Soros-Funded Propaganda Machine Think Progress Falsely Claims Global W

So eager are the shills at the George Soros-funded far-left website Think Progress to find evidence of global warming that on Thursday they falsely blamed melting street lights in Stillwater, Oklahoma, on the heat. As originally reported by TP's Stephen Lacey:
Noel Sheppard
August 2nd, 2012 6:11 PM

CNN Slobbers Over 'Star' DNC Keynote Speaker

In a pathetic display of adulation for a Democratic "star," CNN aired a total puff piece about the keynote speaker for the upcoming Democratic National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro. Correspondent Rafael Romo's report dripped with praise for the "very successful" Castro. Romo hailed Castro as a "very successful mayor" and a "young charismatic Latino leader" who is "media savvy…
Matt Hadro
August 2nd, 2012 5:20 PM

Media Combine Attacks on Chick-fil-A with Food Police Advocacy

The recent manufactured controversy over Chick-fil-A has allowed media figures on the left to combine two of their favorite pastimes: serving as self-appointed food police and attacking supporters of traditional marriage. Television commentators and print writers have taken the recent furor over Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance on gay marriage to complain about the unhealthy quality of Chick-…
Paul Wilson
August 2nd, 2012 5:00 PM

Press Whines About Limited Access to Romney During International Tour

Now that Mitt Romney's high-profile trip to three key U.S. allies has ended, members of the press corps that followed the former Massachusetts governor during the journey are complaining that they had very little access to the GOP presidential candidate and “didn't come all the way here to handle photo ops.” “Over seven days in the U.K., Israel and Poland, Romney held just one media…
Randy Hall
August 2nd, 2012 4:59 PM

MRCTV Films at Chick-fil-A: Crowds In Favor of Free Speech, Against Me

Yesterday’s “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” was huge across the country. MRCTV’s Dan Joseph and crew  traveled to several Chick-fil-A locations around the DC area to interview some of the many Americans who came to support traditional marriage and freedom of speech. “It’s a shame we can’t say what we think these days,” protested one woman. Another added, “We’re protesting, you know,  the…
Tim Graham
August 2nd, 2012 4:58 PM

Rumsfeld: People Should 'Penalize Media Outlets That Have a Strong Bia

Donald Rumsfeld said Thursday that Americans should and do penalize media outlets that have a strong bias. Speaking with Steve Malzberg via Spreecast, the former Secretary of Defense added, "They stop buying those newspapers, or they change their channel and go to a channel that they think is somewhat more balanced" (video follows with transcript and commentary, relevant section begins at…
Noel Sheppard
August 2nd, 2012 4:39 PM

NBC: Gore Vidal 'Unquestionably Brilliant'; William F. Buckley 'Paid D

In a glowing tribute to radical left-wing commentator Gore Vidal on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams could barely contain his adoration for the "prolific writer" who was "unquestionably brilliant." Williams further gushed that Vidal, "got his larger wish in life, to be remembered as both a polemicist and a man of letters. One of the most active and agile minds of his…
Kyle Drennen
August 2nd, 2012 4:28 PM

CBS, NBC Skip First Amendment Angle of Chick-Fil-A Day, Highlight Coun

The CBS and NBC morning shows on Thursday both highlighted a massive show of support for Chick-fil-A, but failed to explain one of the underlying reasons for the protest: An expression of solidarity by many Americans for free speech against government bullying. While ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored the sizable effort that saw long lines at Chick-fil-As around the country, CBS…
Scott Whitlock
August 2nd, 2012 3:45 PM

CBS Yawns as ObamaCare Mandate Goes Into Effect; ABC Trumpets 'Importa

On its Wednesday evening and Thursday morning newscasts, CBS didn't file one report or news brief on the controversial federal abortifacient/contraception mandate going into effect. Even worse, the only mention of religious liberty scandal over the regulation was CBS This Morning playing a clip of liberal comedian Stephen Colbert making fun of it. ABC's Diane Sawyer heralded the mandate…
Matthew Balan
August 2nd, 2012 3:22 PM

CNN Panel Whacks 'Out of Touch' Romney for Horse In Olympics

In a move out of the liberal playbook, CNN hammered Mitt Romney on Thursday for appearing out of touch because his horse is competing in the "elitist" Olympic event of dressage. "He's back here in the United States, preparing to pick a vice president, and possibly trying to avoid charges that a sport involving horse ballet might not make him the most relatable candidate for the average voter…
Matt Hadro
August 2nd, 2012 12:04 PM

Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's Internation

Mitt Romney's week-long international trip resulted in unrelentingly negative coverage from the big three broadcast networks, a stark change from the glowing press awarded to then-candidate Barack Obama's world tour in 2008. While Obama was treated like a rock star (from the Associated Press: "It's not only Obama's youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen hearts across the Atlantic...."),…
Scott Whitlock
August 2nd, 2012 11:42 AM

So Much for 'Tea Party Losing Steam In

The victory of Ted Cruz in Texas should quell any apprehension pundits might have about the Tea Party’s life span.  It’s not on life support. However, the Old Media feels that the Tea Party is running out of gas, It’s the only explanation for this grossly presumptuous piece by Elizabeth Hartfield. The title? "Tea Party Candidates Losing Steam in 2012." This wouldn’t be the first time ABC…
Matt Vespa
August 2nd, 2012 11:29 AM

CBS Evening News Ignores Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day

On Aug. 1, CBS Evening News ignored the massive crowds that turned out that day at Chick-Fil-A restaurants around the nation in support of traditional marriage, free speech, or simply tasty fast food. ABC and NBC, by contrast, covered “Chick-Fil-AAppreciation Day” with full and surprisingly respectful reports on their evening newscasts. The August 1 episode of CBS Evening News completely…
Paul Wilson
August 2nd, 2012 11:16 AM

Jon Stewart Slams Reid for Attacking Romney at 'The Sideboob Gazette

Harry Reid (D-Nev.) made news earlier this week by offering unsubstantiated and unattributed claims about presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to the Huffington Post. On Wednesday, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart tore into Reid saying, "You are the Senate Majority Leader. You can’t just run to the Sideboob Gazette with ridiculous speculations" (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
August 2nd, 2012 10:57 AM