WashPost Music Critic Urges Readers to Check Out Rapper's Pro-Qadhafi

In her May 22 "Singles File" -- described as "A weekly playlist for the listener with a one-track mind" -- Washington Post music critic Allison Stewart suggested readers might want to download the new single "Reagan" by rap artist Killer Mike. "The Obama years haven't been fruitful ones for sociopolitically minded rappers, at least until now," Stewart gushed, noting that the Atlanta musician…
Ken Shepherd
May 22nd, 2012 5:45 PM

Ignoring Ed Klein's 'The Amateur,' Media Once Again Show Blatant Doubl

Democratic political operatives have been furious in their denunciations of author Ed Klein and his new book The Amateur, a biography of President Obama which relies heavily (although not entirely) on anonymous sources to paint a highly unflattering picture of its subject. That is to be expected but surely Klein’s tales might make for good television. Supposedly, journalists care primarily…
Randy Hall
May 22nd, 2012 4:58 PM

Bob Schieffer Scorns 'Race-Baiting' Rev. Wright Attack; Obama Not a 'E

"Face The Nation" host Bob Schieffer spotlighted the left's talking points on two issues in the presidential race on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Schieffer tried to play it down the middle when he stated, "I think most people understand that Mitt Romney is not the robber baron that the Democrats would have you believe." But he immediately added, "Nor is Barack Obama the European socialist that…
Matthew Balan
May 22nd, 2012 4:44 PM

On NBC's 'Today,' Jimmy Fallon Gushes About Being Propaganda Stooge Fo

Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, Late Night host Jimmy Fallon could barely contain his glee over a recent appearance by President Obama on his show: "It's the craziest thing ever, to ever happen to us. We keep going like to each other on set like, 'That did happen, right?' Like, 'We did slow-jam with the President of the United States?'" [Listen to the audio or watch the video below] Co-…
Kyle Drennen
May 22nd, 2012 4:22 PM

Nothing to See Here: Soledad O'Brien Sidesteps Obama's Hypocrisy on Ro

CNN's Soledad O'Brien has carried water for President Obama before, and her "nothing to see here" attitude on Tuesday's Starting Point in regards to the Obama's blatant hypocrisy made that all the more clear. The night before, O'Brien's colleague Anderson Cooper grilled the Obama campaign over the President's personal attacks on Mitt Romney. Cooper maintained that Obama is hitting Romney's…
Matt Hadro
May 22nd, 2012 3:46 PM

Video: Union Leader Takes Bat to Pinata Depicting Gov. Nikki Haley (R

Not too long ago, the Left was going apoplectic about a Sarah Palin-affiliated website showing a map of targeted congressional seats denoted by crosshair symbols. MSNBC in particular was strong in condemning violent rhetoric in politics, suggesting that conservative rhetoric in particular could incite crazies to violence. Fast forward to this week. On Sunday, YouTube user edbex posted video…
Ken Shepherd
May 22nd, 2012 3:10 PM

Obama Surrogates 'Speaking Honestly' Plague His Campaign, Andrea Mitch

Aided by its simpatico allies at MSNBC, the Obama campaign has swung into action to contain yet another unfortunate outbreak of candor. That an affinity of soulmates exists between Obamists and MSNBCers was never more evident than yesterday in the wake of Newark mayor Cory Booker appearing on "Meet the Press" and opining that the Obama campaign vilifying Mitt Romney for his work at Bain…
Jack Coleman
May 22nd, 2012 3:00 PM

Smugfest: NYTimes Editor Tanenhaus, Joe Klein Tag-Team to Condescendin

Not content with letting partisan liberal journalist Joe Klein review "radical Republican" Jonah Goldberg's new book The Tyranny of Clichés, the May 18 edition of the paper's Book Review podcast opened with book editor Sam Tanenahus talking with Klein about his hostile Times book review. Tanenhaus (pictured), author of a little screed called The Death of Conservatism that was discredited within…
Clay Waters
May 22nd, 2012 2:49 PM

CNN Contributor: Conservatives are ‘Anti-Science,’ ‘Anti-Woman

“[sigh] When will those mouth-breathing right-wingers give up their caves and clubs and learn to love science?” Pity the sophisticated liberal like CNN contributor Laura Sessions Stepp, whose impatience at Neanderthal misogynists and snake-handlers is palpable. It’s also an act that helps them continue to push the falsehood that conservatives are anti-science and anti-contraception – and…
Paul Wilson
May 22nd, 2012 2:48 PM

New Bio Reveals Former CBS Anchor Walter Cronkite Far More Biased Than

A new biography of legendary CBS Evening News anchor Walter Cronkite reveals some amazing facts about Cronkite's liberal bias and various transgressions of journalistic ethics which expose the falsity of the establishment media's carefully-crafted image of neutrality. As Jonathan S. Tobin wrote for Commentary, the revelations about Cronkite undermine “the mainstream media’s myth about its own…
Matthew Sheffield
May 22nd, 2012 2:41 PM

CNBC's Cramer Doubles Down on Romney Being 'Job Destroyer': He Used 'C

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer invited CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer to elaborate on calling Mitt Romney a "job destroyer" as the head of Bain Capital on Sunday's Meet the Press: "You speaking as a pundit, or do you have some experience here?" Cramer declared: "He was talking about rationalizing the workforce, making it so that the companies were more efficient. Matt, these were…
Kyle Drennen
May 22nd, 2012 12:51 PM

Credit Card Rules Limiting Access for Stay-at-home Moms

CNN Money reports on an unintended consequence of Obama regulation the media didn’t see coming and left touted as ‘lifeboat’ for consumers.
Ryan Robertson
May 22nd, 2012 12:34 PM

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part Indian...in 'Mythical Terms

Are you prepared, Bernie Quigley? Are you prepared for your inevitable coronation as national laughingstock? Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian. According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry. Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre…
P.J. Gladnick
May 22nd, 2012 12:33 PM

NYTimes Assigns Condescending Hit Piece on Jonah Goldberg's 'Infantile

Surprising no one, the New York Times handed its review of Jonah Goldberg's new book, The Tyranny of Clichés, to a political enemy, Time Magazine political columnist Joe Klein (pictured), which he did under the loaded headline "Hating Liberals." The paper similarly handed its review of Goldberg's previous book, 2007's Liberal Fascism, to unsympathetic history professor David Oshinsky. Klein…
Clay Waters
May 22nd, 2012 12:14 PM