
Rich Guys Cuomo, Lemon Claim Trump Loans Endanger All Americans

September 28th, 2020 11:38 PM

CNN’s dumb and dumber duo of Chris “Fredo” Cuomo (PrimeTime) and Don Lemon (CNN Tonight) often brag about how they’re neighbors in the elitist communities on Long Island, New York; so much so that they openly mock violent crime in the city. Yet, on Monday’s handoff between their shows, the two of them lashed out at President Trump for legally paying the least amount in taxes…


Marching With Antifa, CNN Claims Not 'Peaceful' But Not 'Violent'

September 24th, 2020 12:02 AM

While taking part in a march of Antifa terrorists through the streets of the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Washington, D.C., Alex Marquardt tried to spin their chaos and violence for CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. “Until now, I'm not going to say it's been peaceful but it hasn't quite been violent,” he suggested as he admitted that police had dawned riot gear.


Tucker Torches CNN, MSNBC for 'Encouraging' Riots and Spreading Lies

September 23rd, 2020 9:23 PM

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was on fire Wednesday night as he blasted CNN and MSNBC liberals for “encouraging” riots and spreading “demonstrable” lies in the wake of a Kentucky grand jury’s decision not to charge Louisville police officers in the death of Breonna Taylor. Carlson’s condemnation of the two lesser networks came during his opening monologue, and before the end of the hour…


Don Lemon LIES as He Walks Back His Radical Urge to ‘Blow Up’ System

September 23rd, 2020 12:13 AM

During the Tuesday handoff between Cuomo PrimeTime and CNN Tonight, Don Lemon (the host of the later) whined that news outlets like NewsBusters reported on how he had called for the left to “blow up the entire system” and abolish the Electoral College on Monday night. He asserted to fellow CNN host and friend, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo that he was taken out of context. But in…


Lemon Argues Dems Would Let Trump Nominate If in Control of Senate

September 22nd, 2020 12:55 AM

It was an argument so asinine that CNN PrimeTime host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his dear friend. During the routine banter during the handoff from Cuomo’s show to CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon made the argument (in all seriousness) that if Democrats were in control of the Senate they would allow President Trump to nominate his third Supreme…


As Murders and Shootings Skyrocket in NYC, Cuomo and Lemon Laugh

September 17th, 2020 11:58 PM

CNN needs to put up a health warning when the dumb and dumber duo of Chris “Fredo” Cuomo (PrimeTime) and Don Lemon (CNN Tonight) are on the screen together because viewers can get whiplash from their flailing opinions. It was especially needed on Thursday, when the pair were back to mocking concerns about violent crime as murders and shooting continued to rise in New York…


Trump Camp Official Confronts CNN on Rights of Rally Attendees

September 16th, 2020 11:35 PM

Over the last few months, the liberal media have looked the other way as crowds who share their political bent packed the streets in cities across the country and undoubtedly spread the coronavirus. But at the same time, they’ve decried every time President Trump’s supporters gathered at his rallies and other political events. But during a Wednesday appearance on CNN’s Erin Burnett…


Tucker Makes Case Dems Are Complicit in Targeted Shootings of Cops

September 15th, 2020 12:20 AM

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was in a prickly mood during his opening monologue, Monday. But who could blame him? As he led into the hour, Fox Los Angeles reporter Bill Melugin gave an update on the ambush shooting of two L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies over the weekend. In response, Carlson used his opening to lay out the case as to how the Democratic Party was complicit in the…


CNN’s Tapper Calls Out Disney and NBA for ‘Bowing’ to Genocidal China

September 13th, 2020 1:35 PM

In closing out CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, host Jake Tapper unloaded on the Walt Disney Company and the NBA for “openly thanking” and “bowing” to Communist China while they’re herding ethnic Uighurs into concentration camps. A chyron also warned of “the slippery slope toward making ‘never again’ meaningless.” Amid that strong denunciation, Tapper used a claim from an anti-…


Tapper Aids Biden in Trump Hate-Fest, Lets Him LIE About NoKo Talks

September 10th, 2020 6:08 PM

While CNN host Jake Tapper would eventually press Democratic nominee Joe Biden on his support for NAFTA and “favored country status” for China, his interview with the former Vice President (taped Wednesday and aired Thursday) was largely a Trump-bashing session. It featured Tapper repeatedly teeing up his 2020 candidate to take swings at his favorite hate object. Tapper even let Biden lie…


CW Drama: Bad White Cops Cover Up Killing Unarmed Black Man

September 10th, 2020 12:37 AM

Taking a page out of today’s headlines, the CW’s Coroner aired an episode on September 9 titled “Confetti Heart” that focused on a white cop shooting and killing an unarmed black man. To hear the protesters in the Black Lives Matter movement, this sort of thing happens every day in America. This show, however, is set in Canada so at least the viewer is spared that line of propaganda…


Sleazy Duo: Cuomo Minimizes Shady Texts, Lets Strzok LIE About Probe

September 10th, 2020 12:07 AM

From the get-go Wednesday, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo telegraphed that he wasn’t going to take his interview with disgraced, former FBI agent Peter Strzok seriously. “They were the text messages that launched everything from conspiracy theories to congressional investigations. Not to mention more than 50 presidential tweets and countless hours of programming on state TV, a.k.a. Fox,” he…


Nets Gift 16 Min. to Anti-Trump Book, ZERO to Peace Prize Nomination

September 9th, 2020 8:55 PM

It was easy to tell the broadcast networks were in full campaign mode on Wednesday seeing as they spent large chunks of their evening newscasts hawking yet another anti-Trump book, Rage by Bob Woodward. But while they spent over 16 minutes (16:26) being up in arms over something President Trump said publicly back in April, they used it to cover-up how the President was nominated by a…


Lemon: America Addicted to Racism, Poor Whites ‘Doing It Wrong’

September 9th, 2020 12:45 AM

It was a disgusting scene during the Tuesday handoff between CNN hosts Chris Cuomo (PrimeTime) and Don Lemon (CNN Tonight), as the two of them exposed the hate in the hearts. As both of them insisted America was a systemically racist place, Lemon equated racism to addiction and suggested that poor white people were “doing it wrong” by not taking “advantage” of their “…