Chuck Norris Column: Barack Obama Is an Anti-Founders, Debt-Accumulati

In 2007, when I began writing my New York Times best-seller "Black Belt Patriotism," unemployment was less than 5 percent; the annual federal budget was about $2.9 trillion; the federal deficit was $161 billion; and the national debt was $9 trillion. Today unemployment is stuck at 8.2 percent; the federal budget is $3.8 trillion; the national deficit is $1.3 trillion; and the national debt…
Chuck Norris
July 10th, 2012 6:28 PM

Cal Thomas Column: The Numbers Game

President Obama's attempt to spin the latest discouraging unemployment numbers as "a step in the right direction" is like telling passengers aboard the Titanic to ignore the sinking vessel and listen to the live music. A Wall Street Journal analysis of the June unemployment figures offers little comfort, nor does it produce confidence that the economy will improve before the election.
Cal Thomas
July 10th, 2012 5:59 PM

Donny Deutsch Rants: 'We Are a Country That Is At Class Warfare Now

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about philanthropist Denise Rich renouncing her U.S. citizenship to reportedly avoid paying taxes, advertising executive Donny Deutsch used the incident to proclaim: "We are a country that is at class warfare now. It is reality. And this is the kind of thing that if I'm home watching, I go, screw you, get out of my country!" NBC chief medical…
Kyle Drennen
July 10th, 2012 5:45 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: I'm Sick and Tired of Fear-mongering by the Le

I'm literally sick and tired of people - who instead of having anything constructive or even intelligent for that matter - to add to any conversation they disagree with, repeat what they've heard someone say on TV or read about in the newspaper as being the absolute truth and are not willing to listen to any other opinion, no matter how sensible. I'm totally frustrated and out of patience…
Charlie Daniels
July 10th, 2012 5:06 PM

John Sununu Laughs at Andrea Mitchell Defending Obama's Use of Bogus R

It really has been hysterical watching the Obama-loving media the past few weeks defend the President using bogus information reported by the Washington Post falsely accusing Mitt Romney of outsourcing jobs while at Bain Capital. This has become so comical that former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu (R) couldn't hold back the laughs as Andrea Mitchell did exactly that Tuesday on the MSNBC…
Noel Sheppard
July 10th, 2012 5:01 PM

Playing Into Obama's Populist Pose, NYTimes Obsesses Over Romney's Vac

Sunday's front-page "political memo" from New York Times reporter Richard Stevenson played into the Obama campaign's hands by obsessing over Romney's supposedly ostentatious displays of wealth, in contrast to Barack Obama's down-home populism: "On Tricky Terrain of Class, Contrasting Paths." The print edition featured large dueling photos contrasting a down-home President Obama at the Kozy…
Clay Waters
July 10th, 2012 4:40 PM

MRC-TV Exclusive: NRA President Hits Back at Media's Misinformation on

The liberal media continues to make a connection between "Operation Fast and Furious" under the Obama and "Operation Wide Receiver" under Bush, and major news outlets have made no effort to explain the difference. So our friends at our sister site MRCTV sat down with NRA president David Keene, who explained there was a fundamental, life-saving difference between these two operations. [video…
NB Staff
July 10th, 2012 4:10 PM

ABC Finally Notices Obama's Sketchy Attack Ads Against Romney's 'Outso

Good Morning America co-anchor George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday finally noticed the Obama campaign's sketchy attacks against Mitt Romney for supposedly being an outsourcer while running Bain Capital. Stephanopoulos actually pressed Obama strategist David Plouffe, highlighting's assertion that there's "no evidence to support the claim that Romney, while he was running Bain Capital…
Scott Whitlock
July 10th, 2012 3:58 PM

Play Diagrams and Stats Aren’t Enough? ESPN Mag Gets Naked

Update (July 13, 15:14 EDT): ESPN Magazine's Twitter profile is using an image of a naked female athlete as its avatar | Is it time for ESPN Magazine to don the “plain brown wrapper” and move to the very top back of the magazine rack where curious youngsters can’t catch a glimpse? It may be, at least for one issue a year. The fourth annual “Body Issue” of ESPN is scheduled to arrive at…
Ryan Robertson
July 10th, 2012 3:53 PM

Colbertian Studies: WaPo Highlights Academia’s Obsession with Comedi

Observers on the right and left have, for different reasons, long lamented that Comedy Central has become the main source of news for young people. But one group thinks the phenomenon is just fine. The academic left considers comedian Stephen Colbert an object of serious and perhaps even obsessive study.  The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi wrote an excellent piece on July 9, examining the…
Paul Wilson
July 10th, 2012 3:39 PM

Vanity Fair Demonizes Romney as a 'Financial Acrobat,' Calls Him 'Tack

As the November election approaches, the left-leaning media is taking every opportunity to take shots at presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, and Vanity Fair is no exception. In the magazine's August issue, journalist Nicholas Shaxson attempts to mar the public perception of Romney's business record and moral center under the guise of "[delving] into the murky world of offshore finance…
Kelly McGarey
July 10th, 2012 2:53 PM

CNN Lets Jon Huntsman's Daughter Rip GOP, Diss Sarah Palin

It's no secret that Jon Huntsman was the liberal media's Republican darling during primary season. Now he is skipping the GOP convention and has joined the liberal Brookings Institution, and CNN let his daughter Abby, a network regular, voice her father's disdain for today's Republican Party on Tuesday's Starting Point. Consider her acerbic take on Huntsman introducing Sarah Palin at the…
Matt Hadro
July 10th, 2012 1:25 PM

NBC Punts On FBI Reward For Brian Terry's Killers; ABC and CBS Omit Ho

NBC, which shamefully ignored the "Fast and Furious" controversy for months, failed to cover on their newscasts Monday evening and Tuesday morning the FBI offering a combined $1 million reward for the capture of four suspects in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. ABC devoted a full report to the FBI reward on Monday's World News, but omitted mentioning Attorney General Eric…
Matthew Balan
July 10th, 2012 1:03 PM

Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises

The liberal media will make sure to go through the motions and occasionally hit President Obama with some critical points, but they will hold their fire when it comes to addressing five major unfulfilled campaign promises, former CBS reporter and media critic Bernie Goldberg told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly last night. Given that the latest jobs report shows the second quarter of 2012 was the…
Matt Vespa
July 10th, 2012 12:39 PM