Why Does This Reporter Hate Journalism, Now That Biden Is the Subject?

Fox News media reporter Joe Wulfsohn exposed how April Ryan -- CNN political analyst and White House reporter for American Urban Radio Networks -- thinks journalism isn't something that should be applied to Democrats. 

Tim Graham
December 14th, 2020 7:27 AM

MSNBC: You Know What We Need? More Andrew Cuomo Leadership!

On Monday’s MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle, host Stephanie Ruhle brought on director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity and a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Lisa Cooper to spout leftist talking points about healthcare and the U.S.’s COVID response. 

Duncan Schroeder
December 14th, 2020 7:15 AM

Bryan Cranston’s ‘Your Honor’ Is 'Tackling White Privilege'

Following his iconic role as Walter White in Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston has returned to television to produce and star in Showtime’s Your Honor. From the start, the miniseries was quite melodramatic, but by December 13’s episode “Part Two,” it’s clear show sees itself as having a role in addressing the treatment of minorities and the poor. 

Rebecca Downs
December 14th, 2020 1:27 AM

'NCIS: New Orleans' Ignores Real Threat to Young Black Lives

It's no secret how a majority of shows are toeing the Black Lives Matter line this season. Even worse, most police shows are following suit by insulting their own profession. CBS’s NCIS: New Orleans joins the ever-growing list by featuring a teen protester for BLM with the slogan signs to prove it.

Lindsay Kornick
December 13th, 2020 11:56 PM

Family Guy Mocks Transgenderism with Gender-Bending Nativity Set

In the past, Fox's Family Guy has had Christmas episodes that were offensive or sacrilegious. Previous holiday episodes have mocked Jesus or perverted Christmas traditions. This year, however, Family Guy decided to make a funny Christmas episode that took an amusing dig at contemporary gender ideology.

Elise Ehrhard
December 13th, 2020 10:53 PM

CNN's Tapper Declares World Needs Biden to Push Climate Agenda

As global warming activist and former Democratic Vice President Al Gore appeared as guest on Sunday''s State of the Union, CNN host Jake Tapper declared that President-elect Joe Biden's leadership is needed in fighting climate change, and cued up his liberal guest to call for action on the issue from Biden in his first 100 days.

Brad Wilmouth
December 13th, 2020 7:25 PM

MSNBC's Deutsch: Trump Supporters May 'Really Suck as Human Beings'

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Deadline: White House, MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch declared that many Donald Trump supporters may be "jerks" who "really suck as human beings" because they oppose some of the restrictions aimed at restraining the coronavirus pandemic.

Brad Wilmouth
December 13th, 2020 5:31 PM

Fox Calls Out Media for Suppressing Hunter Biden Scandal

On Fox & Friends Saturday, the show devoted a segment to the liberal media ignoring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's son, Hunter and his questionable business dealings that are currently under federal investigation.

Brad Wilmouth
December 13th, 2020 4:52 PM

NY Times Takes Real Mature Look at Pro-Life Protests: ‘Eenie Weenies'

The New York Times celebrated the vulgar but the oh-so-young-and-hip social media mockery of pro-life protesters on the front of the Thursday Styles section in “Abortion Rights Activists Take a Youthful Turn,” by Jessica Grose: "In a TikTok filmed in August outside of a women’s health center in Charlotte, N.C., the uncensored version of the mid-1990s novelty rap song “Short, Short Man…

Clay Waters
December 13th, 2020 2:17 PM

ABC Hacks: GOP Is Party of 'Autocracy,' Hunter Did Nothing Wrong

ABC’s This Week was on a roll Sunday during their so-called “Powerhouse Roundtable” as they showed off just how much of a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party they are. Between news analyst Matthew Dowd suggesting the Republican Party was “team autocracy” and fill-in host Martha Raddatz claiming there was no evidence of wrongdoing from Hunter Biden, the panel discussion was…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 13th, 2020 1:20 PM

ABC and NBC Blame Trump Supporters for Antifa/BLM Violence in D.C.

After taking part in peaceful protests in Washington, D.C. Saturday, supporters of President Trump were attacked by Antifa terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists in pockets around the city. Some Trump supporters defended themselves. But come Sunday morning, the media were out in force, claiming the MAGA marchers were the ones responsible for the violence against so-called “anti-Trump…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 13th, 2020 10:40 AM

WashPost TV Critic Proclaims Democrat Convention Was BEST TV of 2020!

If you ever hear a liberal tell you that liberals praise liberal TV shows simply because they are artistic and compelling, and not just because they're liberal, you can now rebut them with Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever, who mysteriously placed this year's virtual Democrat convention on his top-ten Best of TV list for 2020. He put it at #3, above The Crown at #5 and…

Tim Graham
December 13th, 2020 8:04 AM

On PBS, Scarborough Claims He 'Never' Cared About GOP

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Amanpour & Co. to promote his book about President Harry Truman, MSNBC host and disaffected ex-Republican Joe Scarborough laid it on thick in trying distance himself from his former party and even the conservative movement, claiming that he had not felt good about either in 20 years, and even that he "never" cared about the Republican party.

Brad Wilmouth
December 12th, 2020 11:38 PM

TIME Claims Biden Is 'Literally Decontaminating the White House'

First the Biden-Harris gush arrived in NBC's Time "Person of the Year" special. But it continued in the print edition, in the cover story by Charlotte Alter.

Tim Graham
December 12th, 2020 7:57 PM