Reuters Report Erroneously Claims That 'Most' Prisoners in the U.S. Ar

On Tuesday, Tom Brown at Reuters (HT aka "Republican Party Animals") wrote about the case of Quartavious Davis, a 20 year-old sentenced to life (and then some) after being "convicted of participating in a string of armed robberies in the Miami area in 2010." In the process, Brown, whose column title was inadvertently humorous ("Insight: Florida man sees 'cruel' face of U.S…
Tom Blumer
July 6th, 2012 3:55 PM

Will Media Fact Checkers Find Obama's 'Outspent' Underdog Whoppers In

Neil Munro at The Daily Caller is pointing out that Barack Obama has a truth-telling problem when it comes to being outspent on his previous campaigns. Someone should alert Politifact and its users in the press corps. “I got outspent when I ran [the] first time for Senate,” the president claimed in his campaign speech Thursday in Maumee, Ohio. Munro found "Obama was misleading." Yeah, that's…
Tim Graham
July 6th, 2012 3:33 PM

NYT Editor Gail Collins Vexed by Conservative Texas in New Book; 'Bloo

Erica Greider reviewed on Tuesday the recent conservative-bashing book by New York Times columnist and former editorial page editor Gail Collins, As Texas Goes – How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda. Greider covers the region for the Economist and knows something about Texas history, which puts Collins at a disadvantage. Greider wrote: ...Her book, 'As Texas Goes... ,' pays…
Clay Waters
July 6th, 2012 1:39 PM

Lefty PR Exec Attacks: ‘Exxon Will Make Record Profits Destroying Ou

Tells Oil CEO he could go down in history as ‘man who destroyed the future.’
Liz Thatcher
July 6th, 2012 11:37 AM

Former OMB Director Tells CNBC ‘There’s No Recovery

The June jobs report was “very disappointing” for the Obama administration and to people looking for work, according to CNBC’s John Harwood. The 80,000 job gains was 20,000 short of expectations, and the unemployment rate was unchanged. Moody’s economist Mark Zandi, who has often found a bright side to negative reports, reacted that way again saying there were “silver linings” in the report…
Julia A. Seymour
July 6th, 2012 11:36 AM

Former OMB Director: ‘There’s No Recovery

As jobs report shows only 80,000 jobs added, James Nussle contradicts Obama message.
Julia A. Seymour
July 6th, 2012 11:28 AM

On Hannity, Brent Bozell Says CNN Shouldn't Call Anyone Else 'Sore Los

Guest-hosting on Hannity Thursday night, author Monica Crowley told MRC President Brent Bozell, “You guys do great work at the Media Research Center, pointing all this stuff out.  I do not know how they go on national TV every night with a straight face when one day it’s one thing, and the next day it’s something else.” The “Media Mash” segment focused on the whiplash-inducing shift of the…
NB Staff
July 6th, 2012 11:08 AM

Open Thread: Another Dismal Jobs Number

Today's starter topic: The unemployment rate is continuing to hold steady as the economy seems to be stagnating. Just 80,000 jobs nationwide were created in June. While headlines like this will make it onto conservative blogs, they aren't likely to create a big splash in big media outlets dominated by liberals. As NewsBusters has noted, the media were overwhelmingly negative about an…
Matthew Sheffield
July 6th, 2012 10:39 AM

Scott Walker-Bashing Bill Maher Calls For Public Pension Reform

This will show you what a bloviating hypocrite Bill Maher is. After comparing Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker to the mentally-handicapped banjo player in the film "Deliverance" last month, the vulgar comedian on Thursday called for public pension reform:
Noel Sheppard
July 6th, 2012 9:41 AM

Will Politico Update 'Sobbing Woman Thanks Obama for Health Care Law

Politico ran a story yesterday about a sobbing woman thanking President Obama for ObamaCare.  To read the story you would think the woman, Stephanie Miller, had no ulterior political motive. However, she has been busted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit who has exposed her  as @obamasbestfan which is her twitter handle whose tweets demonstrate not only over the top enthusiasm for Obama but which…
P.J. Gladnick
July 6th, 2012 9:37 AM

Obama, Top Aide Jarrett Reflexively Bash Fox News

President Obama drew “Turn Off Fox News” headlines on the Drudge Report when New York Times reporter Mark Landler noted in a pool report from a bar in Amherst, Ohio, that someone joked he was in a building with Fox on the TV. Drudge also highlighted that top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett blamed Fox News for the impression that’s developed that Team Obama is waging a class war on the wealthy. As…
Tim Graham
July 6th, 2012 7:38 AM

Sigourney Weaver Was a 'Stop The War' Elf In a Treehouse

When Time's Belinda Luscombe asked "Ten Questions" of actress Sigourney Weaver, it became clear they were going to discuss liberal activism as well as her Hillary-clone role on USA's Political Animals miniseries. It started with this: "Which Secretary of State do you think would make the best actor?" Weaver replied: "Probably all of them. I think James Baker is a very interesting character. I…
Tim Graham
July 6th, 2012 6:48 AM

AP Report Claims 'Paychecks Are Barely Keeping Pace With Inflation'; T

The establishment press often pays a price in lost credibility when it ignores important economic reports. The original omission is bad enough, of course. But when subsequent business coverage makes assertions which the ignored reports directly refute, it leaves you wondering why you should even try to believe anything they compose. Such is the case with Martin Crutsinger's report today on…
Tom Blumer
July 6th, 2012 12:04 AM

NPR Celebrates Obama-In-Ohio Day By Ripping GOP Senate Candidate For

As Obama prepared to tour northern Ohio cities by bus on Thursday, NPR's Morning Edition was trying to take apart the Republican challenger to liberal Senator Sherrod Brown. First, correspondent David Welna dismissed 34-year-old GOP state treasurer Josh Mandel as someone "who could easily be mistaken for a teenager." Then he added that "independent" (read: liberal media elite) fact-checkers…
Tim Graham
July 5th, 2012 11:34 PM