Bob Beckel Tells Tucker Carlson: Giving Daily Caller a White House Pas

Liberal Fox News political commentator Bob Beckel had a heated exchange with Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson on Hannity Monday evening. With the topic Neil Munro's interruption of President Obama Friday, Beckel said, "The idea that they gave the Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I've ever heard" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 19th, 2012 12:35 AM

AP Report on Food Stamp Program's Loose Rules Begs the Question: Why N

Three years ago, fellow Ohio blogger Matt Hurley at Weapons of Mass Discussion learned of a situation in Warren County where food stamp benefits were approved in a situation "where the family have over $80,000 in bank, own a 2001 Toyota and 2006 Mercedes Benz, and a $311,000 home that is paid for ... (with) monthly benefits of over $500 ..." In a column I wrote at the time, I asked (pretty…
Tom Blumer
June 19th, 2012 12:34 AM

Scott Brown Won't Debate Elizabeth Warren With MSNBC As Sponsor

Sen. Scott Brown (R-Ma.) has told the Edward M. Kennedy Institute that he will only participate in a debate against Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren if MSNBC drops out as sponsor. The Boston Globe reported Monday:
Noel Sheppard
June 18th, 2012 11:46 PM

NYT's Trip Gabriel Digs Spurs In, Takes Ann Romney's Horse Story for A

New York Times campaign reporter Trip Gabriel followed up on his vital hard-news front-page expose of Ann Romney's horseback riding with an update on Sunday that also conveniently illuminated the stereotype of the Romneys as rich and out of touch, this time with the help of that quintessential man of the people, comedian Stephen Colbert: "Romney Horse Wins Spot on Olympic Dressage Team."
Clay Waters
June 18th, 2012 7:54 PM

Matthews: Romney's a 'Dangerous' Unthinking Puppet for Neo-Cons, Relig

MSNBC's Chris Matthews is clearly scared to death Barack Obama won't be reelected in November. On Monday's Hardball, the host upped the attacks on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney ending his program with a hate-filled monologue about how the former governor of Massachusetts is a "dangerous," unthinking puppet controlled by neo-cons, the religious right, and Grover Norquist (video…
Noel Sheppard
June 18th, 2012 7:49 PM

Libtalker Thom Hartmann Says Eliminating Military is 'Really Good Idea

A caller to Thom Hartmann's radio show Friday offered what he described as an "absurd" suggestion. That it certainly was, though Hartmann didn't think so. The caller complained that President Obama missed "a great opportunity" to rein in defense spending and asked Hartmann what he thought about "completely closing down the military." Here's a transcript of the conversation and Hartmann's…
Jack Coleman
June 18th, 2012 7:30 PM

Three Leading W. Va. Dems Not Attending Party Convention; Will the New

At the rate things are going, it may be that the list of leading West Virginia Democrats attending the party's convention in Charlotte is going to be shorter than the list of those who aren't. The Associated Press reported the following in an unbylined item this evening in a terse three-paragraph squib with some pretty amusing attempts at impact-minimizing verbiage (bolds and numbered tags…
Tom Blumer
June 18th, 2012 7:28 PM

Chris Matthews Smears: Immigration Enforcement Supporters Are Like Bac

Chris Matthews on Monday smeared supporters of enforcing America's immigration laws, linking them to the post-Civil War "back to Africa" movement for African Americans. After liberal columnist David Corn insisted that Mitt Romney had boxed himself in, politically, on the issue, Matthews snarled, "How is this any different than the big boat argument of people when it comes to African Americans…
Scott Whitlock
June 18th, 2012 6:11 PM

MSNBC Hypes Minor Romney Gaffe, Edits Video to Remove Substance of Arg

The next time a liberal friend of yours -- with a straight face -- tells you that MSNBC is concerned with substantive campaign reporting, you can throw this back at them. The Right Scoop blog has an excellent post today -- be sure to also check out Soopermexican's original post -- about how the network's latest fixation: Mitt Romney mistakenly calling the Wawa convenience store chain "Wawa's…
Ken Shepherd
June 18th, 2012 5:28 PM

'Meet the Press' Panelist: Obama Should Be 'Doubling Down,' 'Didn't Do

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, liberal historian Doris Kearns Goodwin pleaded with President Obama to tell voters: "'I am doubling down on what I did.' He didn't do enough on the stimulus. He didn't do enough investing in the future. The things he believes in, he has to say we need more of it. And that's our future." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Goodwin implored…
Kyle Drennen
June 18th, 2012 4:22 PM

Malkin Column: Corruptocrat Eric Holder's GOP Enablers

While calls for U.S. Attorney General Eric "Stonewall" Holder's resignation grow and the House GOP gears up for a contempt vote next week, it's worth remembering how we got into this mess. In two words: feckless bipartisanship. "I like Barack Obama and want to help him if I can." That was Utah GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch in January 2009, just weeks before the Senate voted on President Obama's…
Michelle Malkin
June 18th, 2012 4:17 PM

Surprise: NYT's Coverage of New Obama Immigration Policy Utterly Slant

President Obama on Friday bypassed Congress to put in place the New York Times' beloved Dream Act by executive order that halted deportation of young people who came to the United States illegally. That merited Saturday's lead story slot, occupied by immigration beat reporter Julia Preston and John Cushman, "Obama To Permit Young Migrants To Remain In U.S." Preston and Cushman devoted…
Clay Waters
June 18th, 2012 3:28 PM

'True Blood': God Is a Vampire

If the audacious amount of gory violence and bloody sex in “True Blood” doesn’t do it for you, what about malevolent vampire “Christians?” Apparently “True Blood” vampires have a sacred text, and HBO writers admitted it’s a slanderous take on the Bible and separation of church and state. A faction of vampires called the “Sanguinistas” functioned as a demeaning allegory for traditional…
Lauren Thompson
June 18th, 2012 3:16 PM

Openly Gay MSNBC Anchor Hypes Eagle Scout Who's Disavowing Scouts Over

Openly gay MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts seems to make a point of addressing an issue of interest to homosexual activists at least once in each hour of his coverage of MSNBC Live. Today was no exception as Roberts gave a softball interview to retired multimedia journalist and former Eagle Scout Naka Nathaniel. Nathaniel was on to explain why he was publicly renouncing his achievements as a Boy…
Ken Shepherd
June 18th, 2012 3:15 PM