Newt Gingrich Tells Chris Matthews 'You Have a More Ruthless Approach

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told MSNBC's Chris Matthews Thursday, "You have a more ruthless approach to politics than I do." This occurred at the end of a lengthy discussion between the two on Hardball when the host strangely began asking his guest what animals he likes at the zoo (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
May 25th, 2012 3:39 PM

Democrat Marion Barry Finds Another Ethnic Group to Offend; National M

Imagine if you will that an ex-con/former crack cocaine user, Republican ex-mayor of a major American city recently: denounced Asian-American store owners in his city for running "dirty" shops, insulted Filipina immigrant nurses, saying they were taking away jobs from Americans, and, most recently, wound up using a racial slur against another ethnic group during an event intended to mend fences…
Ken Shepherd
May 25th, 2012 3:32 PM

CBS: 'Troubling Signs' For Obama, Like Bush in '92, But President 'Can

On Friday's CBS This Morning, Jan Crawford spotlighted that "the economic and political climate today is more similar to years when incumbent presidents lost than when they won." The correspondent pointed out the similarity between polling numbers today and in 1992, when George H.W. Bush was running for reelection: "Gallup has asked voters whether they're satisfied with the way things in the…
Matthew Balan
May 25th, 2012 2:39 PM

Obama Beats Romney in New York Times Online Headline Battle

The usual pro-Obama tilt in postings to the New York Times' political blog "The Caucus" was even more pronounced this week. Times Watch evaluated all the headlines to presidential-election related Caucus posts for the week of May 21-25, excluding summaries composed solely of links to Times stories, and stories related to Congress alone. As of noon Friday, there were 23 matching posts. Of…
Clay Waters
May 25th, 2012 2:18 PM

On and On It Goes: Networks Cover 'Predator Priests' As They Stay Sile

The broadcast networks stubbornly pushed ahead, logging another 24 hours -- now we're at four straight days --  ignoring the Catholic lawsuits against the Obama administration. And once again on Thursday night, instead of covering this historic lawsuit championing religious freedom,  the CBS Evening News offered another two and a half minutes to a “massive coverup” of Catholic sex abuse in…
Brent Bozell
May 25th, 2012 1:22 PM

NBC's Williams Touts L.A. Banning Plastic Bags As Effort to Keep Them

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams announced: "Los Angeles is about to become the third big city in California to ban plastic grocery bags." He then framed the government overreach as a green crusade: "Environmental activists, as you know, have been pushing for this, to keep those bags out of the ocean and out of the natural world."
Kyle Drennen
May 25th, 2012 12:53 PM

CNN Fails to Refute Bogus Numbers Claiming 'Obama Spending Binge Never

CNN failed to correct bogus numbers claiming that the growth rate of spending under President Obama is the lowest since Eisenhower. Instead, host Erin Burnett reported the news as something positive for the White House. While most anyone with common sense would label Obama a big spender, the MarketWatch report – re-circulated by the White House – absurdly claims Obama's "spending binge never…
Matt Hadro
May 25th, 2012 12:48 PM

Media Mostly Mum on Outrageous Obama Claim of Fiscal Restraint

White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday lectured journalists to not believe the "BS" that Barack Obama is a reckless spender. Rather than investigate Carney's assertions, or the sketchy basis for them, reporters have either embraced the talking points or allowed them to go unchallenged. Chris Matthews on Wednesday repeated the "fact" that federal spending "is rising at the slowest rate…
Scott Whitlock
May 25th, 2012 12:33 PM

Media's Blackout Working: MRCTV Street Interviewer Finds Just One Pers

The broadcast media's blackout on news of the Catholic Church's lawsuit against the Obama administration continues apace, while the news media covers much more important events like who won American Idol. So it's no wonder that MRCTV's Dan Joseph found only one person yesterday who knew about the lawsuit. Watch the video in the embed below the page break.
Ken Shepherd
May 25th, 2012 12:28 PM

NBC's 'Today' Fawns Over Recycled Three-Year-Old Photo of Boy Touching

After a Wednesday New York Times story gushed over the "indelible image" of a boy touching President Obama's hair in 2009, Friday's NBC Today dutifully promoted the pro-Obama fluff as co-host Savannah Guthrie declared: "...that photograph has gone viral online....the boy asked President Obama if he had hair just like his own. The President said yes, then bent over and invited the then-5-year-…
Kyle Drennen
May 25th, 2012 11:47 AM

Bashir to Facebook Co-Founder: Go 'Play with the Traffic

On Thursday’s edition of his eponymous program, MSNBC afternoon anchor Martin Bashir continued his shtick of using vile language to attack people with whom he disagrees, wishing a co-founder of the Facebook social network to go "play with the traffic." Bashir's death wish on Eduardo Saverin came at the end of a segment in which he criticized conservative activist Grover Norquist. Norquist,…
Jeffrey Meyer
May 25th, 2012 11:29 AM

UK Headline: 'Britain Can’t Afford to Fall for the Charms of the Fal

Leave it to America's strongest ally in the world to speak the truth. On Thursday, England's Telegraph published an article with the absolutely glorious headline "Britain Can’t Afford to Fall for the Charms of the False Economics Messiah Paul Krugman":
Noel Sheppard
May 25th, 2012 10:53 AM

CNN Cites MRC in Takedown of MTV Show About Losing Virginity

On Thursday, CNN anchor Carol Costello credited Dan Gainor, the head of the Culture and Media Institute, as a leader in the charge against a new MTV series, which was supposed to follow virgins seeking to lose their virginity. Costello read Gainor’s quote on air: “This is part of the media attempt to mock people who have morals and to treat virginity like a disease that must be cured. She…
Paul Wilson
May 25th, 2012 10:37 AM

Bozell, Carlson Note Media's Silence on Obama Supporter's Bribe to Hus

NBC, ABC and CBS have all ignored a new book by former Newsweek foreign editor Ed Klein that contains a shocking allegation from Klein's interview with Rev. Jeremiah Wright in which the former Obama pastor claimed that an Obama supporter offered him $150,000 if he would refrain from preaching until after the 2008 election. From "now until election day," the liberal media will be seeking to…
NB Staff
May 25th, 2012 10:32 AM