Small Business Owner Upset Her Deli Featured In Obama Ad; Will Media R

A small business owner in a crucial swing state has found herself losing business from loyal customers due to her ad being featured in a Mitt Romney campaign ad. It seems her customers believe she is a Romney backer, but in fact she prefers to keep politics out of her business. And so this business owner demanded that the Romney camp either pull the ad or blur her deli's name from the frames…
Ken Shepherd
August 9th, 2012 6:00 PM

Morning Newscasts Still Skipping Obama Supporters' Cancer Death Ad

On Thursday morning, the Big Three continued their complete blackout on the controversy surrounding a pro-Obama super PAC's new ad that points the finger at Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today minimized their political coverage. Even worse, CBS This Morning had former DNC head Ed Rendell on, but instead bringing up the hot topic, they discussed the…
Matthew Balan
August 9th, 2012 5:34 PM

Non-Partisan? CNN Uses Dem Talking Point to 'Fact-Check' Romney Ad

For a network claiming to be non-partisan, CNN was quite partisan on Thursday when it used a Democratic talking point to fact-check a claim made by many conservatives. Anchor Brooke Baldwin focused on a Romney campaign ad claiming, as many conservatives are, that the Obama administration is infringing on religious liberty with its contraception mandate. "One, this article is an opinion piece…
Matt Hadro
August 9th, 2012 5:11 PM

Still Hyping: ABC Now Touts ObamaCare's Banning of 'Discrimination Aga

ABC News is missing no avenue in its promotion of ObamaCare. The liberal network's website trumpeted the news that, under the President's health care law, "it is against the law to discriminate against transgender and LGBT patients in federally funded healthcare programs." Writer Susan Donaldson James offered several sympathetic stories of individuals who, previously, struggled to be receive…
Scott Whitlock
August 9th, 2012 5:04 PM

Bill O'Reilly Predicts Liberal Media Will Give Obama 'About 3% or

At the top of Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, host Bill O'Reilly rightly observed "the American media overwhelmingly favoring Barack Obama over Mitt Romney" and predicted that the slanted news coverage "will give the President about 3% or 4% of the popular vote" in the general election. O'Reilly cited numerous studies over several years that demonstrated the media predisposition that…
Kyle Drennen
August 9th, 2012 4:51 PM

Time's Joel Stein Dreams Up Hard-left Party Platform for Dems

He's compared Chick-fil-A to apartheid-era South Africa, News Corps chief Rupert Murdoch to an Arab dictator, and called Christianity a death cult. So naturally Time magazine humor writer Joel Stein is the perfect person to appoint himself write a "tongue-in-cheek" Democratic Party platform heavy on snark and equally heavy on hard-left positions on fiscal and social issues. Just as well, I…
Ken Shepherd
August 9th, 2012 4:04 PM

HA! D.C. Liberals Fail To Put Corporate Donations Ban on Ballot

The next time a liberal friend of yours tells you the American people believe corporate money in politics is a winning issue for Democrats, you can simply point out that in deep-blue liberal bastion of the District of Columbia that organizers of a petition drive to ban corporate donations fell short of the threshold for getting the issue on November's ballot. That's right, as Mike DeBonis of…
Matt Vespa
August 9th, 2012 3:06 PM

WashPost Buries Damning New Soptic Facts Under 'Democrats Call Joe the

The Washington Post seemed to honor Obama-commercial star Joe Soptic in the news section Thursday. Nia-Malika Henderson’s article was headlined “For anti-Romney ads, Democrats call Joe the Steelworker.” The subhead: "New spot seems to tie his wife's death to plant's closure after Bain took over." Online, the headline was "Forget Joe the Plumber -- Meet Joe the Steelworker." The Post couldn't…
Tim Graham
August 9th, 2012 3:01 PM

Left-Wing NYT Food Writer Bittman Apologizes for Offensive Obit of Chi

New York Times food writer and reporter Mark Bittman issued an apology on his blog on Tuesday for a venemous post on the recent death of Chick-fil-A's vice-president for public relations Donald Perry. In a recent blog post, I used an inappropriate phrase to refer to the late VP of PR for Chick-fil-A. My choice of words did not rise to either my own standards or to The Times’s, and…
Clay Waters
August 9th, 2012 2:43 PM

WashPost Notes Departing Komen CEO's Large Salary, Ignores Planned Par

Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s founder and CEO is stepping down. Nancy Brinker is joined on her fall on the sword by her president and two board members, all denying the Planned Parenthood debacle had anything to do with it. Meanwhile, a Washington Post op-ed on Brinker’s demise, “Nancy Brinker’s Komen shakeup too little and way too late,” had nary a contrary word to say about Planned…
Jill Stanek
August 9th, 2012 2:01 PM

NBC Touts Hillary Clinton Gaining 'Strength' From Mandela While 'Under

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams gushed over a speech Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made on a trip to South Africa: "...she talked about the strength she received from Nelson Mandela back when she was first lady and the Clintons were under daily political attack." Williams read a quote from Clinton: "I was beginning to get pretty hard inside. I was beginning to…
Kyle Drennen
August 9th, 2012 12:35 PM

CNN Hammers Vicious Obama Super PAC Ad That Networks Ignored Entirely

For the second straight day, CNN blew the whistle on a nasty and misleading Obama super PAC ad that ABC, CBS, and NBC entirely ignored as of Wednesday night. CNN hammered the ad, which links Mitt Romney to a woman's death from cancer, each hour from 6 p.m. through 10 p.m. and twice grilled the man responsible for the ad, Bill Burton of Priorities USA. "I think it is deliberately mendacious…
Matt Hadro
August 9th, 2012 12:15 PM

Huffington Post Tries to Connect Governor Romney to Death Squads

What do Mitt Romney and El Salvadoran death squads have in common?  Well if you’re the Huffington Post the answer is a lot.  If you happened to be one of the few people who went to the Huffington Post website on August 8, you probably saw the following provocative and ridiculous headline: “Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital with Money from Families Tied to Death Squads.”  The article asserts…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 9th, 2012 12:14 PM

Networks Continue Blackout on Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad, Tout War on Wo

All three evening newscasts on Wednesday continued to ignore a super PAC ad by top Obama supporters that accuses Mitt Romney of, essentially, killing a woman. At the same time, CBS and NBC amplified the Obama administration's "war on women" talking point, playing up attacks from Sandra Fluke, who previously tangled with Rush Limbaugh over contraception. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] NBC…
Scott Whitlock
August 9th, 2012 11:45 AM