Juan Williams Fires Back: NPR Worse Than Nixon and His Enemies List

Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams is pushing back hard against the taxpayer-funded network firing him over his appearances on the Fox News Channel. In an opinion piece for Foxnews.com, Williams says he was a victim of political correctness and increasing ideological orthodoxy in media, and concluded that NPR is worse than Richard Nixon and his enemies list: I say an ideological battle because…
Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2010 8:07 AM

Guccione Wasn't a Porn Magnate, But Led an 'Erotic Empire

Penthouse magazine founder and pornographer Bob Guccione has died, but The Washington Post seems to think "pornography" is too ugly a word to apply to a  man who aimed to be explicitly sordid. From the beginning, as T. Rees Shapiro wrote, he aspired to offend: Penthouse's first issue was numbered, not dated, because Mr. Guccione, an American expatriate, was not sure how the British public…
Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2010 7:36 AM

Free the Taxpayers: Defund State-Sponsored Media

In the wake of commentator Juan Williams' feckless firing by National Public Radio, supporters on the Internet sounded a cheeky rallying cry: "Free Juan!" But Williams has now been liberated from the government-funded media's politically correct shackles. It's taxpayers who need to be untethered from NPR and other state-sponsored public broadcasting. Public radio and public television are…
Michelle Malkin
October 22nd, 2010 12:00 AM

CMI Commentary: Colorado Personhood Amendment is 'Social Justice

HuffPo contributor misses the point about a woman's right to choose.
Erin Brown
October 22nd, 2010 12:00 AM

NBC Advances Democratic Agenda on 'Secret Money' from Rove's 'Network

Thursday's NBC Nightly News led, yes led, with a lame attempt to advance the desperate Democratic spin about the “secret fortune” going into campaign ads leading to “a return to the days before Watergate, Wild West days,” a story anchor Brian Williams touted as containing “exclusive new information,” but which merely passed along stale and vague generalities suggesting some sort of vast right-…
Brent Baker
October 21st, 2010 9:39 PM

New York Magazine: 'Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday told PBS's Charlie Rose, "I believe that it would be very difficult for the Republicans to take over the House...I would rather be in our position right now than theirs." So absurd were these comments that  New York magazine posted a brief piece at its Daily Intel blog with the headline "Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi" (partial video of…
Noel Sheppard
October 21st, 2010 7:16 PM

The Culture of Life: It's Wrong to View Abortion as a Convenience - L

In a powerful speech a couple of weeks ago, Sarah Palin framed the upcoming election using an issue sometimes relegated to the backburner during turbulent economic times – abortion.  According to Palin, the elections boil down to candidates who favor a ‘culture of life’, and those who promote a ‘culture of death’. There are several arguments made by those supporting legalized abortion, the…
Rusty Weiss
October 21st, 2010 7:12 PM

Dylan Ratigan: Tea Party Gutted GOP of 'Political Traction' In Senate

MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan believes the recent developments in the GOP – including the rise of the Tea Party – have shredded the party of its "political traction" in the Senate. When asked by guest-host Peter Morici, an economist and professor of business at the University of Maryland, how much the Tea Party has set the Republicans back in their bid to retake the House and Senate, Ratigan…
Matt Hadro
October 21st, 2010 6:50 PM

CBS: Britain 'Gambling' With 'Massive Spending Cuts

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric described British efforts to curb government spending: "Britain's new conservative government outlined the sharpest cuts in public spending in six decades....to see if that kind of severe belt-tightening can cure an ailing economy." Correspondent Mark Phillips warned of the fiscally conservative approach: "It's a high-stakes roll of the…
Kyle Drennen
October 21st, 2010 6:22 PM

Addressing Your Concerns About the New Site Design

Hey NBers. I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the shaky roll-out of the new site design. I understand that there has been a lot of frustration with some missing features, and elements of the new layout. I want to make sure your concerns are addressed.
Matthew Sheffield
October 21st, 2010 6:11 PM

MSNBC's Ratigan Falsely Claims GOP Senator's Ad Contained Geographical

 MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan is apparently so intent on depicting Republican candidates for office as stupid that he's willing to make asinine assertions to do it. Today in his "Ads Gone Bad" segment, Ratigan falsely insisted that an ad by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) attacking his Democratic opponent Rep. Charlie Melancon communicated to viewers that "illegal immigrants [were] crossing the border…
Ken Shepherd
October 21st, 2010 6:07 PM

CAIR Attacks on Fox: 'Right'-Wing Juan Williams Not a 'Good Fit' for

Why, exactly, was Juan Williams fired from NPR? The Council on American Islamic Relations' Ibrahim Hooper appeared on Fox News, Thursday, and proclaimed that the "right"-leaning Juan Williams wasn't a "good fit" for the "more liberal viewpoint" of NPR. During the extremely contentious interview with America Live's Megyn Kelly, the host pressed Hooper, the national communications director…
Scott Whitlock
October 21st, 2010 6:01 PM

Beck Accuses Politico of Lying Over Disagreement with Palin, Demands A

Has anyone noticed a leftward tilt by Politico lately? More and more, the respected inside-the-beltway publication seems to be more aggressive in its tack with conservatives. Here’s one such example: In the Oct. 21 issue of Politico, an article written by Jonathan Martin attacks former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for her political activities and her dealings with other conservative leaders. One…
Jeff Poor
October 21st, 2010 5:55 PM

CBS Highlights GOP Problems With Latino Voters

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent John Blackstone reported on the growing influence of Latino voters, making sure to focus on Republican setbacks: "They favor Democrats over Republicans, 62 to 25 percent....in Nevada, Latinos were urged not to vote in a controversial ad....created by a conservative Latino group, seemed designed to help Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle…
Kyle Drennen
October 21st, 2010 5:33 PM