Williams Column: Tyrants and Human Nature

The agendas of liberals, progressives and assorted tyrants desperately depend on the aspects of human nature they often condemn, such as acquisitiveness, profit motive, self-interestedness and greed. This crossed my mind while reading "How Departures From Economic Freedom Can Affect Freedom In General," by Dr. John Taylor, a Hoover Institution scholar. Taylor tells how former Wells Fargo CEO…
Walter E. Williams
July 18th, 2012 6:01 PM

WaPo's Chris Cillizza Predicts 'Death by a Thousand Political Cuts' fo

Appearing on Wednesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza warned Mitt Romney that he would suffer "a death by a thousand political cuts" if he does not release more tax returns. Cillizza further proclaimed: "...every day we talk about tax returns. Why hasn't he released them? What's in them?...the current position he has is untenable politically."…
Kyle Drennen
July 18th, 2012 5:58 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Our Founders' Economic Advice for Obama (Part 2 o

Last week, I summarized how President Barack Obama has not lived up to his campaign promises to lower the national deficit and debt and get our nation's fiscal house in order. So now I'm calling on him to heed the economic advice of our nation's first eight presidents. Before I highlight some of the Founding Fathers' wisdom on federal debt and spending, let me remind readers how Crossroads…
Chuck Norris
July 18th, 2012 5:43 PM

CBS Ignores Study on Job Losses From Tax Hikes; Cited 'Cost to Taxpaye

A study released Wednesday from accounting firm Ernst & Young, which estimated that the U.S. would lose 710,000 jobs if the Bush-era tax cuts on the highest income earners aren't renewed, apparently isn't newsworthy to CBS. The network's Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning newscasts omitted the study, which also predicted that the nation's already struggling economic output would decline…
Matthew Balan
July 18th, 2012 5:26 PM

LA Times Publishes Melodramatic Piece On Pennsylvania's Voter ID Bill

David G. Savage of  the Los Angeles Times posted an absurd piece today  concerning Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law, a measure he complains is "strict" and denies residents the fundamental right to vote.   To service this narrative, Savage turned to elderly Philadelphia Democrat Viviette Applewhite, who cast “her first vote [was] for President Franklin D. Roosevelt.”*  and is suing the…
Matt Vespa
July 18th, 2012 5:22 PM

CNN Boosts Another Gay Activist Upset With Boy Scouts

CNN continues its brazen support of gay activists upset with the Boy Scouts. On Wednesday afternoon, anchor Don Lemon gave the sappiest of  interviews to former Cub Scout den leader and lesbian Jennifer Tyrell, booted from the organization because she is openly-gay. Lemon asked saccharine questions like "You doing okay?" and "do you feel disrespected?" and "You sound a little sort of…
Matt Hadro
July 18th, 2012 5:01 PM

Reuters Comes Out of the Closet, Actively Opposes Minn. Gay Marriage B

Leading news agency Thompson Reuters has come out of the closet regarding its support for gay causes: it has declared its open opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment in Minnesota to ban gay marriage. LifeSiteNews.com reported that Reuters officials Mike Suchsland and Rick King sent an e-mail to its employees, declaring: “We believe the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, if passed, would…
Paul Wilson
July 18th, 2012 5:00 PM

Obama Weakens Welfare Reform -- New York Times Spins It As Fighting Bu

New New York Times reporter Rebecca Berg gave the Obama camp the benefit of the doubt in Wednesday's "Shift in Welfare Policy Draws G.O.P. Protests." Berg didn't question whether the administration was purposely weakening welfare reform's work requirements for political advantage, but merely assumed the Obama camp was making a purely procedural move to give states "more latitude" in…
Clay Waters
July 18th, 2012 5:00 PM

ABC, CBS & NBC Wait Five Days to Report Obama's 'You Didn't Build That

When Barack Obama insulted job creators everywhere, last Friday, by charging: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen," the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks didn’t pounce on the politically damaging remark. It took five days and Romney making it the centerpiece of his speech on Tuesday before the first network mention - by Peter Alexander on last…
Geoffrey Dickens
July 18th, 2012 4:35 PM

TNT's Rizzoli and Isles Slams 'Miserable' Marriage and Stay-at-Home Mo

The makers of TNT's Rizzoli and Isles, a show which revolves around the careers and friendship of two women, a detective and a medical examiner, apparently aren't fans of the choices made by conservative females who opt for marriage and motherhood over a career. According to the July 17 episode, it's possible that some of these mothers could be driven to kill. The episode begins with the…
Kelly McGarey
July 18th, 2012 4:26 PM

Clandestine Classics Porns Up Classic Literature

If you needed more proof of America’s culture rot then brace yourself, because on July 30 you’ll be able to experience classic literature with an NC-17 twist. For those who’ve always longed for sexual exploration between Sherlock Holmes and Watson, or for a bondage re-telling of “Jane Eyre,” get your Kindles and Nooks ready. But Jane Eyre and Sherlock Holmes aren’t the only beloved…
Lauren Thompson
July 18th, 2012 4:06 PM

Laid-Off Worker in Anti-Romney Ad Now Says He Won't Vote for Obama; Wi

Donnie Box, a steelworker in Missouri who lost his job and is the focus of an anti-Mitt Romney advertisement being run by a Super PAC that supports President Barack Obama, now says he will not vote to re-elect the president in November. "I could really care less about Obama," the lifelong Democrat says in an article written by Mike Elk on the In These Times website before criticizing the…
Randy Hall
July 18th, 2012 3:32 PM

L.A. Times Imagines Romney Attacks on Obama 'Play On Birther Fears

The Los Angeles Times freaked out Wednesday about Mitt Romney suggesting Obama’s socialist leanings are somehow un-American. Their tabloidish headline was “Romney campaign's attacks on Obama play on ‘birther’ fears: Mitt Romney says the Obama administration resembles foreign governments, and a chief surrogate for the GOP candidate says the president needs to ‘learn how to be an American.’”…
Tim Graham
July 18th, 2012 1:59 PM

NBC: Romney Campaign 'Right Back Where it Started...On the Defensive

Despite Mitt Romney clearly going on the offensive by seizing on President Obama's gaffe that business owners "didn't build" their businesses, on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Peter Alexander dismissed it as a futile effort: "...the Romney campaign right back where it started the day...on the defensive." Early in the report, Alexander did his best to downplay Obama's comment that…
Kyle Drennen
July 18th, 2012 1:31 PM