing monologue on media mistrust during Thursday’s edition of The Five. He spoke about “a new poll about the reliability of journalists” that “comes from Pew, which makes sense because it stinks for the press.” After illustrating the reasons why the American public does not trust the media, Gutfeld described the media as “broken” and slammed them for…


MSNBC Asks Biden What Day 1 of Presidency Will Be Like, Pardon Trump?

May 15th, 2020 12:56 AM
In an effort to aid presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in his struggle to campaign during the coronavirus crisis, MSNBC’s The Last Word hosted an hour-long interview/town hall special featuring the former Vice President and Stacey Abrams, who's been obsessive in her desire to be his running mate. Among the softball questions, slow-pitched to Biden was whether or not he would commit to not…

While His Brother Put COVID in Nursing Homes, Cuomo Smeared Florida

May 14th, 2020 12:20 AM
We now know that Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had been packing coronavirus patients into nursing homes for weeks, possibly killing untold numbers of people. But while he was doing that, his CNN host little brother, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo was lashing out at Florida and Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, suggesting they didn’t care about the lives of non-residents. Now, we know that New…

Vile Cuomo: ‘Elitist’ Fox News Is 'Okay With 10,000 More Dead'

May 12th, 2020 11:35 PM
In arguably his most toxic diatribe to date, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo ended Tuesday’s Cuomo PrimeTime by lashing out at Fox News in the vilest of ways: Falsely declaring that they were totally fine with 10,000 more Americans dying from the coronavirus.