CBS Confronts Rick Scott: If ObamaCare 'Is Not the Right Way to Do Thi

CBS This Morning went after Governor Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Thursday, throwing an Orlando Sentinel op-ed and a PolitiFact report at him and challenging him to answer just why ObamaCare wasn't the best option for his state to follow. CBS questioned the governor over his opposition to Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid in Florida, and his refusal to follow the law. "But you have the third…
Matt Hadro
July 5th, 2012 5:00 PM

Ed Schultz Asks Comic Lizz Winstead if She 'Ever Regretted' Her Aborti

Here's a question liberals never ask other liberals, at least not publicly. While appearing on Ed Schultz's radio show Tuesday and plugging her book "Lizz Free or Die: Essays," standup comic and "The Daily Show" co-creator Lizz Winstead told Schultz about becoming pregnant while a teenager and her decision to abort her unborn baby. (Audio after page break).
Jack Coleman
July 5th, 2012 4:00 PM

PLO Terrorist Yassir Arafat Just a 'Father Figure of Palestinian Natio

Not even in death will the New York Times accurately describe Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat as a terrorist. In a January 6, 2005 story not long after Arafat's death, then-Jersualem bureau chief Steven Erlanger described Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas as having "no heroic history like that of his predecessor as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasir…
Clay Waters
July 5th, 2012 3:12 PM

NY Daily News Thumps 'Idiot' O'Reilly for Bad SCOTUS Guess; Never Note

On Tuesday, New York’s Daily News carried the headline “Bill O’Reilly admits he ‘may be an idiot’ for wrongly predicting Supreme Court’s health care decision.” Meena Hart Duerson began with snark: “Bill O'Reilly and his critics may finally have something to agree on: the talk show host admitted Monday he ‘may be an idiot’ for wrongly predicting the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare.” But…
Tim Graham
July 5th, 2012 2:35 PM

NYT Rings in Independence Day: 'The Downside of Liberty

The New York Times marked Independence Day in its usual dismal fashion, with editor-novelist Kurt Andersen's op-ed, "The Downside of Liberty," claiming that the "libertarian coin" "minted around 1967" has made Americans shamelessly selfish. (It's the second-most emailed Times story as of noon Thursday.) This spring I was on a panel at the Woodstock Writers Festival. An audience member asked a…
Clay Waters
July 5th, 2012 2:08 PM

Parting Shot: NBC Includes Liberal Hit Piece on Romney's Wealth at End

In a parting shot at Mitt Romney, NBC's Ron Mott pointed to liberal rag Vanity Fair's hit piece on the candidate's wealth at they very end of Mott's report on the presidential campaign. The very mention of the article was out of place in a report mostly about campaign messaging. After mentioning Romney's new web video "The Best of America," Mott added that "The ad was released on the heels…
Matt Hadro
July 5th, 2012 1:46 PM

Where CNN Conducts an Interview, MSNBC Has a DNC Strategy Session

Once again MSNBC has shown it is more a Democratic operative rather than an actual news organization.  On Thursday morning, Obama campaign national press secretary Ben LaBolt appeared on both CNN’s Starting Point and MSNBC Live, and the interviews could not have been more different. LaBolt got the kid glove treatment from MSNBC's Thomas Roberts, who first teed him up to slam the Romney…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 5th, 2012 1:02 PM

Defining the Left: 'Humanity is OK, But 99% of People Are Boring Idiot

The leftist U.K. rag The Guardian published a headline that really defines the Left, in an interview with a "complicated Marxist" philosopher from Slovenia. It reads: "Slavoj  Zizek: 'Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots'." Despite this line, Guardian writer Decca Aitkenhead explained he's become a "global-recession celebrity, drawing crowds of adoring followers who revere him…
Tim Graham
July 5th, 2012 12:41 PM

Joan Walsh: 'It's Almost Certainly a Fact That Romney Is More Comforta

As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Politico has officially cut ties with White House correspondent Joe Williams for saying presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is more comfortable around "white folks." Throwing caution to the wind, Salon editor at large Joan Walsh on Thursday doubled-down on these caustic comments writing, "It’s almost certainly a fact that Mitt Romney is…
Noel Sheppard
July 5th, 2012 12:39 PM

Coulter Column: French Revolution Was Godless Antithesis to Founding o

It has become fashionable to equate the French and American revolutions, but they share absolutely nothing in common beyond the word "revolution." The American Revolution was a movement based on ideas, painstakingly argued by serious men in the process of creating what would become the freest, most prosperous nation in world history. The French Revolution was a revolt of the mob. It was the…
Ann Coulter
July 5th, 2012 11:46 AM

Romney-Attacking Ex-Politico Reporter Williams Guilty of Assaulting Ex

The bad publicity for Romney-attacking ex-Politico reporter Joe Williams continued this week. On Wednesday, Fish Bowl DC reported Williams pleaded guilty in May to assaulting his ex-wife:
Noel Sheppard
July 5th, 2012 9:34 AM

Now Left Blames GOP ‘Treason’ for Bad Economy

Making Opposition to Obama out-of-bounds.
Dan Gainor
July 5th, 2012 8:15 AM

‘Newsroom’ Renewed by HBO Despite Few Viewers, Many Critics

Despite the fact that few people are watching "The Newsroom," premimum cable channel HBO aseriesnnounced on Tuesday that it has renewed the left-leaning new series for a second season even though only two episodes have been broadcast. The premiere of the show, which aired on Sunday, June 24, drew a mediocre total of 2.14 million viewers, which included a second airing, as it chronicled the…
Randy Hall
July 5th, 2012 6:41 AM

CNN's Morgan Repeatedly Raises Sorkin's Anti-America Speech with Guest

Since liberal producer Aaron Sorkin's HBO series The Newsroom made waves a couple of weeks ago with its infamous speech asserting that America is "not the greatest country in the world anymore," CNN host Piers Morgan has repeatedly brought up this charge with guests on his Piers Morgan Tonight show. Morgan, who so far has not brought up the speech with any clearly conservative guest who…
Brad Wilmouth
July 5th, 2012 1:53 AM