HuffPo Mocks GOP Congresswoman, Mixing Video of Her with Movie Orgasm

Congresswoman celebrates the believed end of individual mandate, HuffPo cuts Meg Ryan scene from ‘When Harry Met Sally.’
Paul Wilson
July 2nd, 2012 1:21 PM

Howard Kurtz: 'The Media Man-Crush on John Roberts

Here's a headline you likely never expected to see at the perilously liberal Daily Beast: "The Media Man-Crush on John Roberts, Conservative Who Saved Obamacare." Inside Howard Kurtz's surprising piece, readers were treated to even more inconvenient truths about today's media:
Noel Sheppard
July 2nd, 2012 1:15 PM

WashPost Notes 'Militants' Behind Fatal Kenya Church Attacks; Reporter

Washington Post reporter Sudarsan Raghavan filed a 12-paragraph story today, published on page A9 about "coordinated assaults... in the town of Garissa" Kenya on Sunday morning in which "[m]asked gunmen sprayed bullets and hurled grenades at two churches... killing at least 15 people and injuring several." "It was the latest in a series of attacks in this East African nation suspected of…
Ken Shepherd
July 2nd, 2012 12:57 PM

CBS's O'Donnell Asks If Romney Has 'Credibility Problem' on ObamaCare

Norah O'Donnell kept safeguarding provisions of ObamaCare on Sunday's Face the Nation, daring Speaker John Boehner to oppose "protections for individuals" in the bill. She also asked if Mitt Romney has a "credibility problem" for opposing the law's individual mandate. "But he [Romney] was for it before," O'Donnell insisted to Boehner. "Doesn't he have a credibility problem?" [Video below the…
Matt Hadro
July 2nd, 2012 12:41 PM

ABC Gushes Over John Lewis, Who Once Compared the GOP to Nazis: A 'Her

The hosts of Good Morning America on Monday fawned over Congressman John Lewis, who once compared Republicans to Nazis. GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts gushed that the liberal Democrat is a "living legend." Weatherman Sam Champion described him as a "true hero." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Lewis appeared on the show to promote his new book on the civil rights era, but at no time did he…
Scott Whitlock
July 2nd, 2012 12:21 PM

David Limbaugh Column: ObamaCare Ruling a Dark Day for America -- But

The Supreme Court's ruling in Obamacare v. the United States of America is yet another body blow to the U.S. Constitution's principle of limited government and the freedom tradition, but there is a major upside. Despite President Obama's opposition to an individual mandate when he was debating Hillary Clinton during the Democratic presidential primaries and despite his postelection insistence…
David Limbaugh
July 2nd, 2012 11:36 AM

Daily Kos on ObamaCare: 'Conservatives Want to Hurt People,' Liberals

Laurence Lewis at Daily Kos couldn’t help digressing from his blog on the San Francisco gay “pride” parade to ObamaCare. “The difference on health care between Republicans and Democrats, between conservatives and liberals? Republicans and conservatives want to take access to health care away from people,” he wrote on Sunday. They “want to end Medicare and Medicaid as we know them. In…
Tim Graham
July 2nd, 2012 11:22 AM

AP's Rugaber Misstates Upper-Income Confidence Cratering in Univ. of M

I'll bet it would shake people up to know that all of the recent and steep decline in consumer confidence has occurred in households earning $75,000 or more per year. On Friday, the June Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers told us just that. The key sentence in the U of M press release reads as follows (PDF; bold is mine): "Perhaps of greater importance was that…
Tom Blumer
July 2nd, 2012 10:56 AM

Team Obama Celebrates July 4... with Paris Fundraiser

Apparently tiring of US soil as a source of campaign dollars, the Obama campaign is headed overseas -- with its celebrity friends in tow. The European Obama campaign starts next week in Paris on July 4 with a reception organized by various fundraising heavy-hitters. Independence Day fundraisers in Paris – now that’s a flag-waving campaign.
Ben Shapiro
July 2nd, 2012 10:06 AM

Open Thread: UK Gets Hit by Laffer Curve

Governments worldwide are hard up for cash right now and sadly, more are pushing for tax increases than spending cuts. The United Kingdom is one such country and unfortunately for it, the revenues that were expected from raising taxes just aren't materializing. In a blog post for, the Cato Institute's Daniel Mitchell takes a look at the revenue situation in the UK and then examines…
Matthew Sheffield
July 2nd, 2012 9:48 AM

NewsBusters' Sheppard Spars With CNN's Lemon About Media Coverage of O

NewsBusters' associate editor Noel Sheppard spent part of his Sunday discussing with CNN's Don Lemon the media's coverage of last week's ObamaCare ruling by the Supreme Court. Although the encounter was quite friendly, the two clearly didn't see eye to eye on how the press has handled this controversial matter in recent months (video follows with CNN transcript and commentary):
NB Staff
July 2nd, 2012 9:33 AM

WashPost Boosts 'Rainbow Oreo' of Corporate Political Correctness, Moc

On Thursday, The Washington Post’s Dan Zak championed the gay-boosting “Rainbow Oreo” – with Kraft on its Oreo Facebook page sounding the liberal note “Proudly support love!” Zak sold this as a great moment for gays, Big Business, and Obama: “Gays are just as susceptible to clever marketing as straights. At long last! Equality under commercialization....A cultural moment — galvanized…
Tim Graham
July 2nd, 2012 8:31 AM

Stephanopoulos Celebrates ObamaCare Victory with Someone ‘Special

How cozy. Former Democratic operative turned television news host George Stephanopoulos used his ABC News platform on Sunday to celebrate, with Vicki Reggie Kennedy, ObamaCare’s Supreme Court victory. Stephanopoulos excitedly plugged his “special exclusive guest” on This Week, announcing: “We begin with something special. The first reaction on the ruling from Vicki Kennedy, the widow of Senator…
Brent Baker
July 2nd, 2012 3:26 AM

WashPost: New Va. Laws Make State 'Less Hospitable' But New Md. Tax Hi

July 1 is traditionally the day when many new state laws take effect, and every year on or about that date, the Washington Post makes sure to inform its readers of some new laws hitting the books in Maryland and Virginia. This year, Marylanders are seeing tax increases, with residents of Montgomery County -- a significant portion of the Post's subscriber base -- disproportionately affected.…
Ken Shepherd
July 1st, 2012 11:41 PM