NBC's Lauer to Romney: 'Are You Proud of the Campaign You're Running s

In a live interview with Mitt and Ann Romney on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the "very negative" presidential race and wondered: "Are you proud of the campaign you're running so far? Is this the campaign you'd like to run?" Romney responded: "I'm very proud of the fact that my campaign is focused on the economy. It's focused on my vision for what I do to get more jobs…
Kyle Drennen
July 27th, 2012 10:13 AM

ABC, NBC Mostly Ignore Fracking; CBS Airs 6 Times More Negative Storie

Contaminated water, health problems, and now … earthquakes? Fracking, a way to get natural gas out of layers deep within the earth, has been blamed for it all and the liberal news media have been consistently against the method, rarely showing supporters or mentioning any upside of the process. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is a technique used to get natural gas out…
Liz Thatcher
July 27th, 2012 9:24 AM

Media Rush to Attack Gun Rights in Wake of Aurora Shooting

Within hours of the horrible massacre at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater, liberal reporters hijacked the tragedy to advance their anti-gun rights agenda. As they did in the wake of school shootings like Columbine (Back in 2000 the MRC documented, stories advocating gun control outnumbered those in favor of gun rights by a 10 to 1 ratio), the media were quick to heap blame on the NRA and…
Geoffrey Dickens
July 27th, 2012 9:00 AM

New Yorker's Forces of Reason: Moyers, Olbermann, Bloomberg, and Ruper

James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal smells elitism in a blog post by John Cassidy at The New Yorker titled "Is America Crazy? Ten Reasons It Might Be." Cassidy thinks our gun-rights arguments carry an "inner madness." But check out his cast of experts: "When Bill Moyers, Keith Olbermann, Mayor Bloomberg, and Rupert Murdoch are all in favor of something -- in this case, tougher gun laws…
Tim Graham
July 27th, 2012 8:24 AM

Despite Press Corps Guffaws, Yahoo News Claims 'No Political Motive' I

Next time Jay Carney goes on vacation, maybe Olivier Knox could fill in for him.  After all, the Yahoo News reporter is willing to defend the Obama spokesman against charges of making politically-inspired comments about the Olympics, even while others in the press corps were literally laughing at Carney's denial. H/t Mike Allen's Politico Playbook. After Mitt Romney had caused a minor…
Mark Finkelstein
July 27th, 2012 6:58 AM

Left's Exception to Tax Hikes on Rich: Hollywood

And when I say "The Left," that of course includes Hollywood, which is overwhelmingly left-wing, overwhelmingly in support of Barack Obama, overwhelmingly supports tax increases for the rich, and constantly casts big business as the villain. But naturally, when it comes to big bad wealthy types and big bad businesses getting tax breaks, the left, including Hollywood, only oppose that for…
John Nolte
July 27th, 2012 6:57 AM

On NPR, Bravo's Andy Cohen Finds It 'Awesome' to Land Disgraced Dan Ra

Disgraced ex-CBS News anchor Dan Rather may have applied a flamethrower to his own reputation with the fake-documents smear of George W. Bush in 2004, but he's still a Famous Person (or Infamous Person if you care about Bush or careful journalism). NPR's Karen Grigsby Bates offered a puffy profile of Bravo executive and talk-show host Andy Cohen, who's plugging a book, on Thursday's Morning…
Tim Graham
July 27th, 2012 6:45 AM

WashPost, L.A. Times Obits Both Dredge Up 'Conservative' Chad Everett

Actor Chad Everett, best known for his role as Dr. Joe Gannon on the CBS drama Medical Center in the 1970s, died of lung cancer at age 75. Oddly, obituary writers in both the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post dragged out an old incident from 1972, when Everett -- identified in both newspaper articles as a "conservative Republican" -- upset feminist Lily Tomlin on the Dick Cavett Show as…
Tim Graham
July 26th, 2012 11:05 PM

Barney Frank: 'Unfortunately, Under American System, You Have These Ch

Liberal fascism, anyone?  Add Barney Frank to the list of Thomas Friedman and Ray LaHood who regret that in the United States, that darn Constitution gets in the way of the enlightened class imposing its will on the rest of us benighted peons. Sparring with Mario Bartiromo on CNBC this afternoon, Dem congressman Frank, expressing frustration at his inability to get through legislation he…
Mark Finkelstein
July 26th, 2012 9:33 PM

The Hill: Apparently Obama Has Nothing To Do With the Current Economic

Poor guy. This darned economy has a mind of its own and isn't cooperating. That's pretty much what you're forced to think in the following cop-out sentence from the Hill in anticipation of tomorrow's report on second-quarter gross domestic product (along with revisions to prior years):
Tom Blumer
July 26th, 2012 9:09 PM

Matthews, Who Once Claimed Someone Will 'Jam a CO2 Pellet' in Rush Lim

Chris Matthews, who once giddily speculated that "at some point, somebody's going to jam a CO2 pellet" into Rush Limbaugh's head that will "explode," on Thursday called for civility in the political discourse. Speaking of the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Matthews lectured, "We need to remember that we don't despise each other, but we do despise, maybe, the arguments that are thrown up…
Scott Whitlock
July 26th, 2012 6:34 PM

NPR Puts Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In 'Context' -- With Think Pr

Like all the other Obama-friendly media, NPR on its evening show All Things Considered devoted time to putting Obama’s “you didn’t build that” outburst “in context.” Co-host Audie Cornish promised, “In a few minutes, we'll listen to exactly what the president said in context.” They offered Obama a 70-second soundbite. But first, Cornish turned to NPR correspondent Scott Horsley, who spent 90…
Tim Graham
July 26th, 2012 5:40 PM

NBC Wonders If Romney Overseas Trip 'A Week Lost' In the Campaign

Talking to special correspondent Tom Brokaw about Mitt Romney's 10-day international tour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie suggested the effort was a mistake: "Is it a smart idea, an opportunity to look presidential? Or is it a week lost when he could be driving that message on the economy?" Brokaw's first reaction was to gush over Barack Obama's 2008 trip abroad: "I…
Kyle Drennen
July 26th, 2012 5:23 PM

CNN Smacks Down CNN's Claim That Romney Is In Hot Water Overseas

CNN hyped Mitt Romney's "rocky start" to his London trip, casting his concern for the security at the London Olympics as a flap. However, British CNN host Piers Morgan shot down that sentiment completely by stating Romney is "absolutely right." "I mean, it's no secret over here that for the last three weeks, the security at the Olympics has been in shambles," sounded Morgan. "Mitt Romney was…
Matt Hadro
July 26th, 2012 5:04 PM