Salon's Joan Walsh Equates Matt Drudge's Site to White Supremacist Pag

Good liberals like writer Joan Walsh don't believe in racial profiling. But political profiling, well, that's a different story. In her August 8 article, "Spotting white supremacists," Walsh used the recent horrendous Sikh temple shooting as an occasion to dust off a widely-maligned 2009 Department of Homeland Security report that suggested that domestic terrorist incidents were…
Kelly McGarey
August 9th, 2012 11:44 AM

Open Thread: Happy Birthday, NewsBusters

Seven years ago today we launched NewsBusters! Thanks for reading us and helping spread the good word. We couldn't have done it without you! And speaking of birthdays, NB's parent organization, the Media Research Center, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. You can join us for the celebration by clicking here. Please use this as today's open thread as well.
Matthew Sheffield
August 9th, 2012 11:05 AM

Study: In Social Psychology, Left-Wing Agenda is King

Those tolerant liberals! It’s not news that in the arts and the soft sciences academia is intractably left-wing. It is noteworthy to see the bias categorized and quantified. The journal Perspectives on Psychological Science has published an article by researchers Yoel Inbar and Joel Lammers, psychology professors at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. It’s based on their study showing the…
Ryan Robertson
August 9th, 2012 10:49 AM

On NBC's 'Today,' BBC's Katty Kay Laments American Desire for Limited

During a report about "why we love the British" on Thursday's NBC Today, special correspondent Tom Brokaw declared: "In one of our election years, the British watch America with a sense of bewilderment." Left-wing BBC anchor Katty Kay sniffed: "When we talk about God, guns, and government, those are the three big things we don't understand." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the…
Kyle Drennen
August 9th, 2012 10:35 AM

NYT's Trip Gabriel Rides to Defense of Obama on Relaxing Welfare Rules

Riding to the defense of the Obama administration, New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel questionably termed allegations by conservatives that Obama had weakened federal welfare policy "a stretch" in a Wednesday news story, "Romney Presses Obama On Work in Welfare Law." But scholars from the Heritage Foundation disagree and rebut the main point in defense raised by the Times. "[Health and…
Clay Waters
August 9th, 2012 9:35 AM

NBC Hypes July as ‘Hottest Month Ever’ – Doesn’t Bother to Men

“On our broadcast tonight,” Brian Williams teased his lead story Wednesday night, “extreme heat, but more than that: the official confirmation that came today that it has never been this hot in America.” Citing a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report which pegged the average July temperature in the lower 48 at 77.6 degrees fahrenheit, Williams proceeded to hyperventilate over…
Brent Baker
August 9th, 2012 9:07 AM

Maria Conchita Alonso: Obama Reelection Moves U.S. Towards Becoming Ch

As NewsBusters has reported over the years, Venezuelan actress Maria Conchita Alonso is no fan of her native country's current despotic ruler Hugo Chavez. During a Spreecast interview with Steve Malzberg Wednesday, Alonso said that if Barack Obama wins reelection in November, America would be making a step towards becoming like Chavez's Venezuela "in the near future" (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
August 9th, 2012 8:53 AM

NPR Touts 'Marquee' Harry Reid Boxing Against Romney's Vulnerability o

At the same time that NPR was offended enough to go “truth squadding” on Romney’s advertisements attacking Obama's weakness on welfare, NPR’s Don Gonyea reported on Harry Reid’s unsubstantiated charges of Romney tax evasion by leaving the clear impression that Reid is effectively punching away at a Romney “vulnerability” and sees nothing to lose. He certainly can’t seem to lose with NPR. On…
Tim Graham
August 9th, 2012 8:39 AM

'Arab Spring' Update: Muslim Brotherhood Accused of Attempting to Cont

Let's see if this story gets any meaningful attention in the U.S., or if the Associated Press expands the brief unbylined item currently seen at its national site. I wouldn't bet on it -- and even if that occurs, I don't expect the U.S. establishment press to give what is contained therein much notice. The AP's four-paragraph blurb tells us that independent columnists in Egypt are alarmed at…
Tom Blumer
August 9th, 2012 8:08 AM

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Politico's Burns

Rush Limbaugh was ahead of the crowd on Tuesday in condemning the Obama super PAC Priorities USA and their ad featuring Joe Soptic saying his wife died of cancer due to Mitt Romney and Romney didn't care. Limbaugh read from a fresh report by  Politico's Alex Burns, who quickly determined  this was "a cancer fatality that happened near the end of Romney’s tenure as governor of Massachusetts."…
Tim Graham
August 9th, 2012 7:17 AM

NBC's Mitchell Describes Push for Free Birth Control as 'Contraception

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, as correspondent Andrea Mitchell filed a report recounting that President Obama is running ahead of Mitt Romney with female voters, Mitchell referred to liberal birth control activist Sandra Fluke's political activities as a push for "contraception rights" rather than more accurately relaying her desire to force health insurance to pay for birth control pills…
Brad Wilmouth
August 9th, 2012 1:32 AM

AP's Wiseman Claims Year-Ago S&P Downgrade Has Seen a 'Decisive Repudi

A year ago, Standard & Poor's cut its rating of U.S. government debt from AAA to AA+. Very early Monday morning, in what read more like an Obama administration press release than a wire service news report, Paul Wiseman at the Associated Press claimed that subsequent events and other agencies' decisions not to deliver similar downgrades represent a "decisive repudiation" of S&P's call…
Tom Blumer
August 8th, 2012 11:22 PM

David Shuster: Romney Must Have Autism, and Must Kill His Wife's Horse

Anyone looking for how low this campaign rhetoric can go should just tune in to Current TV. Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer found that on the Stephanie Miller radio show (or Talking Liberally on Current TV), former MSNBC host David Shuster suggested Mitt Romney is so "socially inept" that he probably has some form of autism or Asperger's syndrome. Shuster also suggested that since Ann Romney…
Tim Graham
August 8th, 2012 10:54 PM

Obama Guts Welfare Reform, But CNN Wields Liberal Talking Points to Sa

CNN relied on liberal analysis and Democratic talking points to dismantle a new Romney campaign claim about Obama gutting welfare reform. On Wednesday morning the network twice cited PolitiFact calling Romney's new ad "Pants on Fire" and quoted former President Clinton calling it false. As NewsBusters reported, the July HHS directive does away with work requirements for welfare recipients,…
Matt Hadro
August 8th, 2012 7:04 PM