Bozell Column: HBO's Arrogant 'Newsroom

HBO should really try a new slogan for its original programming, and it came right from Aaron Sorkin’s acid pen in the debut of his ridiculous new series "The Newsroom." That slogan is "Speaking Truth to Stupid." It’s an appropriate slogan for a pay-cable channel, which insists that only the really smart people pay the extra fee to join the television elite. But do Sorkin and HBO really…
Brent Bozell
June 30th, 2012 8:32 AM

Media Welcome OTaxaCare With Open Arms

In the blink of a shocking Supreme Court ruling Thursday, the President's signature piece of legislation went from ObamaCare to OTaxaCare. Not surprisingly, the Obama-loving media didn't mind that despite promises from their hero his healthcare reform wasn't a tax, according to the highest court in the land, it is.
Noel Sheppard
June 29th, 2012 6:34 PM

Soledad O'Brien Cherry Picks Poll Numbers In Favor of ObamaCare

CNN's Soledad O'Brien cherrypicked poll numbers to argue that the American public favors ObamaCare, when four polls from the last week show more Americans opposing the law than favoring it. On Friday's Starting Point, O'Brien challenged Gov. Bob McDonnell's (R-Va.) premise that "about 60 percent" of Americans oppose the ObamaCare mandate. She cited "the latest poll" from Bloomberg showing a…
Matt Hadro
June 29th, 2012 4:57 PM

NBC's Lauer Invites David Axelrod to Slam GOP Over Holder Contempt Vot

On Friday's NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer didn't just lob a softball to Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod about Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, he placed the ball on a tee and helped Axelrod swing the bat: "Paraphrasing here, Mr. Holder said the American people deserve better. What is the President's reaction to the actions in Congress?" Axelrod happily…
Kyle Drennen
June 29th, 2012 4:37 PM

ABC Skips Its Own Footage of the Supreme Court Contradicting Obama on

In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that ObamaCare is constitutional as a tax, a number of media outlets played the now-embarrassing clip of Barack Obama insisting the law isn't a tax. Despite the footage coming from a 2009 interview on This Week, ABC's journalists studiously avoided highlighting their own footage. CBS, however, played it. Even The Daily Show on Comedy Central…
Scott Whitlock
June 29th, 2012 4:36 PM

Comic Makes ‘Valiant’ Attempt to Justify the Occupy Movement

And you thought there’d never be a challenger to the popular juggernaut of Occupy Comics. Well, a plucky upstart has jumped into the market for comic books about pointless, failed social protests. In an attempt to legitimize the “Occupy Wall Street” cause, Valiant Comics plans to release an over the top story underscoring OWS’ morality. An inherently evil organization known only as the “The…
Ryan Robertson
June 29th, 2012 3:46 PM

MSNBC Uses Cancer Survivor to Promote ‘Success’ of ObamaCare

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled ObamaCare constitutional, MSNBC has redoubled its efforts at promoting the president's signature legislative accomplishment to its audience.  On Friday’s 2 p.m. Eastern NewsNation program, guest-host Thomas Roberts brought on a cancer survivor to fawn over Obama. Natoma Canfield, who thankfully is cancer-free, was prompted by Roberts from every angle to…
Jeffrey Meyer
June 29th, 2012 3:44 PM

Obama Threatens to Veto Bill Because It Won't RAISE Health Care Costs

The day after Barack Obama won a major victory for his signature health care overhaul legislation -- which he and his allies insist will ultimately LOWER health care costs for Americans -- the president is threatening to veto a defense authorization bill in part because Congress is not acting to RAISE health care costs for American servicemen. The Washington Free Beacon has the story here,…
Ken Shepherd
June 29th, 2012 3:29 PM

Desperate CNN Anchor Begs Obama and Romney to Defend Their Health Care

In a pathetic act of desperation, CNN's Carol Costello whined that President Obama is not defending his own health care bill well enough and that Mitt Romney is not standing behind his own health care bill from Massachusetts. Costello's lament aired on Thursday morning's Newsroom. "I mean, secretly, don't you wish Mitt Romney would help us understand his signature accomplishment as…
Matt Hadro
June 29th, 2012 3:25 PM

After ObamaCare Win, NYT's Landler Praises Obama for Expanding 'Safety

In passionate text that reads more like a pro-Obama opinion piece than a straight news story, New York Times reporter Mark Landler delivered "A Vindication, With a Legacy Still Unwritten" for Friday's front page. Landler was passionate about the "change we can believe in" wrought by the president through the Affordable Care Act, which Landler called his expansion of the "nation's safety net"…
Clay Waters
June 29th, 2012 3:06 PM

MSNBC Urges Michael Moore to Praise Roberts, Attack Those Who Believe

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell brought on radical filmmaker Michael Moore to offer his “Last Word” of liberalism on Thursday night. Moore said “maybe Mr. Roberts is a man of conscience. And part of that conscience says that it would be immoral to upend this bill.” Moore still felt insurance companies should  be surgically removed and single-payer statismshould be installed: “we’re 65 years behind…
Tim Graham
June 29th, 2012 2:45 PM

‘Ted’: The Kind of Flick You’d Expect from the ‘Family Guy

Much like Peter Pan, Seth McFarlane doesn’t want to grow up. For an entertainment producer, that can be a good thing. But instead of transporting his audience to Never Never Land, McFarlane’s TV shows “Family Guy” and “American Dad” take viewers on a tour of a pubescent boys’ locker room: gross-out contests, twisted sex jokes, vicious taunting. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes not, but it’s…
Lauren Thompson
June 29th, 2012 2:25 PM

‘Ted’ the Kind of Flick You’d Expect from the ‘Family Guy

McFarlane’s teddy bear movie is for families ‘who don’t mind swearing around their kids.’
Lauren Thompson
June 29th, 2012 2:12 PM

Conservative Arguments Against ObamaCare 'Misguided, If Not Frivolous

New York Times legal reporter Adam Liptak used his Friday lead (five other reporters contributed research) on Obama-care being upheld at the Supreme Court to take another crack at the argument by conservatives and libertarians, the so-called broccoli argument "as misguided, if not frivolous." Conservatives took comfort from two parts of the decision: the new limits it placed on federal…
Clay Waters
June 29th, 2012 1:16 PM