Dan Rather Loves 'The Newsroom': It's a 'Classic' Like 'Citizen Kane

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, who ultimately resigned in disgrace for airing an attack piece on George W. Bush using phony documents, loves the new HBO show Newsroom and explained why in a review for Gawker. With no sense of irony, he praised, "I especially liked the emphasis on the necessity of having sources and doing real reporting (maybe not enough emphasis on this to satisfy me.)"…
Scott Whitlock
June 25th, 2012 4:09 PM

Following SCOTUS Ruling on Arizona Case, Obama Administration Suspends

Coming quickly on the heels of the Supreme Court's ruling today in Arizona v. United States that struck down much of the Grand Canyon State's anti-illegal immigration law -- but upheld a crucial provision to check the immigration status of persons held in custody -- the Obama administration announced today that it is ending a program that deputizes local and state police officers to help…
Ken Shepherd
June 25th, 2012 4:07 PM

NPR Promotes 'Notable...Gay and Catholic' Woman as Next Mayor of New Y

When it's Sunday on National Public Radio, it must be time to announce the Catholic Church is out of step with  modern times. On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR granted a soft-soap eight-minute interview to New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the front-runner to succeed Michael Bloomberg as Mayor. NPR touted: "Christine Quinn has a notable biography. She's from an Irish family, she's…
Tim Graham
June 25th, 2012 3:19 PM

New York Times Asks: Should Air-Conditioning 'Be Rationed Away

An online "Room for Debate" segment posted on the New York Times website June 21 posed a left-leaning question to a symposium of six left-leaning outside experts: "Should Air-Conditioning Go Global, or Be Rationed Away?" While it may have been acceptable for New Yorkers to beat the heat with air conditioning, when developing countries like India strives for the same comfort, it becomes an…
Clay Waters
June 25th, 2012 2:59 PM

CBS's O'Donnell: Court Striking Down ObamaCare 'Might Be Better For Th

On Sunday's Face The Nation, Norah O'Donnell desperately tried to find a silver lining for President Obama if the Supreme Court ends up striking down his health care law. While her fellow panelists agreed that such a decision would be a blow to Obama, O'Donnell claimed that "politically, it might be better for the President, because then he can put the onus back on the Republicans." [audio clip…
Matthew Balan
June 25th, 2012 1:16 PM

WashPost Publishes Liberal Law Prof's Call to Pack Supreme Court with

In their June 24 edition, the Washington Post published on its Outlook section front page a call by George Washington University professor Jonathan Turley to, well, pack the Supreme Court. Instead of nine justices, he envisions a high court with as many as 19 robed arbiters of the law. The George Washington University public interest law professor claimed the current number of justices is…
Matt Vespa
June 25th, 2012 12:52 PM

Joy Behar Takes Cheap Shot at Marco Rubio: 'Is He a Religious Flip-Flo

Joy Behar, the unabashed Obama-lover, took some cheap shots at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) Monday. Shortly after his appearance on ABC's The View, Behar sent a Twitter message to her followers mocking the Senator as a "religious flip-flopper":
Noel Sheppard
June 25th, 2012 12:51 PM

NBC's Gregory Grills Rubio: Does GOP Have 'Racism' Problem on Illegal

During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory hit the Florida Republican for his support of Mitt Romney, who "had to run hard to the right here on illegal immigration" and is "far behind President Obama among Latino voters." Gregory then quoted from Rubio's new book, An American Son, and proceeded to portray Republican opposition to illegal…
Kyle Drennen
June 25th, 2012 11:41 AM

Chuck Todd on Supreme Court AZ Immigration Ruling: 'Worst of All Outco

NBC News political director Chuck Todd said Monday the Supreme Court's ruling regarding Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law "is probably the worst of all outcomes if you’re Mitt Romney." Such was said on MSNBC's Jansing and Company moments after the announcement (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 25th, 2012 11:20 AM

Book Review: Celebrating Occupy’s ‘Demandlessness

Catherine Maggio
June 25th, 2012 11:05 AM

Even a Liberal Magazine Recognizes Aaron Sorkin's Bias

Aaron Sorkin leans so far to the left that even the liberal Entertainment Weekly magazine noticed it. In a June 24 online article entitled "10 Signs You're Watching an Aaron Sorkin Show" EW writer Darren Franich broke down the Sorkin formula and spotted a distinct liberal trend in items #3 "Boo! The Evil Corporate Person" and #5 "Conservative Characters Who Aren't Actually Very Conservative…
Geoffrey Dickens
June 25th, 2012 10:31 AM

James Fallows Reveals Inner Moonbat: '5 Signs the United States Is Und

James Fallows, national correspondent for The Atlantic, usually presents an image of himself as a "reasonable" liberal. However yesterday he revealed his inner moonbat with an article title worthy of a thread name in the sanity challenged Democratic Underground: "5 Signs the United States is Undergoing a Coup." After a few hours of reflection, Fallows realized he allowed too much of his moonbat…
P.J. Gladnick
June 25th, 2012 10:28 AM

SCOTUS Monday Open Thread

All eyes are on the Supreme Court today. What are your thoughts and predictions?
NB Staff
June 25th, 2012 10:23 AM

Environmental Hypocrisy at Rio

For 20 years, the United Nations has warned that humanity will soon face doom if it fails to adopt “sustainable development” policies and protect the earth’s environment. However, U.N. officials seem to think the rules they seek to establish for everyone else are not applicable to them, as their behavior at environmental conferences shows. A much-hyped 1992 environmental conference in…
Taylor Hughes
June 25th, 2012 9:37 AM