ABC, NBC Ignore Obama's 'Romney Hood' Barb; Play Up 'Security Scare

On Tuesday, ABC and NBC's morning shows omitted covering President Obama Monday night attack on Mitt Romney at a fundraiser in Connecticut, that the GOP presidential candidate is "like Robin Hood in reverse. It's Romney Hood." However, Good Morning America and Today both reported on the "security scare" for the President, after two small planes flew into restricted airspace. The same day,…
Matthew Balan
August 7th, 2012 5:58 PM

CNN Uses Sikh Shooting to Tackle Islamophobia -- Despite No Evidence L

Despite admitting no direct evidence of Islamophobia behind the recent Wisconsin Sikh shooting, CNN's Carol Costello still tried to connect Islamophobia to the shooting and hype it as a national problem that needs to be discussed. "No one knows why Wade Page allegedly chose the Oak Creek Sikh Temple," she began before adding "maybe" the shooter mistook the Sikhs for Muslims. Then she took…
Matt Hadro
August 7th, 2012 5:32 PM

Brent Bozell: If a Story Doesn't Help Obama, the Media Won't Cover It

Ginni Thomas of The Daily Caller sat down last week with L. Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center, to discuss a wide variety of issues ranging from media bias to the future of the conservative movement. Bozell asserted that the most under-reported story this year will be the degree in which the media will not report news. He explained, "There is a narrative that is…
Matt Vespa
August 7th, 2012 5:12 PM

CNN Continues Its Gay Agenda By Bringing on Former Eagle Scout To Tras

CNN is known for being an activist network on the subject of gay rights, so it comes as no surprise that their newest target is the Boy Scouts of America.  As Newsbusters’ Matthew Philbin recently pointed out, CNN has close ties to GLAAD (Gays and Lesbians Allied Against Defamation) which might explain its decision to attack any organization that does not support its gay agenda. The Boy…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 7th, 2012 5:03 PM

LA Times Touts Reid's Lies as Winning Issue

Politifact has set Harry Reid's pants on fire with the lie that Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years.  Even the Washington Post called out Reid's paranoid rants about Romney, labeling his statements as baseless drivel. However, the L.A. Times seems to think this whole sordid episode is scoring points for Obama. In an obnoxious piece by James Rainey published today, the columnist wrote that "…
Matt Vespa
August 7th, 2012 4:59 PM

CNN Keeps Supporting Gun Control Advocates After Wisconsin Shooting

After forcing gun control into headlines only hours after the July 20 Aurora massacre, CNN gave a voice to anti-gun advocates on Monday and Tuesday in the wake of Sunday's Wisconsin shooting. The network hosted three guests who pushed for gun control on-air, and correspondent Dan Lothian highlighted prominent gun control advocates like Mayor Bloomberg in his Tuesday morning report.
Matt Hadro
August 7th, 2012 4:08 PM

Bernie Goldberg: Journalists Are Obama's 'Most Loyal Base

Bill O'Reilly and commentator Bernard Goldberg on Monday night touted a new Media Research Center study that found 86 percent of stories on Mitt Romney's international trip emphasized "diplomatic blunders." Goldberg derided the soft coverage Barack Obama receives, asserting, "...Journalists are Barack Obama's most loyal base. They will not abandon him." [See video below.] He added that…
NB Staff
August 7th, 2012 3:35 PM

New NYT 'Agenda' Section, Same Old Bias: John Broder Bashes 'Simplisti

New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane on July 29 introduced The Agenda, a special online campaign section that promises to put the "big issues" on the table and "outline potential solutions." Brisbane hoped the special online section would "elevate debate" on substantive issues, but so far it's functioning as an excuse for reporters to call for liberal solutions to imagined problems like…
Clay Waters
August 7th, 2012 3:11 PM

AP's Ohlemacher Pretends That Social Security Has 'Funds,' When All It

The modern equivalent of a broken record, which used to be a common saying about someone who says the same thing over and over, is the "infinite loop" -- "a sequence of instructions in a computer program which loops (i.e., repeats) endlessly." On Social Security, the establishment press has played a false infinite loop for decades, namely that its "trust fund" contains lots of real assets.…
Tom Blumer
August 7th, 2012 2:44 PM

Chick-fil-A Coverage Exposes Media's Anti-Christian Bias, Double Stand

More than 20 conservative leaders joined Media Research Center president Brent Bozell in raising their voices in support of religious freedom and our Constitutionally protected right to free speech as part of the Coalition Against Religious Bigotry (CARB). The leaders said the controversy over Chick-fil-A exposed the rampant anti-Christian bias and First Amendment double standard…
NB Staff
August 7th, 2012 2:24 PM

Dirty Cartoons: Viewer Discretion Advised

If the recent past and present are any kind of guide, there won’t be much of anything in TV comedy for principled adults to look forward to. Each season sees a little more depravity and immaturity, to the point where juvenile sex humor is almost ubiquitous. Comedy Central is prepping a new animated series for release this fall. Titled “Brickleberry”, it appears to have one purpose in mind --…
Ryan Robertson
August 7th, 2012 2:15 PM

Time Columnist Compares Chick-fil-A to South African Apartheid

In the August 13 edition of Time magazine, "humor" columnist Joel Stein compared eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich to rock musicians playing at Sun City in South Africa during the apartheid era of racial segregation. "As a guy who is very pro-gay rights, I desperately wished  I'd eaten that chicken sandwich before it became symbolic," he wrote.
Tim Graham
August 7th, 2012 2:14 PM

'Brickleberry' to Explore New Wilds of TV Tastlessness

Got an animated show, but you're tired of boring sex jokes? Try boring sex jokles with woodland creatures!
Ryan Robertson
August 7th, 2012 1:32 PM

There He Goes Again: Brian Ross Highlights Shooter's Neo-Nazi Links as

ABC journalist Brian Ross, who on July 20 smeared the Tea Party as connected to a mass killing in Colorado, on Tuesday described the racist views of another shooter and his connection to Nazi, "right-wing" groups. After explaining Wade Page's links to violent, bigoted groups, Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos wondered how this murderer could have purchased a gun, Ross…
Scott Whitlock
August 7th, 2012 12:25 PM