
MSNBC MELTS DOWN Over a Charter School Linking Up With Hillsdale

January 23rd, 2024 4:54 PM

Last week on MSNBC, The 11th Hour with the not-so-bright host Stephanie Ruhle tag-teamed with leftist Twitter snob, raging hypocrite, and Hack Madness mainstay Judd Legum to throw a hysterical hissy fit over conservatives launching a charter school in South Carolina and Hillsdale College writing grade-school curriculums teaching students to — wait for it — love America.


Ruhle Claims Worse Than Expected Inflation Report Was 'Good-ish'

January 13th, 2024 10:38 AM

MSNBC’s host of The 11th Hour, Stephanie Ruhle, knows that the economy is the thing most likely to doom President Joe Biden’s re-election efforts so she spent Friday’s show spinning that the worse than expected inflation report was actually “good-ish.”


MSNBC Is BIG SAD Chris Christie Dropped Out Without Confronting Trump

January 11th, 2024 12:32 AM

Minutes after the conclusion of the fifth GOP presidential primary debate on Wednesday, MSNBC’s panel of far-left radicals were obsessed with a man who was not on the stage. No, not former President Trump. This time it was former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who dropped out of the race hours before the debate started. The liberal talking heads insisted that Christie’s failed campaign had…


MSNBC Analyst: Media 'Breathlessly' Repeated Hamas Propaganda

October 18th, 2023 10:18 AM

MSNBC national security analyst Jeremy Bash may be a former Democratic CIA official, but that did not stop him from ripping the media on Tuesday’s The 11th Hour for “breathlessly, word for word” repeating Hamas propaganda that the destruction of a Gaza hospital was caused by an Israeli airstrike.


Ruhle Gets Angry When Tuberville Labels DOD Abortion Policy As Illegal

September 21st, 2023 9:42 AM

On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer did what he could’ve done several months ago: allow an individual vote on the confirmation of Gen. Charles Brown to be the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. However, Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s hold on groups of nominees remains, which did not sit well with MSNBC The 11th Hour who angrily denounced him for calling the…


'People Have Sex,' MSNBC Celebrates Virginia Dem Who Did Porn

September 16th, 2023 12:08 PM

Some people have argued that the revelations that Democratic Virginia State House Susanna Gibson’s history of making pornography should be disqualifying. Others have said it was no big deal, but the weekly panel on MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle took it a step further by trying to spin her response to revelations as a positive.


MSNBC: GOP 'Could Never Fathom' How 'Decent and Civil' Biden Is

September 1st, 2023 10:00 AM

The cast of MSNBC’s Thursday edition of The 11th Hour Reports with Stephanie Ruhle went all out in their praise of President Biden’s alleged “compassion and humility” that, according to them, is so great, Republicans “could never fathom” how truly awesome it is.


CNN, MSNBC Accuse DeSantis of 'Fueling' Jacksonville Shooting

August 29th, 2023 10:18 AM

In the aftermath of the racist shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, that left three dead, the Monday editions of CNN Tonight and MSNBC’s The 11th Hour both claimed to know who was, at least partially, at fault: Gov. Ron DeSantis.


MSNBC Attacks 'Weird' GOP Debate For Talking Policy Instead Of Trump

August 25th, 2023 10:00 AM

MSNBC The 11th Hour guest host Ali Velshi, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, and presidential historian Michael Beschloss were all greatly distressed on Thursday as they reacted to the “weird” GOP primary debate from the night before that focused on policy differences between the candidates instead of obsession over Donald Trump and “the anti-democratic tendencies…


Jon Meacham: Only Way to Fix the Republican Party Is to Have It Lose

August 20th, 2023 10:11 PM

MSNBC historian Jon Meacham gives his usual partisan Biden-boosting advice that the only way for the Republican party to fix itself is to keep on losing.


MSNBC Sees 'Basic Hollowness And Absurdity' In Focus On Biden Scandals

August 11th, 2023 10:05 AM

MSNBC host of the The 11th Hour, Stephanie Ruhle, did a touchdown dance on her Thursday show in response to GOP Rep. Nick Langworthy’s admission that they have no evidence of direct payments to President Joe Biden from son Hunter’s business operations. At the same time, the Lincoln Project’s Stuart Stevens declared the party’s focus reeked of “basic hollowness and absurdity,” but…


MSNBC Blames 'Chaos Created By The GOP' U.S. Credit Downgrade

August 3rd, 2023 10:05 AM

During a discussion on former President Donald Trump’s latest indictment related to January 6, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle went on a bit of a digression on Wednesday’s The 11th Hour to discuss Fitch downgrading the U.S.’s credit rating, which according to her was caused by “was the chaos created by the GOP” including January 6. Of course, Fitch’s own explanation was a little bit more…


IRONY: MSNBC Gloats Over Hillary 'Smiling' At New Trump Indictment

July 28th, 2023 9:53 AM

With the Thursday news that former President Trump now faces an additional charge of obstruction of justice related the deletion of security camera footage, the cast of MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle managed to completely miss the point as they basked in the news that Trump is now charged with the very thing he condemned Hillary Clinton for.


MSNBC Warns Of 'Alarming Plans' To Take Power Away From Bureaucracy

July 18th, 2023 10:10 AM

On Monday’s The 11th Hour, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle joined up with Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig to warn that Donald Trump and other Republicans are not fans of the unelected bureaucracy and have “very alarming plans” to do something about that could lead to “autocracy.”