Ex-CBS Reporter Slams CBS's Jan Crawford on Fox for Saying Roberts Swa

In the wake of revelations that Chief Justice John Roberts switched his vote on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, former CBS journalist and Fox News contributor Marvin Kalb appeared on Tuesday's Fox & Friends and flat-out rejected the notion that the media influenced the Roberts opinion or that media influence, especially from left-wing networks, has any adverse impact on national…
Matt Vespa
July 3rd, 2012 2:00 PM

Reagan-Hating Abortion Activist Hailed in NYT as Fighter for Right of

The obituary in Sunday's New York Times of an abortion activist followed the paper's standard liberal template of obfuscation when discussing unpopular liberal stands on social issues: "Joan Dunlop, 78, Advocate for Women’s Health Rights." The text box read: "A life spent helping women expand control of their bodies." Including abortion. Yet although the Reagan-hating Joan Dunlop worked for the…
Clay Waters
July 3rd, 2012 1:47 PM

NBC Has Coming Out Party for 'Powerful Voice' and 'Advocate' Anderson

NBC's coming out party for Anderson Cooper featured soundbites from gay journalists, his being hailed as a "powerful voice" and an "advocate" for the gay and lesbian community, and panel members approving of his admitting to being gay, all on Tuesday's Today show. "[H]e will have a powerful voice being an advocate for the gay and lesbian community," offered Natalie Morales. Ironically, her "…
Matt Hadro
July 3rd, 2012 1:13 PM

Episode Two of Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom: Conservatives Are Stupid and R

During the June 24th premiere of Aaron Sorkin's new HBO drama, The Newsroom, viewers were introduced to Will MacAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels), a popular news anchor with scathing opinions about the United States. Episode two continued the liberal talking points, this time portraying conservative opinions on immigration as both racist and stupid. On the July 1 HBO broadcast, MacAvoy turned to…
Kelly McGarey
July 3rd, 2012 12:40 PM

ABC Hyped Bill Clinton's Work to 'Save a Continent,' But Skipped Georg

When Bill Clinton went to Africa in 2007 to fight AIDS, ABC hyped his important work "to save a continent." Diane Sawyer interviewed the ex-President and Kate Snow followed him to Africa. However, the same network has, thus far, skipped former President George W. Bush's efforts to fight cancer in the same area. On the July 24, 2007, Good Morning America, Kate Snow excitedly related, "In…
Scott Whitlock
July 3rd, 2012 12:30 PM

NYTimes Mag Celebrates 'Iconic' Hillary, 'Highminded' Yet 'Hardheaded

Reporter Steven Lee Myers heaped praise on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a 5,500-word profile for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, evident in the title, "Last Tour of the Rock-Star Diplomat." One of Myers's big scoops is that Hillary Clinton can remember names and personal details, which is apparently just as important as all that foreign policy guff: "Whatever she might have…
Clay Waters
July 3rd, 2012 12:13 PM

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Skips Her Own Network’s Poll on ObamaCare

During an interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Brooke Baldwin skipped her own network’s poll showing more independents disagree than agree with the Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare.  Such cherry-picking is not uncommon for CNN hosts as Baldwin's colleague Soledad O’Brien has engaged in the practice to prop up ObamaCare as well.    When Priebus challenged Baldwin over her polling…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 3rd, 2012 11:44 AM

ABC Making National Story of Gov. Christie Calling New Jersey Reporter

ABC's Jake Tapper is promoting his Nightline interview with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tonight by noting he expressed no regret for calling a local reporter he was "stupid" and apologized for the reporter being an "idiot." Tapper insisted Christie addressed a special session of the legislature Monday, but he made national headlines not for the speech, but for the “idiot” talk over the…
Tim Graham
July 3rd, 2012 9:03 AM

Open Thread: Comment System Changeover

By now if you've been reading NB over the past few days, you've noticed the long-promised addition of Disqus comments. Now that we've had a couple of days to let you try it out, I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to ask questions about the setup here in this posting. I will answer them in this thread.
Matthew Sheffield
July 3rd, 2012 9:02 AM

CBS's Whitaker Forwards New Mexican President Blaming U.S. for Guns in

On Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Bill Whitaker seemed to allude to a debunked statistic that most guns that go to Mexican drug cartels originate in the United States as he repeated accusations by the newly elected Mexican president's party that the U.S. is the "exporter of guns fueling the violence" in the drug wars. Whitaker:
Brad Wilmouth
July 3rd, 2012 8:32 AM

Jeffrey: More People on Federal 'Disability' Than Live In New York Cit

CNSNews.com editor Terence P. Jeffrey breaks a depressing scoop: "A record of 8,733,461 workers took federal disability insurance payments in June 2012, according to the Social Security Administration." That  exceeds the entire population of New York City, which according to the Census Bureau's latest estimate hit 8,244,910 in July 2011. Jeffrey lamented a dramatic shrinkage in the United…
Tim Graham
July 3rd, 2012 8:10 AM

CNN's Morgan Presses Bachmann from Left on ObamaCare

On Monday's Piers Morgan Tonight, as host Morgan debated guest Rep. Michele Bachmann on ObamaCare, after the Minnesota Republican explained that a government requirement to purchase health insurance differs from a requirement to buy car insurance because "no one is forced to buy a car if they don't want to," her answer went over the CNN host's head as he continued to press the same flawed…
Brad Wilmouth
July 3rd, 2012 7:56 AM

BBC Big: Europe Pulling For Obama As More Supportive Of 'Social Democr

Call it damning with pink praise . . . On today's Morning Joe, BBC's Katty Kay, anchor of the network's American edition, said that Europeans favor the re-election of President Obama because he is more supportive of "European social-democratic values."  You know, those wonderful welfare-state policies that have worked their magic so well that Europe now enjoys . . . an 11.1% unemployment…
Mark Finkelstein
July 3rd, 2012 7:56 AM

MSNBC Host Harris-Perry Suggests Democrats Dump Blue Dogs for a 'More

On Sunday morning's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, the host noted angrily that 17 Democrats voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to produce documents in the Fast & Furious scandal. Harris-Perry brought on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, to ask him if it wouldn't be better for the Democrats to go "…
Tim Graham
July 2nd, 2012 11:10 PM