Fineman Lauds 'Amazing Statesmanship' of Eisenhower Advising LBJ to Pu

Appearing as a panel member on the weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Huffington Post editoral director Howard Fineman - formerly of Newsweek - praised former President Eisenhower's decision to advise then-President Johnson to "carry out Jack Kennedy's agenda" in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. Fineman ended up referring to Eisenhower's advice as "amazing statesmanship and…
Brad Wilmouth
July 15th, 2012 11:31 AM

George Lopez: 'Mitt Romney Is a F--king Latino and He Won't Admit It

Comedian George Lopez went on a vulgarity-laden rant during his HBO special Saturday night claiming presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney "ain't going to get" the Latino vote because he's "a f--king Latino and he won't admit it." Lopez also had numerous f-bombs for Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio (video follows with transcript and commentary, serious vulgarity warning):
Noel Sheppard
July 15th, 2012 11:06 AM

Kirk Cameron Mocked as 'Non-Cognitive' For Pro-Marriage Video

Actor Kirk Cameron stars in a new video for the National Organization for Marriage in which he maintains marriage is between a man and a woman: “The same God that designed the universe designed marriage.” The gay left is angry. The so-called Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation attacked Cameron with this pretend want ad: “Seeking Glamorous Non-Cognitive Elites: Are you an artist,…
Tim Graham
July 15th, 2012 7:42 AM

Actor Mike Farrell's Castro-Friendly Letter to Obama

At Townhall, Cuban-American columnist Humberto Fontova writes that leftist actor Mike Farrell has crossed a line to writing official-sounding propaganda for the Castro regime. Farrell wrote a letter to President Obama demanding release of the "Cuban Five" that you can see at The Huffington Post. The five men are Castro spies that were arrested in 1998 and convicted in 2001. Cuba acknowledges…
Tim Graham
July 15th, 2012 7:11 AM

Saturday Night Funny Video: ‘Joe Biden: VP of Comedy Tour

Joe Biden has started a new tour, a “VP of Comedy Tour,” FNC’s Bret Baier noticed Thursday night in ending his show by playing a compilation put together by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. Kimmel’s announcer promised Biden’s “every laugh” and “every gaffe.” That would be impossible to contain to a short montage – or really one of any length -- but this is an entertaining packaging of Biden at his…
Brent Baker
July 15th, 2012 12:15 AM

PBS's Mark Shields Cracks Romney Has a Strength: He Sure Knows How to

On the PBS NewsHour, liberal analyst Mark Shields rarely has anything good to say about Mitt Romney, which is quite a contrast with his partner, Obama-infatuated “conservative” David Brooks. He claimed on Friday night that  Romney had a great strength that’s been overlooked, and then cracked that Mitt sure knows how to evade taxes:
Tim Graham
July 14th, 2012 8:42 PM

Jobless Claims Report Affected by Year-Over-Year Change in Seasonal Ad

One might think that yours truly, who has been nagging the establishment press for years over its blind acceptance of seasonally adjusted data in government economic and employment reports, would be pleased to see that the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber finally got around to making such adjustments the primary focus of his final report on the most recently released unemployment claims…
Tom Blumer
July 14th, 2012 6:47 PM

NPR Touts How Hillary Clinton's Never Looked Better, With a 'Mash Note

NPR clearly likes the new USA miniseries Political Animals, since it is obviously based on Hillary Clinton. NPR's Fresh Air reviewed the series, and Morning Edition interviewed Sigourney Weaver, who plays the Hillary clone. Then, on Friday morning, listeners heard another plug for the show -- an actual paid underwriting announcement from USA. Isn't that a nice back-scratch? Do we pay for news…
Tim Graham
July 14th, 2012 4:27 PM

CBS Pundit: Obama Committed a 'Humble Brag' to Insist He Was Too Busy

President Obama said something quite bizarre in his interview with CBS's Charlie Rose yesterday. He said he needed to stop fixating on policy to work harder on messaging and explaining himself. This is quite an indictment of the media, which have labored mightily to create the spaces for him to explain himself and to boost his life story and personal qualities. Remember that in his first three…
Tim Graham
July 14th, 2012 3:44 PM

Leno: Condi 'Perfect Choice Because of the Fact She’s a Woman and Sh

NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno took what some might call a cheap shot at presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Condoleezza Rice Friday. After he mentioned the rumor about the former Secretary of State being considered for vice presidential nominee, a mock ad for "Rice and Romney: The New American Treat" was aired which included the lyric, "She’s the perfect choice…
Noel Sheppard
July 14th, 2012 1:18 PM

Chelsea Handler Lauds Meghan McCain's Pot Smoking, Defends Obama

As Meghan McCain appeared as a guest on Tuesday's Chelsea Lately show on E!, host Chelsea Handler defended President Obama's economic record and ended up praising McCain for admitting that she sometimes smokes marijuana. Early on in the interview, Handler declared, "I like you, too. I mean, I like, I don't hate all Republicans, I just, most of them. But I like you because you're, like, you'…
Brad Wilmouth
July 14th, 2012 12:50 PM

ABC's The View Hosts Decry Threats Against Brad Pitt's Conservative Mo

On Tuesday's The View on ABC, the group criticized death threats made against actor Brad Pitt's conservative mother after she wrote a letter to the editor of the Springfield News-Leader in Missouri defending Mitt Romney and asking people not to vote for President Obama, citing her religious objections to abortion and same-sex marriage. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg introduced the topic:
Brad Wilmouth
July 14th, 2012 11:32 AM

Flying Pigs Alert: Pro-Pot Publication Praises Bush; Slams Obama

Perhaps President Obama figures that pot smokers are so spaced out that they will float into the voting booths this November and automatically vote for him no matter how harshly his federal prosecutors crack down on medical marijuana dispensaries. If that is his assumption he might be in for a rude shock. On the heels of the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the country, Harborside Health…
P.J. Gladnick
July 14th, 2012 11:09 AM

CNN Accuses Obama of 'Swiftboating' Romney

CNN on Friday surprisingly accused President Obama of "swiftboating" presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with continuously false attacks regarding his service at Bain Capital. The idea appears to have first been raised by CNN correspondent Jim Acosta during his interview with Romney on The Situation Room (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 14th, 2012 10:56 AM