Hollywood Worries Obama's 'Increasing Reliance on Stars' Could Backfir

Liberal journalists are already doing their hardball windups to mock the hoity-toityness of Romney’s major-donor gathering in Park City, Utah. But they haven’t exactly broken out the “unfortunate elite optics” bat for Barack Obama over his never-ending tour of celebrity fundraisers in Hollywood and New York – and soon, Miami. Tina Daunt at The Hollywood Reporter notes some Tinseltown Obama…
Tim Graham
June 22nd, 2012 12:51 PM

Cleveland Plain Dealer Hypes Letter Circulated Against 'Joe the Plumbe

Update (June 25, 5:48 p.m. EDT): Wurzelbacher has responded in a blog post at RedState, linking to a Smart Girl Politics post which noted that "[o]f the thirty-one signatories [of the anti-Wurzelbacher letter], all but six are registered Democrats or have made financial contributions to Democratic candidates or PACs." "A viral campaign video in which Samuel 'Joe the Plumber' Wurzelbacher…
Ken Shepherd
June 22nd, 2012 12:22 PM

Diane Sawyer Gushes Over Hillary's Purple Glasses: 'Nobody Does Unplug

World News anchor Diane Sawyer has a habit of showcasing fawning, deeply irrelevant stories on prominent Democrats. She continued this pattern on Thursday, informing viewers that Hillary Clinton wore flamboyant, purple glasses at a recent ceremony. Sawyer hyped that this was "proof that nobody does unplugged quite like the Secretary of State." The host insisted that the over-the-top glasses…
Scott Whitlock
June 22nd, 2012 12:15 PM

PBS to Air Soros-linked Film Calling for Socialized Dental Care

PBS will air “Dollars and Dentists,” a Soros-connected documentary advocating for socialized dental coverage, claiming that there is a lack of affordable dental care that is endangering the lives of millions of children. A press release and promo for the “Frontline” special, which debuts on Junes 26, reveals that in addition to the convenient election year timing, the documentary is hyperbolic,…
Mike Ciandella
June 22nd, 2012 12:03 PM

Jake Tapper Skewers Sorkin's 'The Newsroom

The most entertaining thing about Aaron Sorkin's upcoming HBO series, "The Newsroom," could well be the scathing review of the show by ABC News senior White House correspondent, Jake Tapper, which appeared in The New Republic. As a bonus, Tapper also provides an hilarious takedown of the increasingly annoying SorkinSpeak, the bizzare shorthand manner in which his characters communicate with…
P.J. Gladnick
June 22nd, 2012 12:00 PM

PBS to Air Soros-Connected Film Calling for Socialized Dental Care

Documentary from Center for Public Integrity, Uses Pew Information to argue for more government in ‘Dollars and Dentists.’
Mike Ciandella
June 22nd, 2012 11:44 AM

Podhoretz: Fast and Furious 'Would Have Dominated Mainstream' News 'Fo

"There’s a reason you don’t know much about the complicated and confusing mess known as 'Fast and Furious,'” wrote conservative columnist John Podhoretz at the New York Post Thursday. "The mainstream media have largely ignored this Obama administration scandal, which would have dominated mainstream front pages and homepages and programs for months had it all taken place under a Republican…
Noel Sheppard
June 22nd, 2012 11:31 AM

Lady Gaga’s Manager Compares Concert Protests to Crucifixion of Chri

Jesus Christ got crucified. It happens,’ singer’s manager said.
Lauren Thompson
June 22nd, 2012 11:27 AM

Aaron Sorkin Insists to NBC That He's Not Known For His Liberal Politi

On Thursday's NBC Rock Center, just days after calling for more liberal media bias against conservatives, left-wing screen writer Aaron Sorkin dismissed the idea that he has a reputation as an outspoken liberal: "I don't know so much about my being known for my liberal politics.... I don't have very much political sophistication at all." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump…
Kyle Drennen
June 22nd, 2012 11:26 AM

Politico Suspends Reporter Joe Williams for 'Controversial Comments' A

Politico announced Friday that it has suspended White House correspondent Joe Williams for "controversial comments" he's made about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in recent days. Dylan Byers reported hours ago:
Noel Sheppard
June 22nd, 2012 9:56 AM

WashPost Uses Romney Sons' Interview on 'Conan' to Recount Its Teenage

The last time Barack Obama appeared on late-night TV with Jimmy Fallon, Washington Post TV writer Lisa de Moraes played it straight as an NBC ratings smash. She only revealed her trademark snark after about 1,000 words of straight reportage, joking about Obama-loving Fallon: "We've seen tween girls more poised around Justin Bieber." On Friday morning, de Moraes took the occasion of the five…
Tim Graham
June 22nd, 2012 8:11 AM

Lamar Smith Column: Liberal Media Dutifully Spin Obama's Private Secto

Last month’s jobs numbers were anything but encouraging.  The number of jobs that economists expected to be created was significantly lower than the actual number of jobs created.  Unemployment rose to 8.2% and underemployment rose to nearly 15%.  The Wall Street Journal reported that “U.S. job growth slowed sharply in May, the latest indication that the economy has lost momentum.”  Yet,…
Lamar Smith
June 22nd, 2012 7:30 AM

Joy Behar on Gay Republican Group GOProud Endorsing Romney: Maybe They

Comedienne Joy Behar made a truly revolting observation Thursday about gay Republican group GOProud's endorsement of Mitt Romney for president. Substitute-hosting for Eliot Spitzer on Al Gore's Current TV, Behar asked her gay guests, "Could it be that the GOProud guys are just attracted to Mitt Romney's sons?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 22nd, 2012 1:05 AM

Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Urges Obama: 'Spearhead an Anti-violence R

Liberals look to government, often the Federal government, for solutions to almost everything.  Chicago's murder rate is appalling, with at least six people killed and another 31 shot  last weekend.  So to whom does Chicago Sun-Times columnist Stella Foster turn for help?  President Barack Obama. On the newspaper's Web site today appears Foster's plea, titled "Letter to President Obama:…
Mike Bates
June 21st, 2012 11:13 PM