Chris Matthews Disgustingly Claims New Romney Ad Contains Racial Codes

Everyone knows that politics can be an ugly business, but MSNBC’s Chris Matthews sunk to a new long on his Hardball program Tuesday night.  Matthews’ outrage came from an ad put out by the Romney campaign suggesting that President Obama, "announced a plan to gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements," which, his administration most certainly did. Since there's nothing factually…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 8th, 2012 11:14 AM

Open Thread

Discuss the news of the day or whatever else suits your fancy...
NB Staff
August 8th, 2012 11:10 AM

Five Days Late, NBC Finally Covers Reid's Baseless Romney Charge; Igno

It took NBC News nearly a week to mention Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's sleazy and unfounded charge that Mitt Romney failed to pay taxes, with chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd declaring on Nightly News Tuesday: "Reid has just as doggedly refused to divulge his source or back up his claim with documentation. And the White House has stood aside, letting the poisoned atmosphere…
Kyle Drennen
August 8th, 2012 10:49 AM

Gibbs Refuses To Criticize Romney-Responsible-For-Woman's-Death Ad

In one of the more loathsome displays of this election season, Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs, appearing on today's Morning Joe, refused to criticize an ad from an Obama-endorsed Super PAC that accuses Mitt Romney of being responsible for a woman's death from cancer. The former Obama press secretary used every tired dodge in the book to evade criticizing the commercial.  Gibbs variously…
Mark Finkelstein
August 8th, 2012 10:47 AM

New Special Report on Shameless Network Avoidance of Obama Scandals

Today the Media Research Center is releasing a new Special Report entitled "The Media's Obama Miracle: How Journalists Pretend There Aren't Any White House Scandals." It reveals just how dramatically the networks have avoided Fast and Furious, Solyndra, and other Obama scandals. On October 27, 2011, former Newsweek senior editor Jonathan Alter wrote a column for Bloomberg News headlined “…
Tim Graham
August 8th, 2012 9:00 AM

Joan Rivers Kicked Out of Costco, Compares Store to Nazi Germany

Can we talk? Although it clearly was a publicity stunt, comedienne Joan Rivers on Tuesday was thrown out of a Costco in Burbank, California, in the midst of a protest against the store which she compared to Nazi Germany for refusing to sell her new book "I Hate Everything… Starting With Me" (videos follow with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 8th, 2012 8:59 AM

NYTimes Provides More Space for Controversial Comedian Bill Maher, Thi

The New York Times handed over more real estate to controversial left-wing comedian Bill Maher, this time in the Sunday Book Review section, where Maher praised a book in support of legalizing marijuana in a review and in the front section of the Book Review, where Maher lamented: "The drug war, just like the war on terror, created jobs and budgets, and the beneficiaries don’t want to give them…
Clay Waters
August 8th, 2012 8:53 AM

CNN Takes Apart Obama Super-PAC Ad Blaming Romney for Woman's Cancer D

On CNN’s The Situation Room on Tuesday, White House reporter Brianna Keilar took apart what Wolf Blitzer called “the attack ad many see as over the top blaming Mitt Romney for a woman's death from cancer.” It’s an ad from Priorities USA, the super PAC operated by former White House spokesman Bill Burton. Then, in the next hour, Blitzer repeatedly pressed current Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki…
Tim Graham
August 8th, 2012 7:25 AM

Hillary Clinton Boogies Down in South Africa

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended a gala dinner in Pretoria Tuesday hosted by South Africa's Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. While there, she boogied down with her host as well as South African jazz singer Judith Sephuma (video follows with commentary).
Noel Sheppard
August 8th, 2012 12:12 AM

Let's See How Many in the Press Go After Obama for Misery Inflicted on

Since Mitt Romney is supposedly responsible for the death from cancer of a woman who died in 2006, seven years after the presumptive GOP nominee left Bain Capital, it seems more than fair to talk about what has resulted from the Obama administration's blatant favoritism towards UAW members while shafting former Delphi salaried workers. Tonight, the Associated Press's Adwatch entry by Stephen…
Tom Blumer
August 7th, 2012 11:59 PM

'Occupy Unmasked' Blazing Trail for Conservative Films

The upcoming documentary "Occupy Unmasked" is getting the kind of promotional push too rarely received by right-of-center films. The movie, directed by Steve Bannon and featuring the late Andrew Breitbart, tells the story of the chaotic, destructive Occupy Wall Street movement. The message hardly fits the standard theatrical template, which routinely sides with or sympathizes with the…
Christian Toto
August 7th, 2012 11:32 PM

Bozell Column: The Media Built That For Obama

On August 5, Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post announced he was playing with a “somewhat controversial idea” that Mitt Romney should be the favorite to win the presidential election. Debatable, maybe. But controversial? Well, yes. It violates the pro-Obama mandate of our national press corps. The usual political measures look terrible for Obama, he noted. “The unemployment rate has been…
Brent Bozell
August 7th, 2012 11:11 PM

Piers Morgan Slams Conservative Guest's 'Fatuous Argument' Against Gun

In the aftermath of the Sikh temple shootings, CNN's Piers Morgan this week has resumed his crusade for more gun control in America, although, on the bright side, on Tuesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, he hosted a more evenly balanced debate in which he and fellow liberal gun control advocate Alan Dershowtiz teamed up against two conservative opponents of gun control.
Brad Wilmouth
August 7th, 2012 10:27 PM

Kathleen Turner, Red-Hot Hypocrite on Showing Up to Meet the Oppositio

In the "Yeas and Nays" column of Tuesday's Washington Examiner, reporter Nikki Schwab found Kathleen Turner insisted it would be a "real shame" if Republicans didn't come to Washington's Arena Stage and see her in "Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins." It would be a sad "reflection of our nation's mentality" if they wouldn't attend because it doesn't represent their point of view…
Tim Graham
August 7th, 2012 9:32 PM