CBS Incorrectly Hints Romney Responsible for U.S. Olympic Uniforms' Ou

In an online article on Tuesday, CBS's Lucy Madison all but pointed the finger at Mitt Romney for the decision to produce the uniforms of the 2002 U.S. Winter Olympic team in Burma. Madison cited left-wing website The Huffington Post as a main source: "In 2002, when Romney was at the helm of the Salt Lake City Olympics, the outfits were produced in Burma, as the Huffington Post pointed out last…
Matthew Balan
July 17th, 2012 5:36 PM

Cal Thomas Column: Mitt Romney and the NAACP

Mitt Romney's speech to the NAACP convention in Houston was -- according to one's political perspective -- a "calculated move on his part to get booed..." to help his white base (Rep. Nancy Pelosi), or a presentation to "independent thinking adult citizens" whom he treated as equals (Rush Limbaugh). Having an adult conversation in a racially and politically polarized age is nearly impossible…
Cal Thomas
July 17th, 2012 5:32 PM

PBS's Ifill Compares Romney to Gordon Gekko, Uninterested in Discussin

Gwen Ifill of the PBS Newshour hosted Jonathan Martin of Politico and Molly Ball of The Atlantic magazine in a left wing cuddlefest that bashed Romney over Bain, his taxes, and Solyndra on July 16.  Ms. Ifill was not the least concerned that this story is mere fodder for the Obama campaign to pivot away from its abysmal economic record, but nevertheless, started off the shooting gallery by…
Matt Vespa
July 17th, 2012 5:21 PM

NYT's Weisman Laments 'Limits of Campaign Finance Rules' That Mean Dem

Congressional Democrats failed to pass the DISCLOSE act Monday, legislation that would require non-profits to identify their donors. New York Times eporter Jonathan Weisman joined the push on Tuesday. Even the headline was regretful about the limits of liberal campaign finance "reform" to rein in a Republican group who defeated a Democratic congressman in 2010: "Tax-Exempt Group’s Election…
Clay Waters
July 17th, 2012 4:31 PM

NBC's Lauer Invites Elton John to Bash Reagan as 'Overrated,' Cheer Cl

In an interview with singer Elton John on Tuesday's NBC Today that focused on the performer's AIDS awareness activism, co-host Matt Lauer teed him up to rate recent presidents on combating the disease: "Elton champions those he feels made a positive impact on the AIDS epidemic, but he also takes to task those he believes caused harm. And he doesn't hold back." [Listen to the audio or watch the…
Kyle Drennen
July 17th, 2012 4:29 PM

Donohue Column: The Media's Nasty Habit of Ignoring Far-Left's Connect

Media coverage of both the "Fortnight for Freedom" events sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the competing "Nuns on the Bus" campaign, reveal interesting results. A total of 141 dioceses, involving tens of thousands of Catholics, participated in the USCCB events; it ended with a crowd of 5,000 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate…
Bill Donohue
July 17th, 2012 4:15 PM

All Three Networks Fawn Over Obama Kiss: 'Woohoo! Hot in Here

All three networks on Tuesday absolutely gushed over Barack Obama kissing his wife at a men's Olympic basketball game on Monday night. CBS This Morning guest anchor Norah O'Donnell thrilled, "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Hot in here!" Good Morning America news reader Josh Elliott cheered on the President's ability to kiss his wife in public: "[Obama] is showing the world he's got a little game off the court…
Scott Whitlock
July 17th, 2012 4:03 PM

U.S.-Funded Program Teaches About U.S. Media Suppression

Your tax dollars are paying to teach both domestic and foreign students that the United States suppresses it’s media to the same degree as India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. That’s what was insinuated on a radio program called “Youthpoints” that aired July 2nd on the Talk Station.   “Youthpoints” is a weekly program that gives young adults the ability to express…
Taylor Hughes
July 17th, 2012 2:41 PM

NBC's 'Today' Cheers: 'Crowd Went Wild' for Obamas Kissing at Basketba

Offering some pro-Obama fluff on Tuesday's NBC Today, news reader Natalie Morales gushed over the President and First Lady getting caught on the "Kiss Cam" at a basketball game during a "date night." After the First Couple initially just waved to the camera, Morales excitedly told viewers: "Not to worry, they got a second chance when the 'Kiss Cam' found them again. So this time he delivered,…
Kyle Drennen
July 17th, 2012 1:24 PM

Erin Burnett Lectures Mitt Romney to Release More Tax Returns, Pay Hig

CNN's Erin Burnett, injecting her own opinion into her newscast, lectured Mitt Romney on why he should release more tax returns and pay more taxes, on Monday's OutFront. "Release the returns," she told Romney. "If there's a lot of tax shelters and some frankly incredibly low tax rates, significantly lower say than your 13.9 percent rate in 2010, Mitt, then say this: My tax rates were too low…
Matt Hadro
July 17th, 2012 12:32 PM

CBS Promotes Colbert Likening Romney's Leadership of Bain to Cannibali

Left-wing comedian Stephen Colbert smeared Mitt Romney on his Comedy Central program on Monday, hinting that Bain Capital under his helm acted like a group of 19th century settlers that resorted to cannibalism. After noting how President Obama forwarded a claim by The Washington Post that Bain owned companies that were "pioneers" of outsourcing, Colbert snarked, "Who cares? Pioneers opened up…
Matthew Balan
July 17th, 2012 12:13 PM

Obama TV: ABC Touts Romney Critics, Features Nine Attacks in Just Over

ABC on Sunday aggressively pushed liberal talking points, hyping Barack Obama's call for Mitt Romney to release more tax documents. Over a span of just three minutes and 32 seconds, the anchor and reporters of World News played nine clips of people lobbying Mitt Romney to "show the American people" what's going on. Only one person, the candidate, appeared in a snippet to argue for the other…
Scott Whitlock
July 17th, 2012 11:50 AM

Lanny Davis Excuses Obama Camp's Smear of Romney by Comparing to Swift

Apparently, some Democrats believe the recent string of ads against Romney are justified due to Bush's Swift Boat Vets back in 2004. Appearing on America's Newsroom on July 16th, Lanny Davis, a Democratic operative, was shocked that Karl Rove would have such disgust towards this media blitz by the Obama campaign.  Mr. Davis apparently is still waiting for a response from "George Bush in 2004 […
Matt Vespa
July 17th, 2012 11:45 AM

NBC's Lauer Ignores Obama Campaign Aide Calling Romney a Felon

In an otherwise tough interview with Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter on Tuesday's NBC Today about the negative tone of the President's re-election bid, co-host Matt Lauer failed to challenge her on the nastiest attack hurled by Democrats so far, Cutter's own charge that Mitt Romney may have committed a felony. Lauer repeatedly grilled Cutter on President Obama abandoning the…
Kyle Drennen
July 17th, 2012 11:34 AM