Chris Matthews's Favorite Campaign Ad Is Paul Ryan Murdering Granny

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Monday revealed his favorite campaign ad of 2012: The outrageous commercial that features Congressman Paul Ryan murdering an elderly woman by throwing her off a cliff. Before playing a portion, Matthews enthused, "Let me show you the ad that I have to like the most in this campaign." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Spinning the philosophy of the…
Scott Whitlock
August 13th, 2012 7:02 PM

Sununu Accuses Matthews of Being 'Dumb Enough' to Think Ryan's 'Going

Former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu on Monday had a heated debate with MSNBC's Chris Matthews. Toward the end of the incursion predictably about Paul Ryan's budget, Sununu accused the Hardball host of being "dumb enough" to think Ryan is "going to call the shots" in this matter instead of Mitt Romney who's "at the top of the ticket" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 13th, 2012 6:48 PM

Paul Ryan Fared Better with Republicans Than Biden with Democrats In S

While USA Today and other liberal media outlets today were spinning the snap Gallup poll about Mitt Romney's pick of Paul Ryan in a negative light, data within the poll itself show that Ryan fared better with Republicans than Biden did with Democrats in 2008 in a similar snap Gallup poll in August 2008 just after Obama's announcement of his running mate. From the news release (…
Ken Shepherd
August 13th, 2012 6:40 PM

WaPo's Stuever: 'Stars Earn Stripes' Puffs Jingoistic 'Military-Indust

A new reality TV show featuring C-list celebrities doing military training exercises to compete for charity was denounced as "empty jingoism" and a modern-day spin on "[a]dding a celebrity quotient to the military-industrial complex," kind of like when Bob Hope entertained the troops during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. That's pretty much the reaction of Washington Post TV critic Hank…
Ken Shepherd
August 13th, 2012 5:27 PM

Biden: God! I Love Paul Ryan's Dead Father

Joe Biden apparenlty loves Paul Ryan's dead father. 
Matt Vespa
August 13th, 2012 5:16 PM

CNN Re-Airs Paul Krugman Saying Ryan's Budget Will 'Kill People,' Show

CNN's Gloria Borger dug deep for disgusting liberal smears of Paul Ryan's budget proposals and aired them without any criticism or outrage on Monday. In her report on the new Vice Presidential nominee, she unearthed past footage of liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman saying the Ryan budget would "kill people." That smear was so egregious that it won the Media Research Center's "Grim…
Matt Hadro
August 13th, 2012 5:04 PM

Heavy-Handed AP: 'Steel Mill Polluted Town as Romney Firm Profited

For months, the liberal media have viciously attacked Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital in every way imaginable.  From calling him a job killer (or parroting Obama super PAC claims that the Republican is an actual killer)  to a corporate raider, the left has gone to new lengths to smear Governor Romney’s past, something President Obama never endured during his 2008 campaign for president.…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 13th, 2012 4:31 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: The Clock Is Ticking, America

I sometimes wonder how far some Americans are going to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that the policies Obama is putting in place will actually bring the American economy back to prosperity. I wonder if some people even really care about what we have already done to the generations to follow, what kind of future they will have, burdened with the debt being left to them. I can't…
Charlie Daniels
August 13th, 2012 4:22 PM

Wash Post Columnist: America's 'Olympic Chauvinism' Is 'Mild' Compared

Washington Post columnist Paul Farhi on Saturday offered an obnoxious comparison for the widespread American patriotism on display during the just-ended Olympics: He brought up Hitler. Regarding the quest for gold medals, Farhi connected, "Certainly, America's current Olympic chauvinism (USA! USA!) is mild compared with Adolf Hitler's grotesque perversion of the 1936 Berlin Games or the long…
Scott Whitlock
August 13th, 2012 4:06 PM

Paul Ryan Greeted With 'Conservative' Labels in NYT, Proud Conservativ

Republican Mitt Romney's choice of conservative budget expert Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate brought confessions of his likability and intellect from the New York Times over the weekend, but also labeling slant and concern that Ryan's proposals to reform out-of-control entitlement programs are too radical for voters to stomach. By contrast, Obama's 2008 pick of…
Clay Waters
August 13th, 2012 3:42 PM

RealClearScience Nails Shabby Maddow Spin on Fracking and Earthquakes

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow engaging in "unscientific, selective reporting of the facts" -- no! This is what RealClearScience's Alex Berezow is alleging in response to a Maddow segment last week linking a series of minor earthquakes in Texas to fracking in the Lone Star State. (video after page break)
Jack Coleman
August 13th, 2012 3:10 PM

Shock: NBC's Lauer Uses Obama's Own Words to Knock Down Attacks on Rya

On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually used the President's own past statements about Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to grill deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: "President Obama said this of Paul Ryan, that he was 'absolutely sincere about wanting to reduce the deficit'...gave him 'credit for at least being willing to put out there some very tough…
Kyle Drennen
August 13th, 2012 2:46 PM

Obama Shill? Soledad O'Brien Says Factually-Correct GOP Claim Was 'Deb

What exactly is Soledad O'Brien arguing? On Monday's Starting Point she slapped away a factual statement that President Obama has cut Medicare funding by $700 billion as "debunked" and "very much political spin." "But I have to tell you as I'm sure you know, that 700 million dollar figure has been – billion dollar figure has been debunked by CNN and the Congressional Budget Office," O'Brien…
Matt Hadro
August 13th, 2012 12:52 PM

Bob Schieffer Falsely Claims Ryan Budget 'Really Slashes Into Social P

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Bob Schieffer again forwarded the liberal talking point that GOP vice presidential apparent Paul Ryan's budget plan would drastically cut federal spending. Schieffer claimed, "There's some really tough stuff in there. I mean, he really slashes into social's across the board – in order to try to get this budget back into balance." Ryan's proposal…
Matthew Balan
August 13th, 2012 12:36 PM