Collusion with Harris? MRC President Bozell Calls on CBS to Tell All

MRC President Brent Bozell has urged CBS News to clarify whether it coordinated with Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign after editing her 60 Minutes interview. Bozell's letter to CBS requests they release the full unedited interview, aiming to restore public trust shaken by claims of bias. Despite CBS’s dismissive response attributing edits to brevity, Bozell argues that…

Gabriela Pariseau
October 31st, 2024 10:52 AM

Coates Defends Omitting Terrorism From Anti-Israel Book In CBS Return

While CBS’s Stephen Colbert’s colleague Tony Dokoupil was never explicitly mentioned, he loomed over Colbert’s Wednesday interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates as the duo discussed reaction to his anti-Israel book on The Late Show. Coates, for his part, was unrepentant as he defended the decision to leave out any mention of terrorism when discussing the current situation in the West Bank.…

Alex Christy
October 31st, 2024 10:17 AM

UNBURDENED: CBS’s O’Donnell MAD About Trump’s Garbage Truck ‘Stunt’

With her tenure as anchor of the CBS Evening News coming to a close, Norah O’Donnell is now unburdened by what is, and is now openly and brazenly editorializing ahead of reporter packages. Former President Donald Trump’s response to President Joe Biden calling Trump supporters ‘garbage” was simply too much for O’Donnell to countenance.

Jorge Bonilla
October 31st, 2024 12:58 AM

NewsBusters Podcast: Brent Bozell on the Worst Campaign Bias Ever

If the tone of media coverage decided the election, it would be a landslide for Kamala Harris. The media have never more energetically taken a side for a candidate. MRC founder and president Brent Bozell and I discussed the latest MRC studies proving the worst campaign bias we've ever documented, not only on TV news, but even on TV "comedy" shows. It's a "Brent Bozell Show" crossover episode…

Tim Graham
October 30th, 2024 10:20 PM

New York Times Revels in Harris Tactic of Labeling Trump a Fascist

Despite its alleged concern for the decline of civility in politics, the New York Times is actually all in on political slander and name-calling lately -- when it’s in the service of defeating Donald Trump. For the second time in under two weeks, the paper reveled in the party’s new tactic of throwing the dirty word “fascist” at Trump to see if it would stick (not that they didn’t do…

Clay Waters
October 30th, 2024 10:05 PM

Defamation Hearing: CNN Says ‘Half-Ass’ Reporting Should Be Protected

In a pre-Halloween hearing in the $1 billion defamation suit against them, on Wednesday, CNN tried to bring their Sharia law defense back from the grave. Judge William Scott Henry of Florida’s 14th Circuit Court called it “a circular argument” that wanted pity for the Afghanis while implying they were criminals for escaping the Taliban. The network’s lawyer ultimately argued that “half-ass”…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 30th, 2024 8:44 PM

CBS, NBC Admit Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment Was Bad News for Kamala

While ABC’s Good Morning America was off denying reality Wednesday that President Biden’s comment referring to Trump “supporters” as “garbage,” CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today were pained to admit he’s “undermin[ing]” and “drawing attention away from Kamala Harris’s closing message” by “courting controversy” with an “unforced error.”

Curtis Houck
October 30th, 2024 6:57 PM

ABC Pampers Walz, CBS Grills Him on Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Smear, Abortion

Democratic vice presidential nominee and Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) surfaced Wednesday morning for two different broadcast network news interviews that couldn’t have been any more different between ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings. While ABC co-host and former George Stephanopoulos kissed up to Walz with a campaign strategy session, CBS held him to account for…

Curtis Houck
October 30th, 2024 4:50 PM

Google Offers Users Firehose of Leftist Media on Election Coverage

Google continues to go to great lengths to block users from seeing any right-of-center media outlets on 2024 presidential election news. 

Tom Olohan
October 30th, 2024 4:18 PM

WashPost Spins on 'Garbage'! 'Biden's Defense Is Entirely Plausible'

Aaron Blake is a "senior political reporter" at The Washington Post, for a section they call "The Fix." Well, this pathetic attempt to help Joe Biden paper over what he quite obviously said is an attempt at "the fix," but it doesn't work.

Tim Graham
October 30th, 2024 3:18 PM

PolitiFact Defends Yet Another Dem Senator's Transgender Sports Vote

Republicans clearly believe that transgender-related liberal culture war nonsense is a winning issue for them, which means that PolitiFact views it as their job to defend Democrats from the true attacks on their record. On Tuesday, PolitiFact was it again, rating Nevada Republican Senate challenger Sam Brown “false” for correctly stating Sen. Jacky Rosen supports allowing men to compete in…

Alex Christy
October 30th, 2024 2:00 PM
Joe Scarborough Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 10-30-24

Scarborough Tries To Laugh Off Biden Calling Trump Supporters GARBAGE

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough tries to laugh off Joe Biden having called Trump supporters "garbage." Scarborough puts on a big, fake, smile and chuckles in reaction.

Mark Finkelstein
October 30th, 2024 1:57 PM

MSG Poisoning? PBS Guest Flips Out, Predicts Trump Concentration Camps

Monday evening’s PBS News Hour devoted its first 11 minutes of news -- two full segments -- to bashing Donald Trump’s long rally at Madison Square Garden in the heart of his hometown of New York City. White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez actually led with criticism from his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, not news about the rally itself.

Clay Waters
October 30th, 2024 1:01 PM

Daily Show To Trump-Supporting Latinos: Trump Will Still Deport You

Voto Latino CEO Maria Teresa Kumar journeyed to Comedy Central and The Daily Show on Tuesday to warn any Latino thinking of voting for Trump that their vote will not save them because Trump and his friends simply want to deport brown people.

Alex Christy
October 30th, 2024 12:45 PM