Cable Television
'Voters Deserve an Answer!' Tapper Grills Biden Spox on Court-Packing
After Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s Friday declaration that Americans “don’t deserve” to know his position on packing the Supreme Court, some in the liberal media have had enough of his dodging and contempt for the American people. After ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl bucked the narrative on Sunday, CNN’s Jake Tapper followed suit and grilled Biden campaign coordinator Kate…

FLASHBACK: Todd Whined About Trump Humiliating Clinton With Accusers
Another week has passed and journalists are again upset with the Trump/Pence 2020 team for how they handled a debate. This time, Chuck Todd hammered Mike Pence for being “evasive” and “deflecting.” Four years ago today, on October 10, 2016, things were exactly the same. NBC’s Todd was horrified when Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton’s sexual accusers to a debate.
MSNBC’s Cackling Coven: ‘Flaccid’ Pence Was ‘Limp and Lame’ in Debate
MSNBC’s post-vice presidential debate analysis was apparently being beamed in Wednesday from an alternate universe, because according to their cackling coven of network hosts (Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace), Vice President Mike Pence was “flaccid,” “anemic,” “very low energy,” and “just looked limp and lame.” That conflicted with CNN’s shoddy analysis which found Pence to be a…
Debate Damage Control: CNN Says Kamala Was Victim of Racism, Sexism
Mere moments after the vice presidential debate concluded Wednesday CNN was in full damage-control mode for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and the Biden campaign. Prior to the debate, the liberal media was praising how she was going to bring her prosecutorial reputation to bear against the evil Trump administration. But according to CNN’s band of flunkies, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Abby…
Cuomo Wants to ‘Choke,’ ‘Punch’ Critics, Tucker Exposed Him Maskless
During the usual handoff banter between Chris “Fredo” Cuomo (PrimeTime) and Don Lemon (CNN Tonight) on Tuesday, the former flashed his penchant for physical violence when he said he wanted to “choke” and “punch” his critics at Fox News Channel. “What could have set him off,” you might ask. Well, earlier that evening, FNC host Tucker Carlson again exposed Fredo going maskless…
COVER-UP ALERT: Nets Hide CIA Notes Exposing Hillary’s Collusion Plot
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe dropped another Russia collusion bombshell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, by releasing the contemporaneous 2016 notes of then-CIA Director John Brennan. Those notes detailed how he briefed President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s plot to frame then-candidate Donald Trump with the Russia collusion hoax. But predictably, it fell with a thud on the…
Cuomo Thanks God He Doesn’t Need to ‘Feign’ to Care for Trump’s Life
In a rare moment of honesty from a CNN host Monday night, PrimeTime host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo thanked God because he didn’t need to “feign” to care about President Trump’s life following his discharge from Walter Reed medical center. On top of that, he’s talked to five anonymous sources in the White House who claim Trump left them “for dead.” And if you want to know who they were,…
CNN Compares Trump Release from Hospital to ‘Dear Leader’ Autocrats
As Trump made his way out of Walter Reed Medical Center Monday evening, CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter spoke on The Situation Room and disgustingly compared his release from the hospital to the showmanship of “Dear Leader” autocrats like Kim Jong-un. He also blasted Trump’s return as “cynical,” “performative,” and “dangerous.”
‘Death Watch’: CNN Media Panel Likens Trump Health to Stalin’s Demise
With CNN’s glee at seeing President Trump hospitalized with COVID-19 and other media outlets whining about him getting the “best medical care possible,” it’s hard on to imagine which outcome they would relish. Adding to that notion on Sunday, the media panel for CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” almost said the quiet part out loud when New Yorker staff writer Masha Gessen…
Moderator Wallace: Trump Put Foot in My 'Beautiful, Delicious Cake'
Speaking out after the disastrous presidential debate Tuesday night, moderator Chris Wallace appeared on Thursday’s Bill Hemmer Report to discuss “what happened.” The interview came off as a sort of airing of grievances as Wallace blamed President Trump for the raucous nature of the debate, and complained that Trump “put his foot” in the “beautiful, delicious cake” Wallace and his…
‘Deliberately Corrupt’: Nets Hide Comey Getting Called Out in Hearing
During Wednesday’s Special Report, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier predicted that the rest of the media would refuse to cover former FBI Director James Comey getting chewed out and admitting to major problems with his Russia investigation. “I guarantee you it's not getting a lot of coverage on other networks and that is the former FBI Director Jim Comey testifying on Capitol Hill…
CNN: ‘Obesely Immoral’ ‘Psychopath’ Trump Refused to Condemn Racists
Mere moments after their colleagues cursed out Tuesday’s Presidential debate as a “shit show” and suggested President Trump was actively trying to bring the country “down with him,” CNN's Anderson Cooper raged as he led the largely liberal panel in a hate fest against the President. Addressing former Obama advisor David Axelrod, Cooper literally pounded his fist on the desk as he denounced…
CNN Curses Out ‘Sh*t Show’ Debate, Warn Trump Out to Destroy America
CNN’s post-debate analysis was just as off the rails late Tuesday as the presidential debate itself. Between predictions that it would be the last debate this election cycle, a profanity-laces outburst, and claims President Trump was actively trying to take down the country, CNN’s so-called journalists were out of control.
Nets Cover-Up Evidence Russia Collusion Hoax Was Hillary-Approved Plot
In a bombshell letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe detailed how the Russian collusion narrative pushed by Democrats and the media was an alleged plot approved by then-candidate Hillary Clinton. Not only that, but President Obama was allegedly briefed on the matter by anti-Trump CIA Director John Brennan. The night’s presidential…