

Networks Mostly SILENT on Bond Hearing For Jocelyn Nungaray’s Killer

Jorge Bonilla

Univision, Telemundo ONLY Nets To Cover Houston Migrant Murder

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Said Trump Indictment Was a ‘Beautiful Act’

Jorge Bonilla

Trump’s Bronx Rally And The Wrath of Spurned Media Gatekeepers

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: When Univision Platformed A LITERAL Insurrectionist

Jorge Bonilla

Is Dubbing Joe Biden In Spanish Election Interference? Yes, It Is.

Jorge Bonilla

The Univision-Biden Interview: Don’t Call It a Reconquista

Jorge Bonilla

PREVIEW: Joe Biden Finally Gets His Univision ‘Softball’ Interview

Jorge Bonilla

Spanish-Language Nets HIDE White House ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

Jorge Bonilla

Univision's Soft Interview with Kamala Harris: Media Double Standard?

It’s been close to three months since former President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Televisa anchor Enrique Acevedo. The Acela Media flew into an outrage and (falsely) accused Acevedo of conducting a “soft” interview with Trump. But now that…

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is PAINED By Amnesty Being Left Out Of Biden Border Deal

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, during an interview with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX), expressed surprise and pain over the fact that the current border deal being negotiated between the Senate and the White House contains no provision to legalize anyone in the country illegally.

Jorge Bonilla

ACCIDENTAL JOURNALISM: Univision Notices Influx Of Chinese Migrants

Univision’s reputation, historically, has been that of a network fueled primarily but uncontrolled immigration. But what happens when some of the beneficiaries of Biden’s uncontrolled border aren’t able to tune in? Things get very interesting.


Jorge Bonilla

Univision Is the Only Network to Fully Report AMLO’s Border Blackmail

The networks’ coverage of the ongoing border disaster has been spotty, at best, inasmuch as it is a story that is unfavorable to the Biden administration. Therefore, there hasn’t been any reporting on the demands made by Mexico’s president in exchange for assistance at the border. Shockingly, Univision was the network to finally break that ice.

Jorge Bonilla

CNN EN Español Cheers Gov. DeWine's Veto Of Ohio Child Mutilation Ban

As we’ve often stated, immigration is the apex political issue on Spanish-language news media. But, as this CNN En Español report on Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of the Ohio grooming ban shows, Spanish-language media often falls in line with the rest of the left’s policy pu-pu platter.As we’ve often stated, immigration is the apex political issue on Spanish-language news media. But, as this CNN En…

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo OMITTED That Killer of Texas Cheerleader Is Here Illegally

One of the most egregious form of business-interest bias in Spanish-language media occurs when it is deemed necessary to conceal the immigration status of the suspect of a heinous crime. Such is the case with Telemundo blatantly omitting that the recently-arrested killer of a 16-year-old Texas cheerleader was in the country illegally.

Jorge Bonilla

Estrella TV Is VEXED At Biden Trading Border Security For Ukraine Cash

Once you understand that the core business model of Spanish-language TV depends on a steady inflow of immigrants, legal or otherwise, you understand everything else about how these networks cover the news. Hence, Estrella TV’s freakout that President Joe Biden might secure the border in exchange for some more Ukraine cash.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision’s President of News Defends Trump Interview

During a recent episode of his weekly YouTube show, Univision President of News Daniel Coronell weighed in on the controversy surrounding the network’s interview of former President Donald Trump.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision Covers Deceased Jewish Protester As ‘Man Who Hit His Head'

The Acela Media “media journalist” class are in high dudgeon over supposed editorial shifts at Univision. The network’s report on the arrest of the man suspected in the death of pro-Israel protester Paul Kessler stands as proof evident that they know nothing.

Jorge Bonilla

Nets Suppress MASSIVE Caravan Headed To U.S. Southern Border

A major migrant caravan is making its way towards the southern border of United States, but you’d never know about it if you depended on network evening news for information. This is, like Biden-Burisma corruption and so many other stories, another news item to be suppressed lest it make the Biden administration look bad (or any worse).

Jorge Bonilla

Ilia Calderón: Infant Mortality Increase Due To Lack of Abortions

Univision anchor Ilia Calderón proves, once again, that the network advocates for entire leftwing policy pupu platter beyond immigration. And that abortion (with gun control a close second) is at the apex of those non-immigration issues.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision Anchor Delivers Subtle Anti-Israel Propaganda

The initial shock of the atrocities committed by Hamas seems to have worn off at Univision, and the network has now reverted to lazy parroting of pro-Hamas propaganda.

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos: Biden Must Allow An Extra 3M Immigrants/YR Into The U.S.

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos confirms, yet again, that he is in fact an immigration activist posing as a journalist. His latest opinion column slams the Biden administration’s proposal to build 30 miles of border wall, and calls for the government to allow an additional 2-3 million immigrants into the United States every year.

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Media Once Thought Airing Nazi Propaganda Was A Bad Thing

When analyzing the media's embarrassingly stenographic coverage of the war in Gaza subsequent to the atrocities committed by Hamas, it is important to note that there wasn't always such a keen interest in ensuring that Nazis, literal or otherwise (and certainly Hamas), got depicted fairly and accurately.

Jorge Bonilla