Daily Kos Week in Review: Left-Wing Summer School

If Daily Kos were an online university, and you were taking a course called Fundamentals of the Republican Party, you would have learned this week that while bedrock GOP beliefs are incompatible with Christ's teachings, they're quite similar to Hitlerian ideology.   As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.
Tom Johnson
July 27th, 2012 11:24 PM

CNN Money's Censky Understands But Understates White House Economic Fo

Give credit to CNN Money's Annalyn Chensky for intuitively recognizing the ridiculousness of the economic projections included in the White House's Mid-Session Review released today. That especially goes for the assumption that full-year economic growth in 2012, with the first and second quarters coming in at an annualized 2.0% and 1.5%, respectively (the latter subject to revisions which…
Tom Blumer
July 27th, 2012 11:15 PM

WashPost Plays Up How 'Britons Chafe' At Romney (Accurately) Describin

Just like the networks, The Washington Post aggressively presented Mitt Romney's Olympics remarks as an embarrassment that ruined the "easy day" of his foreign trip. Reporter Philip Rucker raised the bar high, suggesting Romney was no match for Candidate Obama: "For any candidate on a foreign trip, the margin for error is small, with every misstep magnified, fairly or not — especially so for…
Tim Graham
July 27th, 2012 10:47 PM

ABC Spikes ‘Dismal’ 1.5% 2nd Quarter GDP, Instead Touts ‘Giant R

CBS and NBC on Friday night aired full stories on the very weak 1.5 percent second quarter GDP rate, down from an anemic two percent in the first quarter, yet – incredibly – ABC’s World News, which had time to champion how First Lady Michelle Obama brought her “Let’s Move” campaign to London where she “indulged in some Olympic daydreaming,” didn’t consider newsworthy the bad news for President…
Brent Baker
July 27th, 2012 10:04 PM

CNN Email Alert: 'GDP Report Tops Forecasts' (By One-Tenth of a Point

Today's report on the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) during the second quarter didn't impress anyone -- except, apparently those who send out email alerts to CNN Money subscribers. For several years, it has seemed like the primary goal of these alerts has been to create the illusion of pervasive prosperity when the economic news is even remotely tolerable, and to ignore or downplay…
Tom Blumer
July 27th, 2012 9:23 PM

Coulter Column: For Crazed Gunmen There's No Greater Punishment Than O

I feel awful about what happened in Colorado, but can we stop the hugging and the teddy bears? Just as society can become inured to violence, it can also become inured to sentiment. There is nothing so hackneyed in the world of photojournalism as pictures of the hugging and the shrines with candles and teddy bears after a tragedy, with a piano softly trilling in the background. This…
Ann Coulter
July 27th, 2012 6:32 PM

Liberal Film Critics Rail Against 'Fascistic' 'Dark Knight Rises' That

Liberal film critics across the country have blasted the conservative themes in the Dark Knight Rises, even as they praise the movie's quality. Andrew O'Heir, in his review for Salon.com, hyperbolically warned that the Batman franchise ended with "a gloomy, magnificent (and fascistic) spectacle." The article's headline described it as director "Christopher Nolan's evil masterpiece." The…
Scott Whitlock
July 27th, 2012 2:33 PM

'You Didn't Build That!' Edition of Media Mash

The media are desperately at work spinning Barack Obama's "you didn't build that" comment because it was a "complete rejection of the free enterprise system" by the president, reveal the "soul" of the administration's approach to the economy, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity during last night's "Media Mash" segment. "It's so huge that ABC, NBC, and CBS…
NB Staff
July 27th, 2012 1:30 PM

Newsweek Magazine, Which Mocked Obama's 'Dumb' Critics, to Cease Publi

According to an announcement on Wednesday, Newsweek magazine will "likely" go digital and switch to an online presence. Despite hemorrhaging money for years, the publication has been a steady voice of liberalism, both in the magazine and when contributors and editors appeared on  television. On June 9, 2009, managing editor Evan Thomas famously told Hardball anchor Chris Matthews: "[Barack]…
Scott Whitlock
July 27th, 2012 12:30 PM

Liberal Papers Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times Slam Their Mayors for B

While many liberals cheer the harsh words that Democratic Mayors Thomas Menino (Boston) and Rahm Emanuel (Chicago) have had for the Chick-fil-A fast-food chain as a result of its conservative, pro-traditional marriage president, editorial boards at liberal newspapers in those two cities have come out with strong criticisms for the anti-conservative bullying. "[W]hich part of the First…
Ken Shepherd
July 27th, 2012 11:45 AM

Networks That Hyped 'Fiasco' at the Olympics Now Mock 'Mitt the Twit

The same networks that hyped a "humiliating" "fiasco" leading up to the 2012 Olympic games have now turned around and mocked Republican "Mitt the Twit" Romney for pointing out the same thing. NBC's Today, ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning all played up comments by the presidential candidate questioning "disconcerting" problems leading up to Friday's opening ceremonies (the same…
Scott Whitlock
July 27th, 2012 11:15 AM

Open Thread: Presidential Debates Set

There will be three presidential debates later this fall and one vice-presidential debate. How important do you think they'll be? Schedule is below the fold:
Matthew Sheffield
July 27th, 2012 10:47 AM

NBC's Lauer to Romney: 'Are You Proud of the Campaign You're Running s

In a live interview with Mitt and Ann Romney on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the "very negative" presidential race and wondered: "Are you proud of the campaign you're running so far? Is this the campaign you'd like to run?" Romney responded: "I'm very proud of the fact that my campaign is focused on the economy. It's focused on my vision for what I do to get more jobs…
Kyle Drennen
July 27th, 2012 10:13 AM

ABC, NBC Mostly Ignore Fracking; CBS Airs 6 Times More Negative Storie

Contaminated water, health problems, and now … earthquakes? Fracking, a way to get natural gas out of layers deep within the earth, has been blamed for it all and the liberal news media have been consistently against the method, rarely showing supporters or mentioning any upside of the process. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is a technique used to get natural gas out…
Liz Thatcher
July 27th, 2012 9:24 AM