Palin's 'Can't Party Like It's 1773' Line Mocked By History Challenged

Sarah Palin at Monday's Tea Party rally in Reno, Nevada, told attendees, "Don't be thinking that we've got victory for America in the bag yet...We can't party like it's 1773." Clearly not understanding that was the year of the famed Boston Tea Party, history challenged media members, including PBS's Gwen Ifill and Daily Kos's Markos Moulitsas, mocked Palin via their twitter accounts (…
Noel Sheppard
October 19th, 2010 4:05 PM

NBC's Matt Lauer Gets Tough with Democrat Jack Conway

  Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Jack Conway's recent ad questioning the faith of his opponent Republican Rand Paul was so beyond the pale that even NBC's Matt Lauer, on Tuesday's Today show, repeatedly hit Conway with questions about its appropriateness as he pressed, "Did it cross a line? Is it fair, even in the increasingly dirty world of politics?" The ad, which brought up allegations…
Geoffrey Dickens
October 19th, 2010 4:00 PM

NY Times Screams Tiger Woods or Alex Rodriguez On Doping But Won't Nam

Steroids are back in the news with the arrest of a Canadian doctor charged with providing performance-enhancing drugs to top athletes. It’s a major issue in the sports world, raising the question whether some of today’s most-well-known sports stars violated rules to boost their performance. At the same time, the ethics of how The New York Times handled the investigation also raises serious…
Dan Gainor
October 19th, 2010 3:56 PM

Why Left-Wing Critics Are Already Sliming the Nolan/Snyder ‘Superman

When word hit that Zack Snyder would be directing a Christopher Nolan produced, David Goyer written version of “Superman,” many a geek heart rejoiced. Images of super slo-mo action, desaturated color palettes, and snappy and powerful one-liners filled our heads. All was good in the Geekosphere. Then, alas, came word that the script for the film was “a mess.” The oddly named “Vulture” dropped…
Leigh Scott
October 19th, 2010 2:31 PM

AP Continues Strange Infatuation With Steven Slater's 'Fame

Here's the headline at the Associated Press's 12:49 p.m. report today on Steven Slater's plea bargain: "Attendant who slid on chute to fame pleads guilty." Earlier headlines had used the word "famous" (example here: "JetBlue attendant in famous meltdown pleads guilty"). For those who still care about what words mean, the primary meaning of "famous" is "having a widespread reputation, usually…
Tom Blumer
October 19th, 2010 2:29 PM

Overwhelming Majority Think Media Encourage Political Division

On Sunday, I examined the causes of the nation's toxic political atmosphere and amongst other things accused the press of fanning the fires of discontent. Two days later, an ABC News/Yahoo News poll reported by Michael Calderone found 63 percent of Americans believe the mainstream media are more interested in encouraging political division than cooperation between the Parties:
Noel Sheppard
October 19th, 2010 2:18 PM

CBS: Israeli Archeological Dig 'Indoctrination' for Expanding 'Jewish

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl fretted over the possible expansion of Israeli settlements near an important archeological site in Jerusalem: "So archeology is being used as a political tool....indoctrination, almost." She claimed that "organizations that move Jewish settlers into Arab areas have infiltrated" the surrounding Arab neighborhood. Stahl described the dig…
Kyle Drennen
October 19th, 2010 1:25 PM

George Stephanopoulos Preps for Dem Disaster, Wants Tea Partiers to 'C

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday conceded that big Republican gains are on the way for November 2 and pushed guest John McCain on how the newly elected Tea Party candidates will "cooperate" with Barack Obama. The ABC co-host allowed, "...[Republicans] are going to pick up Senate seats. Likely could take control of the House. Definitely going to pick up seats. What…
Scott Whitlock
October 19th, 2010 12:41 PM

Newsweek: Pa. Trending Republican Because Dems Didn't Spend Enough Tax

Exploring the question, "Why Are Democrats Down in Pennsylvania?" Newsweek's Ben Adler determined the answer was fairly simple: not enough stimulus spending to benefit the rural areas of the Keystone State, which he says is "sometimes called 'Pennsyltucky'" by virtue of its being largely "white, rural, blue-collar, and poor":
Ken Shepherd
October 19th, 2010 12:38 PM

New York Times Pumps up Steroid Coverage with Hidden Sources

Paper happy to name names of those who might be involved, but relies on anonymous leaks in 40 percent of stories.
Dan Gainor
October 19th, 2010 11:52 AM

Howard Kurtz Scolds Media for Bashing Tea Party and Praising Obama

Howard Kurtz on Tuesday did something rather noteworthy two weeks before Election Day: he scolded the media's coverage of the Tea Party while at the same time bashed press members for excessively praising Barack Obama during the run-up to the previous elections. This rare appearance of honesty about journalism's pathetic performance in the past three years makes "How the Media Blew the…
Noel Sheppard
October 19th, 2010 11:05 AM

Fox & Friends Debunks Tea Party Racism Myth

As NewsBusters reported Thursday, a UCLA graduate student has published a study debunking the myth that the Tea Party is racist. On Monday, Gretchen Carlson invited the study's author on "Fox & Friends" to do what every news outlet ought to, namely, tell the truth about what the movement that is radically changing the political landscape is really all about (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
October 19th, 2010 10:05 AM

NYT's Sam Tanenhaus Schools CBS's Lesley Stahl on Tea Party Women

CBS reporter Lesley Stahl was very confused on Monday's "Morning Joe". She just couldn't figure out why there are so many women involved with the Tea Party. Stahl received a basic civics lesson from two unlikely personalities: columnist Mike Barnicle, and Sam Tanenhaus, editor of the New York Times Book Review and author of "The Death of Conservatism". Tanenhaus noted that economic issues…
Lachlan Markay
October 19th, 2010 9:59 AM

NY Times Editor Jill Abramson Links 2010 GOP Giving to Nixon, Watergat

On the front of the New York Times Sunday Week in Review, Managing Editor Jill Abramson tried to link anonymous pro-Republican donors of the 2010 election cycle to  illegal campaign donations made to Richard Nixon’s 1972 re-election campaign: “Return of the Secret Donors -- In 2010, corporate cash, anonymous contributions and other echoes of Watergate.” Enforcing the link, the top half of the…
Clay Waters
October 19th, 2010 8:12 AM